Sunday, November 16th, 2014

Rite II, Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

Themes from the Readings: God as judge of humanity, Prepare for the coming of the Lord

Prelude: Trumpet Processional in G, by: David Lasky

Processional Hymn: 583 O holy city, seen of John

Gloria: S280, Powell

First Reading: Judges 4:1-7

Psalm: Psalm 123

Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Before the Gospel: 290 Come, ye thankful people, come; stanzas 1 and 2

Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30

After the Gospel: 290 Come, ye thankful people, come; stanzas 3 and 4

Offertory Anthem: The Morning Trumpet, arranged by: Michael Richardson

O when shall I see Jesus and reign with him above, and shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning; and from the flowing fountain drink everlasting love, and shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning. O shout Glory! I shall mount above the skies when I hear the trumpet sound in that morning. But now I am a soldier, my captain’s gone before, and I hear the trumpet sound in that morning. He’s given me my orders and he bids me ne’er give o’er, till I hear the trumpet sound in that morning. When shall I be delivered from this vain world of sin, and with my blessed Jesus drink endless pleasures in, and shall hear the trumpet sound in that morning. O shout Glory! I shall mount above the skies when I hear the trumpet sound in that morning.

Doxology: Hymn 380, stanza 3

Holy: S125, Proulx

Communion Anthem: Harvest Song, by: Austin C. Lovelace

Sing to the Lord of harvest,

Sing songs of love and praise;

With joyful hearts and voices

Your alleluias raise!

By Him the rolling seasons

In fruit order move;

Sing to the Lord of harvest

A joyous song of love.

By Him the clouds drop fatness,

The deserts bloom and spring,

The hills leap up in gladness,

The valleys laugh and sing.

He filleth with His fullness

All things with large increase;

He crowns the year with goodness,

With plenty, and with peace.

Bring to His sacred altar

The gifts His goodness gave,

The golden sheaves of harvest,

The souls He died to save.

Your hearts lay down before Him

When at his feet you fall,

And with your lives adore Him,

Who gave His life for all.

Communion Meditation: St. Anne (O God, our help in ages past) arranged by: Dudley Buck

Communion Hymn: 620 Jerusalem, my happy home

Recessional Hymn: 680 O God, our help in ages past

Postlude: Fanfare on St. Anne (O God, our help in ages past) by: Rebecca te Velde

Music Notes

by: Ashley Sosis

It is by coincidence that I have the occasion to write about Isaac Watts two weeks in a row. Last week, our offertory anthem used Watts’ lovely paraphrase of Psalm 23, “My Shepherd will supply my need.” This week, we include several selections that highlight the hymn text, “O God, our help in ages past,” also by Watts. The hymn is also a Psalm paraphrase. It is based on Psalm 90:1-5. It is fun to look at the two side-by-side (hymnal and prayer book) and try to think the way Watts must have thought to try to bring these verses into a rhyme scheme and meter suitable for hymn singing. The tune, ST ANNE, was printed in London, in 1708 with a paraphrase of another psalm-- Psalm 42: “As pants the hart for cooling streams, when heated in the chase, so longs my soul, O God, for thee, and thy refreshing grace.” Can you match the Psalm 42 text to the hymn tune in your head?