1.1 Icon: Motion Sensing Games

I listed two videos on the right half-page. 

The first video illustrates a console released in 2011, named Wii U. This is an advanced version of Nintendo's first new-era console, Wii, which in the first time introduced 'motion sensing' concept in the video game. From then on, users found that in addition to the traditional joystick control, they can also directly control the game characters on the screen with their body movements.

In the second video, the new-released fit game last year re-define how much motion-sensing game can do in the modern world. Compared with the interpretation of the re-evolution of the motion-sensing game, it's better to interpret it as that more applicable cases made people more and more adaptive to motion-sensing operations. 

The development history gave me an inspiration that when every new technology comes out, it will always experience a process of incorporating other old technologies or media. Then it evolves into an old new technology which becomes so common that people will not even realise that it was ever a new technology. Finally, the old new technology is incorporated by other new-emerging technology.

The reason why, personally, I quite like this example is that I found there are so many possibilities in games. The game industry could not only be the very place to test new technology but also be one of the greatest motivators to promote the emergence of new technology.