Balfron Matters

25 October 2021

Weekly communication for staff

Dear colleagues,

It certainly was a full-on first week back and judging by the calendar, this week will be full and busy too. Thanks for your input and commitment - it does not go unnoticed. A special thank you to the English Team who hosted Gordon MacKay and I for an Open Doors morning last week. We saw some great practice and were pleased to see that pupils are beginning to work collaboratively again. Young people were focused, hard working and really enjoying English. Here is our morning in a minute English Open Doors

While get get into a more recognisable pattern of working, the Covid mitigations remain in place. Thanks for reminding young people to sanitise hands and desks and to continue to wear face coverings. For those who have not had a chance to read it, here is a link to the latest Education Recovery document from the Scottish Government.

We are learning to live with Covid and inevitably staff have to deal with additional PCR tests, positive results for themselves or family members. Amanda has brought in additional supply to help support the cover required when we can. I anticipate that this is the way it will be for a while and appreciate everyone doing their bit to keep the school running.

PC McNulty joined us to run consent work shops for S6 pupils last week. He will do the same for S5 after his redeployment to COP26. This input was oprganised following a number of seniors raising general concerns around respectful relationships in a range of contexts. Kate Reid and a couple of the Head Prefects have helped me put together a carefully worded survey that I plan to share with senior phase pupils. This will follow a short recorded input from myself that Form Class Leaders will be asked to play. I hope to have this ready by the end of the week. We are taking the opportunity to reinforce the importance of respect in all relationships and are doing some research into how the range of pupils with protected characteristics (race, culture, sexuality, etc) feel that they are treated. I know that you will join me in reinforcing that if anyone is treated disrespectfully, they should report it to a member of staff who will treat it seriously.

Last week six pupils were trained by Education Scotland as 'Leaders of Learning'. They will join pupils from Dunblane and McLaren High Schools in reciprocal visits. The purpose is to share experiences of learning and have an opportunity to visit the other schools. I will share more information with you as the project progresses.

Have a great week.


This week at Balfron High School:

  • Wellbeing week

  • Team Meetings

  • Wellbeing Wednesday nominations

  • Thursday - Active Girls Day

  • Thursday - Open Doors Science

  • Thursday - S2 STEM event

  • Friday - Wellbeing for Boys

It's Wellbeing Week!

Wellbeing week will incorporate the Sport Scotland Active Girls Day on the 28th and a Wellbeing day for boys on the 29th.

There will be various events taking place for pupils and staff with information going out to parents too. Here is a link to the activities activities available for staff and pupil activities

The pupils will be asked to complete google forms to choose their activities, we would really appreciate Form Class Leaders support with this.

I am really grateful to the Expressive Arts team who are pulling together a brilliant offering for the pupils to take place during the wellbeing week at form class time and lunch. Anna will share more detail with you all later in the week.

We hope all teams will promote the theme of wellbeing throughout the week. We will launch the week with a form class activity and there will be input for form class leaders throughout the week. We would ask that you take some time in Form to engage with these with the pupils.

Neil Macquarrie.

Wellbeing Week 2021

How's your digital wellbeing?

Dougie's survey was a bit of a wake up call for me. Here's a reminder of his email:

I am putting together a little lesson for next week's S1 digital literacy classes for wellbeing week (mainly focused on our relationship with devices). Part of the lesson involves a little anonymous survey. To help me get a sense of how user-friendly sharing the survey results with the classes will be, if you have a minute and can be bothered, would you mind giving it a go? You might find it a little thought provoking 🙂

It is anonymous, so don't worry. I won't know how many hours you spend on your phone! I will tweak after I see how the responses look.

Mental Health and Climate Change

You may be interested in our upcoming FREE webinar on Mental Health and Climate Change, details here

The ecological crisis is having a significant impact on our mental health, in particular young people. There is an ongoing debate whether this topic should be front and centre for mental health professionals, and those that work with children. What do they need to be doing? What do young people think? How can we work together?

See our 1 minute film

As the world focuses on COP26, and as part of the lead up to the CAMH Feb 2022 Special Issue on ‘Child and youth mental health & the global ecological crisis’ we’ll be discussing the mental health implications of climate change with leading mental health professionals, young people, clinicians, and researchers.

Do please register now and pass onto colleagues

Attainment Update

S5 Higher stats at present are stable for this time in the year:

5 Higher - 47% (would be an improvement but unlikely according to most recent tracking analysis)

4 + Higher - 26% (73%)

3 + Higher - 15% (88%)

2 + Higher - 4% (95%)

1 + Higher - 4% (99%)

It is a small yeargroup. There were 135 in the cohort as S4. We are increasingly aware of pupils who are asking to drop subjects. Please help us encourage pupils to stay in courses. We can review after prelim time. Please remember our policy is to encourage and allow pupils to sit.

Insight data has now been updated. The local data for last session can be viewed. While our attainment data on the whole was broadly in line with previous years, Insight data shows that our pupil attainment in S4 dropped significantly below our virtual comparator in relation to our lowest and highest 20%. You will need to log in to see the data. Here is the link Insight - Local Benchmarking 2021

L, T, A TM Oct 2021

Learning & Teaching Input at Team Meetings this Week

Thanks to the L&T group who are delivering an input on sharing our understanding of what makes great teaching.

A link to the presentation can be found on the left.

We hope that this will provide a stimulus for some interesting and helpful discussion.

CLPL Corner - Making a difference in our classrooms

Thanks to Andrew Burns for suggesting this 16 minute video from John Hattie (TED Talk) The focus of the talk is to review the practice that has the most positive effects of student attainment.

Linked to John Hattie's talk, is the EEF toolkit. It outlines from research the impact of approaches to education.

Professional Discussion Group - Thursday lunchtime, Strathendrick Suite

Workload is rated at the top cause of barriers to Teacher Wellbeing in Scotland.

Here, my favourite blogger, Teacherhead, discusses solutions to when it just feels too much

  • What do you think of his solutions? Are they realistic?

  • What do you think are the main issues with wellbeing in our profession?

  • What could wellbeing look like for teachers?

  • What could we do as a school? An authority? A profession nationally, to promote better wellbeing?

Come an enjoy a blether and a biscuit - some wellbeing for your mind, albeit not your arteries!

Thanks to Michelle Skinner for organising this.

Supporting Jenny's Journey

Mrs MacKay's Miles to Mexico will be launched today during form class time. A video is included within the wellbeing week slides. This information will also be available on year group classrooms and social media platforms. To Form Class Leaders, can you please ensure you show the video to your classes ☺️

It would be wonderful if staff could sign up too.

Here is our promotional information video:

Mrs MacKay's Miles to Mexico - YouTube

Having recently been diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS, Balfron High teacher, Mrs Mackay, is raising funds to receive specialist treatment in Mexico and ...

If you would like to join the challenge, please complete the Google Form:

Share the Miles to Mexico Go Fund Me Page with family and friends:

Calendar 2021-22

wb 25 October Team Meetings

28 October S2 STEM Event, SCDI Energy Quest

wb 8 November Team Meetings

1 November S5/6 Parents Meeting

16 November S1 Parents' Meeting

wb 22 November Team Meetings

S2/3 Tracking

Calendar 2021-22

2 December Leadership Team Meeting (all PTs)

7 December Young Musician of the Year

8 December S2 Parents' Meeting

wb 13 December Team Meetings

wb 20 December S4/5/6 Tracking (2nd unit)

21 December School closes for holiday

Useful Links

Collegiate calendar 21-22

2021-22 school holidays

S:\_Shared\_Weekly Info\Staff Cover\2021-2022

Balfron HS Who's Who?

Supervision Rota 21-22
Extra-Curricular Programme 2021-22
BHS SIP & Recovery Plan 202-22.docx
Extra Curricular Poster Times.docx

Quality Assurance 2021-22 - Classroom Visits

Term 1 Classroom Observations

Our observation pro forma is based on the HGIOS QI, 2.3

Features of highly effective practice are on page 2 along with challenge questions.

Classroom Observation 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment.doc

Quality Assurance 2021-22

Open Doors Dates

I will be joined by a PT for Open Doors this session as follows:

7 October Expressive Arts with L McAllister

19 October English with G MacKay

28 October Science with N Macquarrie

1 November Social Subjects with S Boyle

9 November Health with M Skinner

19 November Maths with M Young

25 November Mod Languages with A Barrie

29 November Technologies with D Gormal