Lab 2: Webcam Sickness

The past couple of months, like many other people, I have had to adapt to a 'virtual society'. For me personally that meant having to get used to video lectures and online meetings. The use of my webcam has become intertwined with everyday life, whereas it used to be almost nonexistent. I now find myself looking at myself through a webcam for several hours every day. To put it frankly, I am getting quite sick of it. I am getting tired of seeing the same sight of me sitting in my own room and I often feel like just fading out of the webcam's view.

I wanted to portray these issues somehow and what better way to do it than by using that sight of me sitting in my own room. I aimed to distort the webcam's view in order to portray the way I feel about it. Using openFrameworks, I tried to simulate a slit scan effect to achieve my desired result (More on documentation can be found under the 'Documentation' page). The resulting video can be found below.