Sunday, January 19th, 2014

Second Sunday after Epiphany/ Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Prelude: II. Air from Twelve Short Pieces, by: Samuel Wesley

Processional Hymn: 637 How Firm A Foundation


Before the Gospel: 551 Rise Up, Ye Saints of God, Stanzas 1-3

After the Gospel: 551 Rise Up, Ye Saints of God, repeat Stanza 1

Offertory Anthem: Great God and God of Our Salvation



Lamb of God

Communion Anthem: 689 I Sought the Lord

Organ Meditation: Improvisation on a Gregorian Chant

Communion Hymn: 490 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light

Recessional Hymn: 544 Jesus Shall Reign Where E’er the Sun

Organ Postlude: Toccata and Fugue in B-Flat Major, by: Johannes Pachelbel

Music Notes

By: Ashley Sosis

There’s more to Pachelbel’s body of work than just one “Canon in D”. Furthermore, there are quite a few more pieces that Pachelbel actually wrote for church use. The beloved Canon was actually written for an aristocrat’s house party, landing it firmly in the category “secular music”. However, the prayerful, beautiful Canon has earned itself a sacred reputation and it remains a staple in church wedding repertoire. The set of Toccatas and Fugues that includes today’s postlude features Toccatas that are so brief (each is roughly 16 measures) that one musicologist classified them as “Toccatinas”. The organ meditation is my own improvisation on the Kyrie from Missa de Angelis, which sounds to me a lot like the hymn tune Houston (our Communion Hymn “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light”).