The Taylor County Herald


Volume XX, Number 31    Perry, Florida, Friday February 23, 1923


Club House Plans being Considered

            The members of the Woman’s Club are putting forth every effort toward erecting a club building and are greatly encouraged over the outlook at the present time and hope soon to have something definite to announce with reference to the progress of their plans.

            The City Council at its last meeting gave the Club permission to use the ground on the southeast corner of the city park grounds for the erection of their building and the committee on building has already written for plans which will be submitted to the club members later on.

            The members of the club have had their heart set on a club house for a long time and the building fund has now increased to a tidy sum and to a point where they feel that their dreams may soon be realized. The building would be a splendid addition to the city and a great convenience affording a place for many functions that are now impossible because of the lack of a suitable place.


Business Locals


Lost: Between Perry and Evans-Vickrey Lumber Company log camp on new 30 X 3 ½ Norfolk tire on rim, tire rack and license tag C-51065. Suitable reward if returned to owner or Herald Office. J. A. Vickrey.


Carload of one and two horse wagons received at Peacock’s.


Eggs for hatching: From prize winning stock of Rhode Island Reds, Brown Leghorns and Barred Rocks. $1.50 for 15 H. R. Byrd, Loughridge, Fla.


Seed Irish potatoes at Peacock’s. $6.25 per sack.


Notice: You are cordially invited to attend an oyster supper Saturday afternoon beginning at 5:oo o’clock. Across street from O’Quinn Drug Store. Given under auspices of Epworth League.


Lost: On streets of Perry between Graystone Hotel and L. O. P. & G. Depot. One black onyx bracelet, onxyx being diamond shape and set in gold. Fastened with gem clasp. $5.00 reward if returned to C. H. Tedder Live Oak, Fla.


LL Sheeting, yd width 10 cents at Peacock’s


Hawkes Glasses, the standard for more than fifty years. Have your eyesight tested at Bloodworth Drug Co. Prices $1.00 to $3.00.


New shipment of garden seed of all kinds in packages and bulk just received at Culpepper-Lee Drug Company. Phone 220


I have 100 bushels Williams’ No. One Select Short Cotton Seed from South Carolina at $2.00 per bushel.  R. H. Vereen.


Red Bliss seed Irish potatoes at Alton Green & Brothers.


For Sale: One registered female setter dog 3 years old. Well trained and guaranteed. Also 2 setter pups four months old. See Ivor Culpepper at Burton-Swartz Mercantile Co.


Wanted: To buy pure-bred Hampshire boar, See or address J. E. Marshall, Carbur, Fla.