3.0 Open Lab Expo - TRÚNÓ


(Click title to launch the app - Google Chrome required)

Bonding with others through intimate conversations is an important part of our social lives. Finding common ground with someone through shared experiences is an experience somehow way more fulfilling than common small talk, though even small talk can be beneficial to one’s wellbeing.

Trúnó offers a way for people to either lay their deepest truths bare for others, without having to worry about judgement or confidentiality breaches, or partake in small talk about insignificant matters, without having to worry about boring others. Thus, one could be confessing their mortal fear of jellyfish while the other discusses the weather. The absence of  speech, sound and any meaning frees us from the pressures of normal conversation, instead allowing us to reap its rewards through the manipulation of patterns formed by the Times Tables Cardioid Visualization.

The only indication of others being present is the pattern’s movement caused by their voice and the increasing elaborateness of the pattern, depending on how many have succeeded you in joining the conversation.