Sunday, September 7th, 2014

No program was used for this service. Here is a recap of the music used:

Prelude Music: Praise Band.

Processional Song: Praise Band

Gloria: S280

Psalm 149 chanted by the choir with the organ in the loft.

Before and after the Gospel: Alleluia, Sing to Jesus Hymnal #460 Choir and Organ

Lay Minister Blessing during the prayers of the faithful from Book of Occasional services.

Offertory: Rise Up, Ye Men of God

Doxology: Lead by Choir and Piano

1st piece of Communion: How can I keep from Singing

Other Communion Songs: Praise Band, Be Thou My Vision

After Communion: Come Let us Sing by: M. Susan Brown

Recessional Hymn: All Creatures of Our God and King lead by the Praise Band