There are over 200 species of hoverfly in the UK, with a wide range of appearances. All hoverflies belong in the family Syrphidae, and share the characteristic of a 'spurious' vein in the wings, which does not terminate in another vein or at the edge of the wing. In most cases hoverflies are easily recognised and this characteristic will not need to be checked. Most UK hoverflies can be identified from external characteristics, although in some cases this will require recourse to a specimen. For a few species, most notably those in the genus Sphaerophoria, it is necessary to refer to the genitalia to confirm the identification. The best resource for hoverfly identification is Stubbs and Falk's guide to British hoverflies.

Volucella - Large species with distinctive yellow 'nose'. 5 UK species

Volucella zonaria

Sericomyia - Large and distinctive species. 2 UK species.

Rhingia - Odd looking hoverflies with long mouthparts hidden inside a beak like protruberance. 2 UK species

Callicera - Spectacular golden shining hoverflies with long pointed antennae - 3 UK species.

Eristalis - Medium to large species, mostly honeybee mimics. 10 UK species

Eristalis horticola
Eristalis tenax

Eristalinus - Medium sized species with distinctive spotted eyes. 2 UK species

Eristalinus sepulchralis (f)

Chrysotoxum - Medium sized species with bold black and yellow markings. 8 UK species

Chrysotoxum cautum
Chrysotoxum bicinctum

Xanthogramma - Medium sized species with striking bright yellow markings. 3 UK species

Xanthogramma pedissequum

Myathropa florea - Common and distinctive species

Myathropa florea
Female Myathropa florea

Syrphus - Small to medium sized species with black and yellow moustached bands - 4 UK species

Syrphus ribesii
Syrphus torvus (f)

Epistrophe - Medium to large species, usually with bands on the abdomen. Yellowish sides to thorax and mostly yellow legs. 6 UK species

Epistrophe grossulariae
Epistrophe eligans

Didea - Small to medium sized species with distinctively shaped bands on the abdomen. 3 UK species

Eupeodes - Small to medium sized species with comma shaped markings, sometimes merged to form bands - 7 widespread UK species

Eupeodes luniger
Eupeodes latifasciatus

Scaeva - Large species with lunulate markings and inflated frons. 2 common UK species, and one very rare immigrant species.

Scaeva pyrastri

Dasysyrphus - Medium sized species with distinctive yellow and black abdominal markings - 6 UK species

Dasysyrphus albostriatus
Dasysyrphus venustus (f)

Helophilus - Medium sized species with black and yellow striped thoraxes. 3 widespread UK species and 2 very rare/vagrant species

Helophilus pendulus (m)

Leucozona - Distinctive species with pale markings on the abdomen. 3 UK species.

Leucozona lucorum
Leucozona laternaria

Xylota - Ichneumon imitating species with unobtrusive markings

Xylota sylvarum
Xylota segnis

Hammerschmidtia ferruginea (Aspen Hoverfly): A very rare species of Scottish aspen groves. Like a large, reddish Xylota in appearance.

Pipiza - Dark, unobtrusive hoverflies which are often extremely difficult to identify.

Pipiza noctiluca
Pipiza luteitarsis

Episyrphus balteatus - Extremely common hoverfly with distinctive markings

Episyrphus balteatus
Episyrphus balteatus

Meligramma: Small species with yellow markings.

Meligramma trianguliferum (m)

Meliscaeva - Small species with narrow bodies. Bands or spots on the abdomen.

Meliscaeva auricollis (f)
Meliscaeva auricollis (f)

Melangyna - Another group of small species with yellow markings on the abdomen.

Melangyna labiatarum (f)

Melanostoma - Small species, males have slender tibiae and tarsi, females with distinctive triangular spots.

Melanostoma scalare
Melanostoma mellinum

Ferdinandea - Unusual hoverflies with shiny brassy abdomens. 2 UK species, one common and widespread, one very rare.

Cheilosia - Large genus of mainly black hoverflies. Identification is often very difficult

Cheilosia variabilis
Cheilosia pagana

Platycheirus - Another large and difficult genus. Males often have elaborate front tarsi.

Syritta pipiens: A single common and widespread species. Unobstrusive, but distinctive once known.

Merodon equestris: A single common and widespread bumblebee mimic. Variable, but thick black legs are distinctive.

Criorhina: Charismatic but elusive bumblebee mimicking species associated with ancient woodland. 4 UK species.

Melanogaster - Small dark hoverflies of bogs and wetland areas

Melanogaster hirtella (f)

Chrysogaster: Small, stubby hoverflies with metallic reflections. 3 UK species associated with wetland areas.

Orthonevra: Another genus of small metallic hoverflies found in wetland habitats. 4 UK species

Riponnensia splendens: Another small, metallic, wetland hoverfly, but reasonably distinctive once known.

Baccha elongata: Highly distinctive species with a very elongated abdomen.

Sphaerophoria: A large genus which mostly requires a specimen to identify, although the commonest species, S.scripta has distinctive males whose abdomens extend past the wingtips.


Paragus: Tiny dark hoverflies of grassland areas.





Portevinia maculata

