Sunday, October 11th

Rite II, 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Themes from the Readings: God made Eve- a helper fit for Adam, More mention of the Tree of wisdom and temptation in the Garden, God’s word is a two-edged sword discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart, Jesus knows our weaknesses and temptations, Jesus challenges the rich young man to sell all of his possessions.

Sermon on: Genesis 2:15-25 Sermon Title- “Man and Woman He Created Them”

Prelude: March on “Lasst Uns Erfreuen” (All Creatures of our God and King) by: June Nixon

Processional Hymn: 400 All creatures of our God and King with choir only stanza 5 and final stanza descant from sheets

Gloria: S280, Powell

First Reading: Genesis 2:15-25

Psalm: Psalm 22:1-15, Tone 2

Chanted by the Choir and the Congregation. The Congregation sings the even verses, in bold.

1. MY GOD, my God, why have/ you forsaken me?*

and are so far from my cry

and from the words/ of my distress?

2. O my God, I cry in the daytime, but you/ do not answer;*

by night as well, but I/ find no rest.

3. Yet you/ are the Holy One,*

enthroned upon the praises/ of Israel.

4. Our forefathers/ put their trust in you;*

they trusted, and you/ delivered them.

5. They cried out to you and/were delivered;*

they trusted in you and were/ not put to shame.

6. But as for me, I am a/ worm and no man,*

scorned by all and despised/ by the people.

7. All who see me/ laugh me to scorn;*

they curl their lips and wag their/ heads, saying,

8. “He trusted in the Lord; let/ him deliver him;*

let him rescue him, if he/ delights in him.”

9. Yet you are he who took me/ out of the womb,*

and kept me safe upon/ my mother's breast.

10. I have been entrusted to you ever/ since I was born;*

you were my God when I was still in my/ mother's womb.

11. Be not far from me, for/ trouble is near,*

and there is/ none to help.

12. Many young/ bulls encircle me;*

strong bulls of Ba/shan surround me.

13. They open/ wide their jaws at me,*

like a ravening and a/ roaring lion.

14. I am poured out like water,

all of my/ bones are out of joint;* my heart within my breast/ is melting wax.

15. My mouth is dried out like a pot-sherd; my tongue sticks to the/ roof of my mouth;*

and you have laid me in the dust/ of the grave.

Second Reading: Hebrews 4:12-16

Before the Gospel: 655 O Jesus, I have promised, stanzas 1 and 2

Gospel: Mark 10:17-31

After the Gospel: 655 O Jesus, I have promised, stanza 3

Offertory Anthem: From All that Dwell Below the Skies, by: Gordon Young

Choir: From all that dwell below the skies

Let the Creator’s praise arise:

Let the Redeemer’s Name be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.

Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord;

Eternal truth attends Thy word:

Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore,

Till suns shall rise and set no more.

Text: Isaac Watts, paraphrase of Psalm 117

Doxology: Hymn 380, stanza 3

Holy: S125, Proulx

Communion Anthem: Let us then with confidence draw near, by: Richard Delong

Choir: Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace,

That we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Text: Hebrews 4:16, ESV

Communion Meditation: Moscow (Come, Now Almighty King), by: Gerald Near

Communion Hymn: 660 O Master, let me walk with thee

Recessional Hymn: 675 Take up your cross, the Savior said

Postlude: All Creatures of Our God and King by: Hal H. Hopson

Music Notes

By: Ashley Sosis

This morning’s choral anthems and organ music are by five 20th century composers primarily known for their music written for church-use: Gordon Young (1919-1998), Hal H. Hopson (b. 1933), June Nixon (b. 1942), Gerald Near (b. 1942) and Richard Delong (1951-1994). June Nixon is the only composer listed who is not American (she’s Austrailian). Like composers who write primarily for school choirs, bands or orchestras, composers who write primarily for the church get the most name-recognition and kudos from the educators they write for. So let me use this opportunity to say thank you to these fine composers for the music that you have given the church to glorify God. “He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord. Ps. 40:3