Supporter Profile: Sarah Watson

Profile by Tim Muttukumaru

After securing her participation at all events NTMCC early in 2009, Sarah has delivered magnificently on her promises of "lots of teas" in 2009. A particular highlight was the excellent spread presented at the game against NTMCC Seniors in July 2009.

Sarah's own playing career has rather tailed off after a very promising start back in 2003. Controversially batting in a dress in the 2003 Sixes competition was neither the first, nor the last time that Sarah has risked more than her fair share on the sporting battlefield.

Although no one should rule out a playing comeback in 2010, Sarah's presence on the sidelines has proved a real boost for the NTMCC President. A career best 29 against Christ's was the result of months of high hurdles training and getting better presciption spectacles. Indeed.

Sarah is also noted for her networking skills and has already set up a number of fixtures for the side.

Career Statistics

Not the MCC



Bats: RHB

Bowls: ROB

Fields:Bravely, probably

Height: 5'9

Weight: Unspecified

Most likely to: Give Jobbers advice on how to bat properly

Least likely to: There's relatively little that fits into this category...