Sunday, August 23rd

Rite II, 13th Sunday after Pentecost

Themes from the Readings: Put on the armor of Christ, How lovely are thy dwellings, The Church, I am the bread of life (cont’d).

Sermon on: First Reading. Solomon declares in the midst of the congregation that his reliance on God, “there is no God like you”.

Other Themes: Men’s Sunday

Prelude: If with all your hearts, by: Felix Mendelssohn, Soloist: George Sanderson

Soloist: If with all your hearts ye truly seek me,

Ye shall ever surely find me,

Thus saith our God.

Ye shall ever surely find me,

Thus saith our God.

Processional Hymn: 530 Spread, O Spread, thou mighty word

Gloria: S280, Powell

First Reading: 1 Kings 8:22-30, 41-43

Psalm: Psalm 84

Second Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20

Before the Gospel: 440 Blessed Jesus, at thy word, stanzas 1-2

Gospel: John 6:56-69

After the Gospel: 440 Blessed Jesus, at thy word, stanza 3

Offertory Anthem: Promised Land, Shape Note Hymn arranged by: Michael Richardson

Choir: Promised land, O promised land!

On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand

And cast a wishful eye

To Canaan’s fair and happy land

Where my possessions lie.

I’m bound for the promised land, promised land.

O who will come and go with me,

I am bound for the promised land.

O the transporting rapturous scene

That rises to my sight;

Sweet fields arrayed in living green

And rivers of delight.

I’m bound…

Doxology: Hymn 380, stanza 3

Holy: S125, Proulx

Communion Anthem: Laudate Pueri, by: Felix Mendelssohn. Soloists: Stephen Williams, Chip Hawver and Tim Koch.

Soloists: Laudate pueri Dominum, Ye Sons (of Israel) praise the Lord,

Laudate nomen Domini. Praise ye the name of the Lord.

Sit nomen Domini benedictum The Lord’s name is blessed.

Ex hoc nunc et usque in saecula. From this time forth and forever more.

Communion Meditation: “O Rest in the Church’s One Foundation” by: Ashley Sosis (based on Mendelssohn’s O Rest in the Lord)

Choir: The Church’s one foundation is Christ, is Jesus Christ Her Lord.

Communion Hymn: 524 I love thy kingdom, Lord

Recessional Hymn: 438 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!

Postlude: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee, by: Ludwig van Beethoven Arranged by: John W. Shaum

Holy Manna, arranged by: Michael Burkhardt (b. 1957)

Alexander March, by: Ludwig van Beethoven, arranged by: Denes Agay

Music Notes

By: Ashley Sosis

Tying together the music notes topic from the past few Sundays “Recordings to Look up” with today’s “Men’s Sunday”, I thought a good genre to explore is Men’s Barbershop. There is something about Barbershop—if you’re into it, you’re REALLY into it. Perhaps by exploring Barbershop a little, the bug will bite you, too!

I reached out to my favorite Barbershop performer and aficionado, Raymond B. Johnson of the award-winning Barbershop Quartet The Men in Black, for some suggested recordings. Ray made us the modern equivalent of a mix-tape: a youtube playlist! It takes a couple of steps to access the playlist, but once you do, you will have an hour-long introduction to barbershop music, including a recording of Myrtle Beach’s own Low Country Barbershop Chorus. Included is also a moving speech about barbershop by Jim Henry, a well-known music educator and barbershop enthusiast.

To access the playlist—Step 1: go to Step 2: Click the link that we posted on 8/19/15 entitled “Barbershop Appreciation”. Step 3: Hold on to your socks and prepare to be wowed!


Put under “Serving Today”

We welcome Drew Cameron as a guest organist today with his family. Drew is a second-year organ student of Ashley Sosis.

We welcome George Giblin from the Grand Strand Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

The Grand Strand Chapter of the American Guild of Organists is a group of organists, choir directors and other organ fans in the Grand Strand area of South Carolina. The American Guild of Organ (AGO) is a national organization which promotes the organ in its historic and evolving roles, encourages excellence in the performance of organ and choral music, and provides a forum for mutual support, inspiration, education, and certification of Guild members. Check out this year’s chapter activities, including workshops, concerts and parties at

We also welcome Tim Koch, Matthew Cox and Don Edwards from the Carolina Master Chorale this morning.

The Carolina Master Chorale is recognized as the premiere symphonic chorus in the region covering northeast South Carolina and southeast North Carolina and is the oldest community singing organization in the area surrounding Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, home of the CMC. In 2015-2016 the Chorale will celebrate its 33rd concert season, the last fifteen of which have flourished under the artistic leadership of the ensemble's fourth and current music director, Timothy Koch. The mission of the Carolina Master Chorale is to promote the choral art, present exceptional performances of choral music, enhance arts education, and enrich the cultural lives of our members, audiences, and the coastal Carolina community. The Carolina Master Chorale rehearses weekly at Trinity Church. Learn more about auditions or performance dates at: