1.2 Fast Rewind: Drawing Machine by John Ravilious

The Drawing Machine by John Ravilious caught my eye. The machine performs repetitive movements with a pencil to draw shapes on a piece of paper. To me, it is fascinating that something visually appealing (a drawing in this case) can result from simple movements made by a machine. But, what I find truly amazing about the the work is the intention to 'democratize' art, so that even the non-artist can make art. It breaks the boundaries that come natural to art - talent, vision, improvisation and allows anyone to experience the feeling of a beautiful creation. 

In this artwork, I see similarities to modern day inventions and products. It reminds me strongly about Arduino, which gave me (a non-electronics person) the experience of making electronics. The process of creation doesn't pose natural boundaries any longer, allowing anyone to have fun with it. Moreover, it becomes an entry-level encounter with a new field for many. Being able to make a nice drawing, or make an LED blink can be very encouraging to explore the field further. I think this is what a great artist does: allowing anyone to become one.