1.3 Rewind Touch Points

For this part of the assignment, I choose Touch Points from Robbert Ritmeester. 

In this time of social distancing because of the Covid-19 pandemic,  we are using communication software (like Skype, Zoom or Discord) to keep in "touch" with relatives and friends. But just talking to them, sometimes is not enough. We, as social human beings, many times miss real contact with others. Not being able to give a handshake, a hug or a kiss would for so long makes one desire some sort of project like this. Imagine if we can really feel another person when we are virtually talking to them?

Long distance communication itself had such an amazing development through the centuries. Starting from written letters,  passing by voice communication and reaching live visual communication we may still have much to develop. We don't know yet how or to where, but being able to use the tactile sense would, for sure, be an improvement. 
