Sunday, April 19th, 2015

Rite I, Third Sunday of Easter

Themes from the Readings: Jesus appears to the Disciples, Sin is lawlessness,

Ashley in Charleston with Kids. Organist Darleen Smith/Choir director Sub: Tim Koch

Prelude: “This Joyful Eastertide”, by: Jan Bender (1909-1994)

Processional Hymn: 182 Christ is alive! Let Christians sing

Gloria: S204, Scottish Chant

First Reading: Acts 3:12-19

Psalm: Psalm 4

Second Reading: 1 John 3:1-7

Before the Gospel: Alleluia 7

Verse: “Lord Jesus, open the scriptures to us, Alleluia! Make our hearts burn while you speak to us, Alleluia!” -Luke 24:32

Gospel: Luke 24:36b-48

After the Gospel: Alleluia 7

Offertory Anthem: See the Land, Her Easter Keeping, by: Alice Jordan

See the land, her Easter keeping,

Rises as her Maker rose;

Seeds so long in darkness sleeping,

Burst at last from winter’s snows.

Earth with heav’n above rejoices;

Fields and gardens hail the spring:

Hills and woodlands ring with voices.

All creatures sing: Alleluia.

Doxology: Hymn 380, stanza 3

Holy: S114, Willan

Lord’s Prayer: S119, Plainsong

Communion Anthem: 305 Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest

Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest;

Nay, let us be thy guests; the feast is thine;

Thyself at thine own board make manifest

In thine own Sacrament of Bread and Wine.

We meet, as in that upper room they met;

Thou at the table, blessing yet dost stand:

“This is my Body”; so thou givest yet:

Faith still receives the cup as from thy hand.

One body we, one Body who partake,

One Church united in communion blest;

One Name we bear, one Bread of life we break,

With all thy saints on earth and saints at rest.

One with each other, Lord, for one in thee,

Who art one Savior and one living Head;

Then open tou our eyes, that we may see;

Be known tyo us in breaking of the Bread.

Communion Meditation: “Alleluia! O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing” by: Flor Peeters (1903-1986)

Communion Hymn: 314 Humbly I adore thee

Recessional Hymn: 205 Good Christians all, rejoice and sing!

Postlude: “The Strife Is O’er!”, by: Noel Rawsthorne (b. 1929)

Music Notes

By: Ashley Sosis

Today we welcome Darleen Smith to the organ bench and Dr. Tim Koch to the conductor’s podium. What a treat it is to work with both of these gifted musicians! Whenever I leave for a Sunday I regret not being able to hear the musicians that serve in my place. The choir is in excellent hands.

I am in Charleston today with our Children’s and Youth Choirs, who have been asked to sing at the Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul in Charleston, SC this morning. This is our second year taking this field trip and the Cathedral was so happy with us last year that they asked us to lead their entire 11am service with their children’s choir (and without a choir of adults). What a great honor and responsibility for our youth!

The service is taking place at the same time as trinity’s 11am service, so please do us a favor and pray for us, either in your own words or with the following RSCM chorister’s prayers: “Bless each of the children that serve today in your name. Grant them, O Lord, the help of thy Holy Spirit, that they may worthily sing thy praise. Help them, O God, to remember that they are in thy holy presence and to lead thy praise with reverence and joy. God our Father, help them now to worship you with the spirit and with the understanding also; for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.”

I have enjoyed watching each of our young choir members grow as musicians and faithful followers of Christ this year and I look forward to presenting many more exciting opportunities to these wonderful young people in the future. See you next week!