1.2 Fast Rewind: Kennedy Picture

In the video where Curator Jasia Reichardt introduces the ‘Cybernetic Serendipity’, for a moment she shows a work where, a Japanese group, changed the picture of the former American president John F. Kennedy. A machine was able to recognise where were the ears or eyes on the picture and draw lines pointing to it. 

I thought this work was particularly interested because face recognition is a subject we are still finding its possibilities. A few years ago, Facebook implemented face recognition on its algorithms to recognise friends in pictures and tag them.  Years later, mobile phone company started to implement  a software where one can unlocks its phone by having their faces recognised by the phone.  

Nowadays we are having a lot of debates regarding face recognition related to privacy violations and its use in public spaces.  I believe it will be the main theme of many discussions in the future and seeing how it was a few years ago in this video makes it very intersting.