1.3 Rewind: Artefacts of Verisimilitudes

I think this work is interesting as it plays with people's perception of the world.

Perception can get skewed or change because of events and this is something that is

very present in our current Corona-society. If we look at a terrace on a sunny spring day we will now find them abandoned, something that would not have been the case a year ago. One could create a similar set-up to show different time periods of the area the screens are emulating. This way the user will be emerged in a world that has been or could be, but will simultaneously be reminded of the current situation as parts of the real world peek through.


Another thing that I think of when I see this work is how parts of the current world are hidden by the screens. These parts could be meaningless and uneventful but it could also be used to hide the ugly sides of the world and show a perfect picture. What if the screens for instance show a nice clean sidewalk when in reality they're littered with trash? This can be an interesting starting point for a new project.