Balfron Matters 

Monday 15 April 2024

 Weekly communication for staff 

Dear colleagues,

Welcome back!  I hope that you had an enjoyable and restful break.  The final week prior to study leave is always a busy one. Just a reminder that the plan is:

Graduation 6pm for 630pm start 

S6 Study Leave starts

It has been a positive transition over the last few years but please join the leadership team in keeping an eye out and ear to the ground for any shenanigans.  If you are free and able to join us this week in the corridors, balconies and generally out and about, it would be much appreciated.

Priorities for this term are:

Congratulations to our junior rugby squads pictured above.  They have qualified for the next round of the Glasgow Warriors national schools tournament. It is brilliant to see the continued success of our rugby players, particularly the girls.  Nella Jonsson, Eve MacKay and Lucy Ronald have all been selected for the Scottish U16 programme. In hockey, Rohan Marwaha was selected to play for Scotland against Germany over the holiday.

Massive congratulations to Marie-Claire Maxwell who has been selected again for the Scottish Womens 27s Touch Rugby Squad.  This selection will see Marie Claire playing in the World Cup.  Please join me in congratulating M-C and getting behind the squad during the July tournament in England.


This week at Balfron High:

Team Meetings


Tues: Home Economics Interviews


Thurs: S6 - The Final Countdown

Staff Book Club, 1pm

Fri: Maths Interviews

S6 Study Leave starts

Assembly Update on Charities Week

Charities Presentation 2024

The last week of term at Balfron

Pics from the last week of term include:

Please take photos and share with me directly or through Twitter (with pupils' permission).  Let's recognise and celebrate all the good stuff.  We will also share in the Parent Noticeboard. #wearebalfron

Walking on hot coals, the movies that's what 350 degrees F feels like....

How far would you go to raise money for a good cause?  It was impressive to see David and Alistair walk on hot coals to riase money for the upcoming Zanzibar expedition and to support our partners, Changing Lives Malawi.  in the end, a very worthwhile £927.93 was raised - massive well done.  That certainly was impressive!

And the prep for this crazy activity....?

Our Young People & Mobile Phones 

Much work has been done to listen, survey and understand all staekholders' views while considering best practice for our young people. Thank you for your feedback on the draft policy.  I will certainly add something to clarify that headphones are a distraction and should not be worn in class.

The policy is out to parents for consultation and feedback.  Meanwhile, we depend on eachother for consistency and support.  Here are some key things in our practice that should be in place to support maximum focus:

Mobile Phone Policy (draft)

CLPL Corner

Lunch N Learn This Term

Thanks for the fantastic turn out at lunch n learn this term. It was a pleasure to deliver the course on Generative Learning to so many enthusiastic learners!

The course content can be viewed below:

Make it Generative
Make it Generative
Make it Generative 3 Drawing

Recent learning at lunch n learn

L&T Book Club March-June

A group of us met last week to choose a book, and once again, 

Making Every Lesson Count 

was the winner!

There are lots of copies of this book in our school, so if you want to join us please do. 

We will meet every third Monday lunchtime to discuss a chapter

If you have a copy and aren't actively reading it, please can you give it to me so I can redistribute - thanks!

New learning & teaching site

Links to:

*BHS toolkit*




 SQA Calendar for Coursework and Assignments 2023-24

Balfron High School National 5 Calendar SQA Assignments
Balfron High School Higher Calendar SQA Assignments
Balfron High School Advanced Higher Calendar SQA Assignments

The Brew Box  ☕

It will be open at break & lunch to pupils as follows, staff are always welcome to come along and enjoy a coffee and the chat. 

Monday S1 & S6

Tuesday  S2 & S6

Wednesday         S3 & S6

Thursday S4 & S6

Friday  S5 & S6

February is LGBT History Month

Thanks to Ansley and Andrew for organising activities as follows:

Learning & Teaching Updates

Updated padlet:

L&T Resources

Lots and lots (and lots) of new links have been added to the resource padlet around the themes of our working groups. Click below to access.

BHS L&T Toolkit

 GLOW tile

This is now a tile on the glow BHS landing page - look out for it! 

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Quick links for form and class resourcing

National supported study, free offer to all learners.

Click here

E-sgoil senior learning spaces

Click here

BHS study technique clips

Click here

Our Priorities for improvement 2023-24

Improvement Plan 23-24 draft

Assemblies January- March 2024

BHS Assembly Programme Jan-Mar 24

 CLPL opportunities

Digital CLPL  

 always available through the links below:

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

e-sgoil weekly online supported study timetable

One portal to hold all information

ERP MyPortal.pdf

Useful Links