Sunday, May 8th, 2016

Rite I, Ascension

Themes from the Readings: God is love, Jesus says, “I am the vine and you are my branches”.

Prelude: Voluntary V, by: Anonymous, edited by: Richard Peek

Processional Hymn: 218 A hymn of glory let us sing

Gloria: S204, Scottish Chant

First Reading: Acts 16:16-34

Psalm: Psalm 93, unidentified Anglican Chant formula

Choir: 1 The LORD is King;

he has put on splendid apparel;*

the LORD has put on his apparel

and girded himself with strength.

2 He has made the whole world so sure*

that it cannot be moved;

3 Ever since the world began, your throne has been established;*

you are from everlasting.

4 The waters have lifted up, O LORD,

the waters have lifted up their voice;*

the waters have lifted up their pounding waves.

5 Mightier than the sound of many waters,

mightier than the breakers of the sea,*

mightier is the LORD who dwells on high.

6 Your testimonies are very sure,*

and holiness adorns your house, O LORD,

for ever and for evermore.

Second Reading: Revelation 22: 12-14, 16-17, 20-21

Before the Gospel: Alleluia 7

Verse: “Father, these know that you sent me. May Your love be in them.” John 17:25-26

Gospel: John 17:20-26

After the Gospel: Alleluia 7

Communion Anthem: O How Glorious, by: Healy Willan

Choir: O how glorious is the kingdom wherein all the saints rejoice with Christ; clothed in white robes they follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.

Doxology: Hymn 380, stanza 3

Holy: S114, Willan

Lord’s Prayer: S119, Plainsong

Communion Anthem: O How Glorious, by: Healy Willan

Choir: O how glorious is the kingdom wherein all the saints rejoice with Christ; clothed in white robes they follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.

Communion Meditation: A hymn of glory let us sing, arranged by: Ann Slowins (1932-)

Communion Hymn: 437 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!

Recessional Hymn: 214 Hail the day that sees him rise with Soprano and Tenor Descant

Postlude: Allegro from Voluntary III, by: Anonymous, edited by: Richard Peek

Music Notes

By: Ashley Sosis

A joyous Ascension Sunday to you and your family! It has been the goal of the music ministry to keep the thrill of Easter Sunday going up to this Sunday and beyond to the next two special Sundays: Pentecost and Trinity. After Trinity Sunday, the choir will be on their summer recess until mid-August. During this time, we welcome vocal or instrumental soloists to present music in lieu of our wonderful choir. (We will miss them!) Please see the Parish news for my full-length call for Summer Musicians.

We call today Ascension Sunday because we did not observe Ascension on Thursday, so the readings were transferred to today. To celebrate, we have a few Ascension-themed hymns in today’s service. The opening hymn, 214 “Hail the day that sees him rise”, is Charles Wesley’s “Hymn for Ascension Day”.