Balfron Matters

Monday 21 November 2022

Weekly communication for staff

Dear colleagues,

It is week five of a nine week term and time is moving quickly. It has been super busy with a generally positive feel. A special thanks to Nicola Douglas who drove the Scottish Book Week activities last week (and all term). Our young people of all ages spoke so positively about it - fair to say, an event enjoyed by all!

It has been great to see activities up and running and genuinely being able to see that our young people have the opportunity to find their thing at Balfron. Thanks to each of you for your part in that.

Thanks to Claire and the Head Prefects who drove the anti-bullying activities last week. The assemblies were excellent, striking a positive tone. It is difficult when dealing with such an emotive topic. We all have a role in reinforcing the values and expectations that support our young people and each other. It is important that we continue to address disrespectful and discriminatory behaviours. It is sometimes difficult to get that absolutely right, so I thank you for your professionalism in ensuring that we always do our best.

We have had fantastic news on the debating front. Congratulations to Harry Braid and Jasper Burnside for making it to finals day of the ESU Schools Mace debating competition, after a full day of high-quality debating last Saturday. A brilliant achievement! The boys only found out which side they were speaking on that morning, and after the first debate, they had to compete in two short-prep debates. They only had 30 minutes to each prepare a seven-minute speech plus a reply speech. Harry and Jasper were fantastic and were a credit to the school. Finals day will be held in February in Edinburgh. Massive thanks to Kate Reid for leading this.

We have planned three opportunities to take part in the National Discussion - Monday after school, Tuesday or Wednesday lunchtime. Each is drop-in and voluntary. There are further details below. You are most welcome to join us.

As you know there is industrial action planned for Thursday. I am expecting further information on Monday from Stirling Council and will update you as soon as I can. If you are not striking, please report to work as usual. There will be a sign-in sheet at reception.

Many thanks,


This week at Balfron High:

Mon: Endrick House Assembly


Wed: Lomond Assembly

Thurs: closed to pupils

Fri: CfE - C2 Maths

Insight - what the data tells us...

The SLT met with Lewis Paterson from the Scottish Government Insight Team last week. He brought an objective and focused eye to the last five years of data. An issue that we are aware of is the greater than average (more than the national average on analysis) number of pupils who have withdrawn from courses at all levels. It was particularly high last session. With an increase in mental health concerns post pandemic, this was largely the reason (given) for such a high number of candidates withdrawing.

Our school priority this session is to promote challenge and resilience. I am delighted with the work that the Project Leads are doing to upskill and support pupils, staff and families. I hope that the focus and emphasis will directly influence an improvement in senior phase results this session.

The trends highlight that, as a school, we should focus on converting N5 to Higher pass rates if we are to further improve attainment.

Next steps

  • All course changes must go through the DHT (House) We want to ensure that course change is the last resort following interventions and discussions with all involved.

  • Keep a close eye on and support those pupils who are those S4 doing fewer than 5 N4s and keep them in courses where appropriate. I will share target groups with you shortly.

  • I have booked Lewis to work with PTs pastoral and learning & teaching, in two separate sessions on 22nd March 2023.

Pupil Council Meetings

  • Tuesday 6 December

  • Wednesday 1 February

  • Tuesday 28 February

  • Wednesday 15 March

  • Tuesday 18 April

Last week at Balfron

When people outside your walls know what you are doing, it gives value to those inside.

This week we have pictures of N5 Chemistry, Scottish Book Week, Bake Club, updated notice boards, anti-bullying week, more peer reading at Drymen Primary, colleagues attend research Ed Aberdeen at the weekend, Chris Barnett (boxing), Connor Bell (cross country)

Thanks for the pictures - keep them coming!

CLPL Corner

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Continuing our theme of supporting senior revision, there are new resources this week for using study planners effectively.

Our S4 & S5 will be developing their weekly plans now on a Monday morning in form class time.

Below are a selection of resources linked to the work being done with the seniors. The podcast is a great listen. There is also a quick link to a clip explaining the pomodoro technique, a simple routine of 25 mins on, 5 mins break, which our seniors are being encouraged to try.

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

What is the pomodoro technique?

Retrieval Practice Input

Improving our instruction techniques to increase the challenge

This week's resources challenge us to make more of recall activities by ensuring everyone is accountable for thinking.

Read: Perfect your show me board techniques to squeeze more out of it

Watch: Using cold call during questioning - making sure that everyone is thinking

Professional Learning Opportunities - In house CLPL

Join us for Edublethers, new ideas, old ideas and sharing good practice

Increasing challenge in classrooms that are safe to fail

Strathendrick: Mon 28 Nov 3.45

Online: Tue 29 Nov 7pm

  • How do we increase challenge?

  • How do we ensure our learners can cope with this?

  • Promoting a culture of challenge and error in our classrooms

National Discussion in Education -

The key principles underpinning the national discussion are that:

  • it is inclusive

  • it is in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which states that children and young people should be at the heart of the process.

  • parents and carers are involved and meaningfully engaged in the process as outlined in the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006.

The discussion closes on 5th December, so I am keen that you all have the opportunity to contribute.

The Ten Open Questions:

The padlet below will help provide a vehicle for capturing views. Please do add responses to the questions individually or at a professional discussion meeting. I hope that helps.

If you can, join the discussion with:

  • Elaine in the Strathendrick on Monday at 3.45pm

  • Michelle in the Strathendrick on Tuesday lunchtime (1.15-1.45pm)

  • Phil in the Strathendrick on Wednesday lunchtime (1.15-1.45pm)

BHS Assembly Programme Oct-Dec 22

Here is the link to our school improvement plan. It is a real, working document that will be updated and amended as we go through the session. Thanks to everyone for input. If there is anything that you would like to add or ask, let me know.

Improvement Plan - Balfron High School

Calendar 2022-23

24 November S4/5 Drama practical prelims

S1 Parents Meeting

30 November Course Choice information evening

1 December S4 Retrieval, Recall and Remembering

2 December S5 Retrieval, Recall and Remembering

5 December Rotary Young Musician of the Year

12 December EB, HMIe deployment (all week)

14 December S2 Parents Meeting

14-16 Dec N5 & Higher Music Practical Prelims

16 December Christmas Jumper Day

20 December Christmas Concert

Collegiate Calendar 2022-23

Health & Wellbeing - Counselling for staff

Did you know counselling is available through Stirling Council?

Employee Counselling is available through our Occupational Health provider, People Asset Management (PAM)

There are a few ways employees can request Counselling.

  • Stuart Shaw on

  • Contact

  • Call Ann at PAM on 0800 882 4102

If you want some more information about counselling, what to expect or looking for self-help resources then please pop in and see Karin Figliolini or drop her an email.

Useful Links

BHS SIP & Recovery Plan 202-22.docx