Pisgah  Baptist


Pisgah Baptist Church


Pisgah Baptist Church was constituted in 1918 with the Rev. Ansel Parker serving as Pisgah’s first pastor. Approximately 20 people attended.

Some interesting facts concerning Pisgah’s beginning: value of the building - $100.00; pastor’s annual salary was – 47.30; membership was 40; the church met one Sunday a month.

The Church’s first organizations were: Sunday School -1920; Baptist Training Union -1948; Vacation Bible School -1949; W.M.U. and Brotherhood – 1951.

Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church of Perry, FL Inc.

(Incorporated September 9, 1970)

For years church services were held at Pisgah only one Sunday a month. In 1946 services were held the 1st and 3rd Sundays. In 1955 Pisgah began services every Sunday.

The total enrollment in 1962 was 91 – today (1988) it is 187.

There has been a total of eight ministers, either licensed, ordained or both by Pisgah Baptist Church.

During Pisgah’s 70 years, the church has had 26 pastors.