Balfron Matters 

Monday 27 November 2023

 Weekly communication for staff 

Morning everyone,

Last week was yet another busy week with many subject areas embarking on assignments, following their return to the SQA Exams. Assemblies built on the previous week with Isla Rodger speaking about the work of UNICEF.

Congratulations to Harry Braid and Jasper Burnside for getting through to the next round of the Donald Dewar Debating Competition.  Thank you to Emma Slavin and Kate Reid for their time preparing both Harry and Jasper and taking then to the event.

There were a huge number of sporting events last week which I have tried to capture in the photos below.  Thank you to all staff involved with the various teams and competitions.  Congratulations to Lily Winther on her second place in the Stirling Schools Dance Competition.

This week we have the Course Choice Information Evening on Wednesday.  There will be presentations for S2/3 at 6pm followed by S4/5 at 6.45pm.  There is also a CLPL Science of Learning at 3.45pm in C8.

The staff photo will be on Thursday lunchtime.  If the weather permits it will be taken at the back of the school near the polytunnel otherwise in the theatre. 

A reminder that Forth Valley College Foundation Apprenticeship will be serving breakfast in the Brew Box on Friday morning - all staff are welcome to come along.

Finally, Advent Reflections hosted by Strathendrick Baptist Church are in the Community meeting room all week. Do go along for some quiet time.  They open at 830am and close at 8pm.

Have a good week everyone.

Kind regards


Link to Easyfundraising Balfron HS 

Link to Thankful Thursday Nomination's 

This week at Balfron High:

S4,5,6 Tracking & Monitoring

Mon: S3 Assembly



Wed: S4 Assembly

Course Choice Evening


Thurs: S1/2 Assembly

                Staff Photo

CLPL  Science of Learning at BHS (1545)

Fri: S5/6 Assembly

FVC Foundation Apprenticeship - Breakfast

Advance Notice

8 December 2023

Fri: Christmas Fayre (10-2pm)

15 December 2023

Fri:           Christmas Jumper Day 

21 December 2023

Thurs: Staff Lunch

Last Week at Balfron High School

Balfron High School

The collection of photos are from  Isla Rodger's assembly about UNICEF,  S2 Netball Team and the Senior Boys Football.  Congratulation to Harry and Jasper for getting through to the next round of the Donald Dewar Debating Competition.  Also, included are photos from the Stirling Schools Dance Competition and Science Club. 

The Brew Box  ☕

1st December 2023 

Forth Valley College Foundation Apprenticeship will be serving breakfast - all staff are welcome to come along

It will be open at break & lunch to pupils as follows, staff are always welcome to come along and enjoy a coffee and the chat. 

Monday S1 & S6

Tuesday  S2 & S6

Wednesday         S3 & S6

Thursday S4 & S6

Friday  S5 & S6

Assemblies week beginning 20 November

UNICEF and Childrens Rights

Isla Rodger raised awareness last week about the work of UNICEF 

Staff CLPL Inhouse offer

Twilight sessions 3.45

All sessions are designed to be short bursts with lots of sharing of ideas

All welcome

Upcoming this Term

Science of Learning at BHS

What is this and how do we use encoding and retrieval to power up our pedagogy at BHS

Probationers, new staff and the well seasoned, all welcome!

Thursday 30 Nov

Click here to sign up

Revisiting Retrieval

Power up their memory!

A quick revisit of retrieval and sharing our strategies - lots of new ideas on show!

Week beginning 11 Dec

Click here to sign up

Learning & Teaching Updates

Updated padlet:

L&T Resources

Lots and lots (and lots) of new links have been added to the resource padlet around the themes of our working groups. Click below to access.

BHS L&T Toolkit

 GLOW tile

This is now a tile on the glow BHS landing page - look out for it! 

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Quick links for form and class resourcing

National supported study, free offer to all learners.

Click here

E-sgoil senior learning spaces

Click here

BHS study technique clips

Click here

S4 Study Skills

Form Class Activities 

All S4 form classes will have a series of study skill activities delivered to them between now and Christmas.  This will happen during form class.

It will include training in the Science of Learning in order to improve the effectiveness in the way they study, and filling in weekly study plans with support.

S4 will be re-familiarised with the terms encoding and retrieval,  and how we can use study methods that maximise the effectiveness of study though these processes.

Using this language in class with help our S4 to consolidate this learning and see the relevance across their curriculum. 

The BHS Senior Study Planner S4 will use can be viewed below.

[Template] Weekly Study Planner 2022

SQA Calendar for Coursework and Assignments 2023-24

Balfron High School National 5 Calendar SQA Assignments
Balfron High School Higher Calendar SQA Assignments
Balfron High School Advanced Higher Calendar SQA Assignments

Our Priorities for improvement 2023-24

Improvement Plan 23-24 draft

Assemblies October - December 2023

BHS Assembly Programme Oct-Dec 23

 CLPL opportunities

Digital CLPL  

 always available through the links below:

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

e-sgoil weekly online supported study timetable

One portal to hold all information

ERP MyPortal.pdf

Health & Wellbeing - Counselling for staff

Did you know counselling is available through Stirling Council?

Employee Counselling is available through our Occupational Health provider, People Asset Management (PAM)

There are a few ways employees can request Counselling. 

If you want some more information about counselling, what to expect or looking for self-help resources then please pop in and see Karin Figliolini or drop her an email.

Useful Links