Suwannee & San Pedro later Florida Railway


1903 – 1905 later changed to


In 1902 the Suwannee & San Pedro Railway opened a line from Live Oak into Perry. The Suwannee & San Pedro Railway was reorganized as the Florida Railway in 1905 and was abandoned in 1915. The railroad reached from Live Oak through Mayo and Fenholloway into Perry down Drew Street. (The Perry Herald reported on the arrival of the first train on March 2, 1903: “On that Saturday afternoon everything was in readiness and the construction camp and all other arrangements were moved up to the end of the grade – within one half mile of the courthouse. There were 29 freight cars, all loaded with freight for Perry and other places that get freight here. The amount of business done here can now be realized, and the inconvenience of the old time freight wagon is only to be remembered.”)

Charlton, Keene, Fenholloway Denmark and Maloy were stops on the Suwannee & San Pedro Railroad from the Lafayette County line into Taylor County with the final stop being Perry.

{Transcribed from the City of Perry Council minutes} Upon motion the Florida Railroad was granted the right to build a side track across Jefferson St. to Collins and Fletcher building. All rails and cross ties must be on a level with the surface of the street. Said track must be moved in seventy days from this date and street put in as good condition as it is at present. Upon motion the Florida Railroad was granted the privilege to build a spur track crossing Green St. to S. H. Peacocks building under the same restrictions of track built to Collins and Fletcher building on Jefferson Street.