1.4 Tribute: Melle van Gogh

As a tribute to an old New Media technology I have tried to make a portrait of myself in Van Gogh style. I love van Gogh's painting, especially Starry Night. So that is why I tried to paint a background, looking like it. 

Van Gogh also used to make self portraits. That is why I tried to transform a photograph to a Van Gogh style painting. I tried to make the artwork look like it has some depth. So I have been making a lot of shadows, with darker brushes and highlights, with some lighter brushes.

On Kingsday I would have gone to a festival if the Coronavirus had not been here. Of course I would have loved to have fun, and dance in on the music and see the lightning effects. So I tried to create lightshow effect on the canvas. 

The Artwork has been made with Adobe Photoshop. In total the file is 2,34GB so that is pretty big for just an image. 

The Photoshop file can be downloaded via https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/05XZ5pWwQnzhM3Sknis1uNkuA#nmnt%5FMelle%5FLefferts