Emergency - Flu Pandemic Preparedness

Handy links

SBCTC (agency)

SBCTC eLearning (WashingtonOnline operations)

East Central Puget Sound Region

Jerry Marshall

South Sound Puget Sound Region

Summary: All are preparing both Angel and Elluminate resources (classrooms and training) , encouraging faculty to provide input on their needs, and be prepared to step in with assistance based on faculty desires.

OC College:

· Elluminate

· Every course will have an Angel classroom


· Use Elluminate for f2f faculty

· Utilize Echo 360 rooms for on campus content to beam to non-attendees

· Encourage deans


· All instructors have Angel classrooms

· Down-&-Dirty Angel Training for reluctant faculty

· Drop-in training sessions


· Angel classrooms for all courses

· Elluminate

· Deans to identify essential courses, and bring faculty on-board

· Minimal training for Elluminate or Angel


Northwest Region

Jill - Skagit

Sara - Everett

Al - Whatcom

Ann - Shoreline

Leslie Ann - BTC

SW Region:

Identify which classes can benefit from a website – class-site

Shell for all classes on campus

Drupal, blog site, Angel, Google (Docs, Groups, Voice, etc), Blackboard,

ID for all students – deactivated then activated as used

Back to school week – Elluminate and ANGEL training for faculty

Elluminate – 3 hours online training on their own

Mandatory 1 hour class for Full-timers, not for Adjunct ANGEL training – Mandated by Vice President of Instruction

· How to log on,

· how to post an announcement,

· How to upload a file,

· How to communicate with students

Have a plan and practice the plan ahead of time

What are you going to use? Report that to Academic Dean

Contact students – get up-to-date contact information from them first week of class

Contact information from Instructor – use Google Voice for recorded meeting

Have a plan to deliver content

Give jump drive to each faculty member to back up their files and take them home

Emphasis on your Syllabus this Year

· Independent work assignments

· Specific information on the syllabus so students can keep working through the material, due dates, papers, chapter reading assignments, etc.

· Print the syllabus and hand it to all students first week of class.

SE Region

Volunteers to coordinate this eLearning Council draft plan: Stephanie, Scott, Sue, Connie, Ann, Kathy

ELearning coordinators will be willing to speak at any commission meeting meeting on their campus to present our 1 page preparedness plan

Ideas for getting going:

Stephanie commits to put a page up for pandemic preparedness, volunteers will contribute to the wiki during the coming week. Stephanie will coordinate a meeting right after labor day to disucss wiki contents.