Balfron Matters

21 June 2021

Weekly communication for staff

Dear all,

We've just about made it! There is nothing quite like the feeling of a last week of term. I hope the stresses and strains that this session has inevitably brought are beginning to feel like they may finally subside.

The extent and range of what has been achieved this session has been quite incredible - thank you!

I appreciate the flexibility and willingness that everyone has shown. It has been a reflection of the highly professional, committed and caring staff that you are. We have adapted the curriculum, our working days, increased our digital skill set and offer, delivered remote learning, delivered face to face practical days on site, run a hub, gone online with parents meetings and information evenings, kept parents up to date with additional progress and engagement reports, followed up with 1-1 contact with more vulnerable pupils. Then we planned and delivered the ACM where between us we became assessment planners, setters, invigilators, markers, moderators and verifiers.

In addition to that we have managed to deliver a primary transition, start a new timetable, appoint prefects and head perfects and get some inter-house, extra-curricular and clubs back up and running. I think that has been really fantastic - thanks again!

I have embedded a link to the fantastic Online Gallery that the art team have put together showing pupil work from N4 to Advanced Higher. It is so well done and very much worth a look.

I wish you all the most restful and enjoyable summer holiday when it comes. You deserve it. Inservice programme to follow.

With thanks and best wishes,


ACM and National Qualification 2021

Thank you all so much for your tireless work in making this happen. You did it! It really is quite an achievement all round.

So here is what happens next:

  • QA of results with local authority on Monday

  • Pupils will be emailed their results on Wednesday 23 June

  • Results sent to SQA on Friday 25 June

I will share the final results at the in-service day in August. This is how our results are looking - please be aware that this is the first analysis...

S6 Pupils

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

(ACM) (PJ)

1+ at Advanced Higher 41% 35% 35% 40% 36% 34% 37% 29%

2+ at Advanced Higher 22% 13% 19% 22% 20% 16% 21% 19%

3+ at Advanced Higher 7% 1% 6% 9% 7% 4% 9% 8%

S5 Pupils

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 (ACM) (PJ)

5 + Highers 36% 42% 37% 39% 40% 40% 38% 31%

3 + Highers 65% 67% 62% 59% 62% 63% 64% 52%

1 + Higher 81% 83% 78% 78% 81% 83% 81% 70%

S4 Pupils

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 (ACM) (PJ)

5 + level 5 or better 68% 79% 61% 64% 64% 62% 60% 56%

4 + level 5 or better 78% 84% 71% 69% 73% 72% 70% 60%

Graduation & Goodbye - Class of 2021

Thanks to everyone who recorded a message for the Class of 2021 Graduation. Finn Thomson is putting it together for sharing this week. We plan to have this playing in the theatre on Wednesday morning for those returning S6 who are keen to see it. Please do pop down if you can. The pupils will really appreciate it.

The plan for the S6 leavers' morning is:

  • 9am Year group Photograph outside the front of the school

  • 9.15 Breakfast served from the atrium - outside on picnic tables and steps

  • 9.30 Issue leaving certificates & yearbooks

  • 9.40 Games and music on the astroturf

  • 11am Final goodbyes

Primary Transition

Thanks to Dr Appelquist, the Health and Science teams and everyone who helped make the transition such a success. Despite its reduced approach, The P7s have loved it. Pupils designed and launched rockets, prepared fruit kebabs and had fun playing handball. Here are some pics from the Killearn PS visit.

Their first job, along with general prefect duties, Katie and Sanshika thank Mrs Bath for her input online with interviews.

New Head Prefects & House Captains 2021-22

Congratulations to our six newly appointed Head Prefects. I am sure you will agree that all the applicants were strong and entertaining in equal measure! It was difficult splitting them at interview. As we do with staff interviews, we considered answers to every question to fairly identify the final six.

They are Sanshika Bhardwaj (S1), Robbie Coombes (S2), Ben Cunningham (S3), Tom Duncan (S4), Katie Henderson (S5) and Millie Shaw (S6). Each will lead on pupil voice for the assigned year groups in addition to other duties.

We have an equally strong set of candidates for House Captain and Senior Prefect posts. Since we have a significant number of the new S6 isolating, these interviews are postponed until the new term.

Have your say for 21-22. Please complete the survey. It will help highlight aspects of our provision that you think should be prioritised next session.

Priorities for next session - my views

Recovery Plan 2021-22

Rebuilding our school culture at Balfron High

As you would expect, working through the pandemic, our priorities have been safe operations and delivering the curriculum, remotely or in person.

It is fair to say that our collective digital skill level has developed considerably in the last year and while the challenges have been significant, there have been some silver linings that will influence future practice:

  • use of digital technology to enhance learning & teaching

  • increased accessibility for for some parents to attend on-line meetings

  • recordings of lessons and meetings that can be accessed and referred to later

  • the efficiency of on-line parents' meetings

SNC - Collegiate Calendar 2021-22

It is hard to fast forward to next year without a crystal ball to know what lies ahead. I do know that the increased cleaning regime has been extended by at least three months. So that is good news. Regardless, we have been planning for next session being more 'normal'.

If there is another wave, we know that we can move to a week A / Week B model if necessary.

We will start the new session with usual times of the school day (we changed Tuesday this year) and with Form back to first thing in the morning.

Again, if we need to mitigate for movement we will move Form time to run against breaks.

The SNC will meet again on Tuesday 22 June to further discuss this Draft Collegiate Calendar 21-22 There are comments in many of the boxes to share rationale for date choices. Please direct comments, queries or feedback to your professional association rep, Gordon MacKay, Amanda Short or me before then.

Saying goodbye, thank you and good luck to great staff

It is always with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to great staff. This year in particular, with all of its challenges, we have appreciated everybody's hard work. We wish our probationers well as they move on. Massive thanks to Morven Duff (PE), James Edmond (biology), Marci George (art & design), Sean Gould (English) and Peter Savill (English).

We are sad to say goodbye to Lauren Moss (biology) and Lizzie Johnston (chemistry) who have made a fantastic contribution to the science team as temporary teachers.

Good luck to Steph Boyd (PE) who is going back to university to retrain as a Home Economics Teacher.

Best of luck also to Andy Sheerin who leaves Balfron after 11 and a bit years. The pic on the right is of the fresh faced Mr Sheerin when he started with us in June 2009 as a student. He then returned as a probationer in 2010 and has been here ever since. Good luck at Wallace High School Andy!

Thank you all for your hard work and commitment at Balfron High School.

S1-3 School Sports

The weather was kind to our competitors and the year group support. It was great to see young people out competing and cheering each other on. Results to follow.

Staff Pool Competition

Here is a pic from the Languages V Maths game last week.

The final is to be played on Tuesday. Colleagues are invited to support in the Strathendrick Suits. The final will be between the maths team and the winners of Monday's Technologies V Expressive Arts match. Good luck!

UEFA Euros 2020

Well done to Balfron's France and Spain teams who will play in the final this week. France is managed by Mr Willison and spain jointly by Mrs Fisher and Miss Duff. Good luck to both teams - and thanks to all the staff involved for making this happen.

Pride - June 2021

Thanks to all of you who have supported Pride in Form Time and beyod. Led by Dr Levine and Mr Blair, we have recently registered our school for the LGBT Charter for Schools. We are plan to secure a bronze award next ession. More info available here .

Tuesday is non-uniform to recognise and support pride. Staff and young people are encouraged to wear bright colours. FCLs have been asked to show the video that gives a brief history of why supporting Pride is so important.

Calendar 2020-21

21 June PT PS Interviews

23 June S6 Leavers' Morning

PT Science (0.4 temp) interviews

24 June Teacher of PE (temp) interviews

25 June School closes at 1pm

Calendar 2021-22

16 August In-service Day 1

Staff BBQ - 3pm start

17 August In-service Day 2

18 August Pupils Return

Useful Links