Balfron Matters

Monday 26 September 2022

Weekly communication for staff

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to everyone for their input with the Anti-Bullying Thematic Inspection. Patricia Cameron was very positive about the visit, her discussions with you and our approaches. It was helpful to have an objective eye looking over policy, questionnaire results and conducting focus groups. It was reassuring to know that we know our school well.

To help us with improvements in this area, the key actions that emerged were:

  • ensuring everyone (pupils & staff) knows and understands both policy and procedures for logging, dealing and following-up on bullying.

  • all staff must challenge bullying behaviours, particularly 'banter' between pupils

  • all staff welcoming pupils at the door of their classroom helps pupils feel safe and prevents incidents of unpleasantness that cause pupils to feel unsafe or disrespected

Next steps:

  • Katie McDonald (Head Prefect), with support from Kate Reid, has created a new more in-depth, year group specific, survey to help us understand the progress made and issues that exist

  • Claire Appelquist will follow-up with further focus groups

  • I will feed back to parent council and include them in all discussions and decisions

  • Pupils told HMIe they want to learn about issues that are the focus of bullying behaviour such as racism, homophobia, sexism, misogyny, and disablism. A focus on the wider opportunities in the curriculum including and beyond PSE will be prioritised, an overview shared and reviewed regularly.

We have many varied and different activities and approaches for our young people which is fantastic. Thank you all for leading and supporting these. It is important for us all to promote these as they all contribute to our positive relationships policy and approach. In terms of further inspection, the key thing is for us is to demonstrate impact.

Quality Indicator 3.1 (ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion) is a core indicator in all inspections. It is an outcome indicator. That means that regardless of the many great things we do, the indicator will be evaluated on the impact of those things. It is critical that we evaluate them regularly, and adapt/improve based on evaluation.

I am away with S4 pupils to Skye on the Columba 1400 Leadership Academy this week. Your help to the senior team with supervision would be much appreciated.

As always, thanks for your hard work and professionalism.

Have a great week.


This week at Balfron High:

Mon: Pupil Council (atrium) Endrick House Assembly

Tues: Networks (online)

Wed: Lomond House Assembly

Thurs: Campsie House Assembly

S3 3 Duke of Edinburgh Launch

Fri: S4/5/6 Tracking due CfE - Health Team

Last week at Balfron

When people outside your walls know what you are doing it gives value to those inside.

Here's some pictures from last week. These include some from the S1 Team Building days, S1/2 Rugby festival, N5 Biology (multi sensory approaches to help working memory), Learning Community football festival supported by sports leaders.

CLPL Corner

Retrieval Practice weekly input

Check out these 10 ideas for retrieval practice with detailed explanations from the brilliant Tom Sherrington.

You can engage with more of his work:

Book in professional reading library:

The Learning Rainforest

Blog : teacherhead

Twitter: @teacherhead

Podcast: Mind The Gap

Professional Learning Opportunities

Check out this new resource for professional learning available through our FVWL RIC

Book via CPD manager

Leadership Thoughts & Perspectives

This is an interesting perspective and has made me dig deep!

Peter Anderton explores leadership over the years and concludes that there are two simple rules for effective leadership:

  • it's not about you

  • it's only about you

Worth a watch - 'We live in a really complex world that is crying out for simplicity'

BHS Assembly Programme Aug-Oct22

Calendar 2022-23

wb 26 September Network Meetings

S1 Form Class Leader Interviews begin

29 September 3 Duke of Edinburgh Launch Evening

29 September UCAS Evening for Parents/Carers (pm)

30 September S4-6 Tracking deadline

wb 3 October S1-3 Behaviour Data out

3 & 4 October Flu Vaccinations for all years

4 October Inter-House Swimming Gala

6 October Senior Awards Ceremony

7 October S2-3 Tracking deadline

10 October Holiday begins

27 October Gen Z screening for parents & carers

27 October S4 Workshops - Encoding for Everyone

28 October S5 Workshops - Encoding for Everyone

1 November S4 Parents Meeting

Calendar 2022-23

8 November Parent Council

14 November S5/6 Parents Meeting

21 November S1 Parents Meeting

30 November Course Choice Info Meeting

1 December S4 Recall, Retrieval & Remembering

2 December S5 Recall, Retrieval & Remembering

S4-6 Tracking deadline

9 December S2-3 Tracking Deadline out

wb 19 December S1-3 Behaviour Data

20 December Christmas Concert

23 December Holiday begins

Collegiate Calendar 2022-23

Health & Wellbeing - Counselling for staff

Did you know counselling is available through Stirling Council?

Employee Counselling is available through our Occupational Health provider, People Asset Management (PAM)

There are a few ways employees can request Counselling.

  • Stuart Shaw on

  • Contact

  • Call Ann at PAM on 0800 882 4102

If you want some more information about counselling, what to expect or looking for self-help resources then please pop in and see Karin Figliolini or drop her an email.

Useful Links

BHS SIP & Recovery Plan 202-22.docx