Balfron Matters

14 June 2021

Weekly communication for staff

A new week, a new timetable and an incredible job done - thank you all so much.

At times it seemed a bit like climbing the Schiehallion, just when you think you were getting to the top, you see another upward climb. It has been a time where working with good people has been so important and very much appreciated.

We are in the final stages of preparing to share Provisional Grades. This week is about quality assurance. PTs and the SLT will analyse results and compare them against three year patterns . I am due to meet with colleagues from Stirling Council to present and review our results on 21 June. Pupils will receive provisional grades by email on Wednesday 23 June.

14 June - New Timetable - Period 1 Instructions from Mrs Short

Primary Transition This Week

Thanks to those of you who are helping us with our Primary Transition visits. As we should minimise contact between pupils from different schools, primary classes are coming for an outdoor visit. Where there are two primary schools, pupils will be distanced.

It would be great if you could pop out to the back of the school where the visits will take place. The pupils would love to see any available staff as follows:

14 June Strathblane PS 9.50am

16 June Buchlyvie PS & Kippen PS 11.20am

17 June Drymen PS & Fintry PS 9.00am

Killearn PS 11.20am

18 June Balfron PS 12.10pm

Also this week, Claire Appelquist and I are visiting some of our placing request schools where there are multiple pupils coming to us in August. These include Gartocharn PS, Gargunnock PS and St Kessogs

S6 Leavers

It certainly has not been as positive an experience as usual for our out going S6. However we are putting together a virtual graduation ceremony (like last session) with some short speeches and a few words of encouragement. The leadership team are tasked with this as in previous years. However if you would like to say a few words , please upload a short video to this folder by Friday 18 June. All would be welcome - I know it would mean a great deal to the pupils.

We are having our usual outdoor celebration for the S6s on the morning of Wednesday 23rd June. We have booked a photographer for a year group photo and The Bellrock team will provide breakfast. Again, the pupils would love to see you on the astroturf - please pop along to say goodbye and good luck to them if you are free.

Have your say for 21-22. Please complete the survey. It will help highlight aspects of our provision that you think should be prioritised next session.

Priorities for next session - my views

Recovery Plan 2021-22

Rebuilding our school culture at Balfron High

As you would expect, working through the pandemic, our priorities have been safe operations and delivering the curriculum, remotely or in person.

It is fair to say that our collective digital skill level has developed considerably in the last year and while the challenges have been significant, there have been some silver linings that will influence future practice:

  • use of digital technology to enhance learning & teaching

  • increased accessibility for for some parents to attend on-line meetings

  • recordings of lessons and meetings that can be accessed and referred to later

  • the efficiency of on-line parents' meetings

SNC - Collegiate Calendar 2021-22

It is hard to fast forward to next year without a crystal ball to know what lies ahead. I do know that the increased cleaning regime has been extended by at least three months. So that is good news. Regardless, we have been planning for next session being more 'normal'.

If there is another wave, we know that we can move to a week A / Week B model if necessary.

We will start the new session with usual times of the school day (we changed Tuesday this year) and with Form back to first thing in the morning.

Again, if we need to mitigate for movement we will move Form time to run against breaks.

The SNC will meet again on Wednesday 16th to further discuss this Draft Collegiate Calendar 21-22 There are comments in many of the boxes to share rationale for date choices. Please direct comments, queries or feedback to your professional association rep, Gordon MacKay, Amanda Short or me before Wednesday.

ASN Provision at Balfron High School - Public Consultation

Along with parents and young people, we were all invited to share our views on Stirling Council's proposal on the expansion of ASN Secondary Provision. The consultation proposal paper can be accessed here

In summary, the council has outlined three options:

  1. Two additional provisions for secondary aged pupils situated at Balfron High and McLaren High School. These would serve pupils from the rural communities.

  2. One new specialist ASN school built in Stirling city. This would serve young people from across the authority.

  3. Use external special schools.

Groups of staff, pupils and parents were invited to share views with Education Scotland last week as part of the consultation.

An architect, along with the ASN central team, has been out at the school to review the possibilities and implications for a provision on campus.

I understand that a decision will be made in September 2021 and the first cohort will be placed as per the decision in August 2022.

I will of course keep you up to date with information as I receive it.

UEFA Euros 2020

Massive thanks to everyone who has been involved in the organisation and support of Balfron's Euros. It has been a fantastic, feel good event that offered a sense of normality in the midst of great challenge. Not sure who enjoyed it more - staff or pupils! either way, great fun! Thanks to Mr Perman for pulling it together.




Staff Pool Competition

Thanks to Clair for organising this. Nice to see a little bit of lunchtime fun for staff. Who will this year's champs be??

Expressive Arts took the win on Thursday, while the Technologists beat the Health Team!

Technologies v Health

Supporters - lovely bunch

Was that a trick shot?

Calendar 2020-21

14 June New Timetable (everyone)

Head Prefect voting

15 June Head Prefect Interviews

16 June S1 Tracking Reports out to parents

17 June SNC Meeting

S1 Parents Meeting (on-line)

23 June S6 Leavers' Morning

PT Science (0.4 temp) interviews

24 June Teacher of PE (temp) interviews

25 June School closes at 1pm

Calendar 2021-22

16 August In-service Day 1

Staff BBQ (end of school day) tbc

17 August In-service Day 2

18 August Pupils Return

Useful Links