
Initially, I tried to implement different kinds of video distortion such as shaders to alter texture colours. However, after a lot of trial and error along with further research, I concluded that trying to simulate a slit scan effect would be the most feasible option to achieve the desired result.

To create the slit scan effect I used openFrameworks. The program is based on and inspired by a creative coding tutorial series by Dan Buzzo (References can be found in the source code). The program works as follows. It initializes your device's built-in webcam and grabs all incoming pixels. It then goes through all these pixels line for line after which it displaces them with a set speed. This creates the image distorting slit scan effect.

It took me quite a while to get it to work properly. The hardest part for me personally was to get my webcam to function correctly with the program. After I got it to work, it was rather fun to experiment with the code and see how the resulting effect was displayed.

Source code: