1.4 Tribute: ARtBRUSH

"ARtBRUSH"-- the tangible digital paintbrush

This project was made in a group by Peng Song, Veerle van Reisen and me (DWAF)

figure 1: 'paint' brush

At first hand, figure 1 (on the left) might seem to you like an ordinary paintbrush. Paintbrushes have been used for centuries to apply paint on a surface that results in a painting, a visual form of art. 

Nowadays, digital art is emerging by means of digital tools: a computer and software. But digital painting is limited in how it employs the techniques and study of a traditional painter because of the surface differences and lack of physicality. Furthermore, classic painting techniques have been experienced and revealed through new means of expression, with for example the integration of AR technology. This makes the artwork accessible to everyone in its full experience, but with the original painting always remaining unique in the classical sense of being a picture on the wall. 

We therefore decided to transform the traditional old painting process in a way that was faithful to its essence, but that emphasised the aspect of the medium by giving a new and modern meaning. In order to achieve this, we decided to create a mash-up between that old medium and new technologies without the artist visually seeing their work in front of them in real-time.  Afterwards, the artwork can be seen and shared on an app on their smartphone device, but especially experience it in a way like no way before: in AR, surrounded by previous works and even art from others. And, of course, the artist can view it in real-time by looking on a monitor. But, with this nuanced experience we'd like to visualise their art in their head and paint it with no limitations or judgments. This might even create a whole new form of art.

We were greatly inspired by the two following quotes:

"The world is your canvas, so paint your own reality" -- Smi17818

"I dream my painting, and then paint my dream" -- Vincent Van Gogh

CONCEPT (storyboard):


We made a magic canvas with Processing. Every brushstroke you paint will attach a color among three prepared options under your command. There are several ‘buttons’ (in AR mode, matched voice-activated function) to control the representation of the brush trajectory. Three ‘keys’ (‘a’, ’s’, ‘d') correspond to blue, pink, black color respectively, while another two ‘keys’ (‘f’, ‘g') would manage to double the size of brushstrokes or recover the default setting. Additionally, The last key (‘h') will clear up the canvas after you pressed it if you want to restart drawing.


- paintbrush material

- Arduino essentials

- Button

- 10kΩ

- IMU 6050


        - Click here for the Arduino code

        - Click here for the Processing code