Balfron Matters 

Monday 10 June 2024

 Weekly communication for staff 

Dear colleagues,

School Improvement Matters

It was an inspiring and productive experience working with Mark Burns from Osiris last week.  Both PTs and Working Group Leads had some time to step back, take a breath and review our approaches to improving learning and teaching.  While we will definitely continue with our Working Group model 2024-25 culminating in the Pedagogy Festival in May, we have had a chance to consider how we can improve our approach to improve the impact that the work will have supporting our learners and each other. More details to follow.

Our SIP 2023-24 is under final review.  While our overall priorities will remain the same, I would welcome your views on your views/suggestions on actions that will support further progress in 2024-25.  I am hoping that some time at TMs this week can be used to review our progress and success with the 2023-24 actions.  It will be helpful in the TM to quantify progress with reference to data, views & observations - spell out how we know the extent to which we have made progress.  

Our School Priorities 2024-25 will remain improving our approaches to and impact in:

As we prepare for next session, our Head Prefect candidates will upload videos for our community to consider.  Please show these to your form class on Wednesday morning.  Instructions regarding voting will be shared by Phil.  Those who get through the voting will be interviewed in Friday.  House Captain interviews will take place on Monday and Wednesday.

Transition Matters

Many thanks to Claire and everyone involved in the P7 Transition days.  We have had some lovely feedback from pupils and their families. You have set the tone positively for the new cohort who cannot wait to start in August!

The School Show rehearsals are looking fantastic.  Massive thanks to the Expressive Team, Ansley Clark, Gerry Eckersley and Heidi Spence for huge investments of time and effort in the run up to the show. I am really looking forward to the show and am sure that the young people will do you all proud. The show runs from Tuesday to Thursday - come along and support our show team and young people.

Remember S2 pupils have been invited to buy a ticket (£3) to watch the matinee on Tuesday afternoon so classes may be quieter than usual.

Our social subjects trip to Barcelona Trip leaves on Sunday 16th June.  This involves some of last year's S6 along with some of our new S6.  It is great to offer our pupils these opportunities and I am mindful of the work that goes with the trip. Thanks in advance to everyone involved. We all wish you safe travels.

Finally good luck to Jasper Burnside and Harry Braid (Emma and Kate) in the final of the Law Society of Scotland's Donald Dewar Debating Competition.  Their last Balfron High School debate, it would be lovely for the team to go out with a bang!  We wish them every success in Edinburgh on Wednesday night. 

Thanks to everyone for your hard work and professionalism.


Have a great week.


This week at Balfron High:

Team Meetings

Mon: SNC Meeting

Tues: School Show

Wed: Head Prefect Videos at Form Time

Reading Cafe 

School Show

Thurs: School Show

Fri: Science Open Doors

Head Prefect Interviews

It's School Show Week - Burn Baby Burn, Disco Inferno!

Your views matter

Activities Week 2025

We have had 35 responses on whether we should have an activities week for everyone next year.  so far it is 28 for 'yes' and 7 for 'maybe'.

 If we are going to do this in some form, EVERYONE will be involved, so if you haven't already, please give us your views - the outcome impacts us all.  It is very short!! 

Thanks for you input.

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Acknowledging good behaviour helps encourage repetition and communicates our expectations and values.  By having a range of ways that we acknowledge, recognise and celebrate the good stuff, our ethos will tip stringly into the positive. 

If you haven't already given your views, please do add them. Claire Appelquist will be using the info in a short life working group.

Last week at Balfron 

Please take photos and share with me directly or through Twitter (with pupils' permission).  Let's capture, recognise and celebrate all the good stuff.  We will also share in the Parent Noticeboard. #wearebalfron #buildingfuturestogether

Weekly in-house CLPL

Lunch n Learn: Thursday lunchtime

This week:  13 June: Walkthurs

Walkthurs are a new interactive resource we have bought into for a few sessions. Link here to the school account.

Come along to explore the resource and find out how to navigate quickly to areas that interest you. Bring your laptop


Interactive resource for quick CLPL input:

6 pedagogy areas, linked to our toolkit

5 step routines for quick structure

Quick Videos to talk through each routine

Example: Getting Lessons Started

Click the link to explore this Walkthru

 CLPL opportunities

Have a look below at the CLPL opportunites available:

Lunch n Learn, Professional Reading Library, Education Scotland  Learn , Walkthrus,  BHS Digital CLPL, Professional Book Club

Professional Reading Library - Strathendrick Suite

Scan the QR codes in the library to borrow a book

Digital CLPL  

 always available through the links below:

Education Scotland: Professional Learning Modules

Education Scotland : 

Professional learning modules

to work through at your own pace.

Digital Resource Library and Walkthurs

Find lots of links here to blogs, podcasts, research papers etc.

Walkthrus is a new digital resource we have subscribed to.

It is a rich resource full of structured routines for developing all aspects of Learning & Teaching - it can be used individually as well as full departments.

It's really excellent - click on the link to explore more.

Professional Book Club

We are reading:

Making every lesson count

There are lots of copies of this book in our school, come join us!

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Quick links for form and class resourcing

National supported study, free offer to all learners.

Click here

E-sgoil senior learning spaces

Click here

BHS study technique clips

Click here

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

e-sgoil weekly online supported study timetable

Our Priorities for improvement 2023-24

Improvement Plan 23-24 draft

One portal to hold all information

ERP MyPortal.pdf

Useful Links