
The largest genus of bees in the UK, with over 60 species recorded. All nest in burrows excavated by the females, hence the common name of mining bees. Females are generally simpler to distinguish than males, with the colour of the thorax and scopae important id characteristics. Many species are confusingly similar, but some are so distinctive as to be instantly recognisable in the field.

Species with hairy abdomen

Tawny Mining Bee

Andrena fulva (Tawny Mining Bee) - Females unmistakeable, bright orange tails are distinctive from any distance.

Andrena praecox

Andrena praecox - Early spring sallow specialist, contrasting pale hair on abdomen and dark brown hair on thorax.

Grey Species

Andrena cinerea
Andrena cineraria

Andrena cineraria (Ashy Mining Bee) - Grey and black banded thorax is unique. Males chunky with dense white hair

Brown thorax and unbanded abdomen

Andrena clarkella (f)
Andrena clarkella (m)

Andrena clarkella - Early spring species, females bulky with black hair on face and matching brown hair on legs and thorax

Andrena bicolor (f)
Andrena bicolor (m)

Andrena bicolor - Small species, females with black hair on face and warm brown hair on thorax, paler on legs. Males very small, with black hair on face

Andrena haemorrhoa (f)
Andrena haemorrhoa (m)

Andrena haemorrhoa - Common species, with fox red fur on thorax and on tip of abdomen, white hair on face and underside of thorax

Andrena carantonica (f)

Andrena carantonica - Common and unremarkable species, pale brown hairs on thorax and legs, black on top of scopae.

Andrena nitida
Andrena nitida (m)

Andrena nitida - Large species, with broad, black shining abdomen and warm browm hair on thorax, white hairs underneath

Brown thorax and banded abdomen

Andrena flavipes

Andrena flavipes - Medium to pale brown hair on thorax and face, warmer brown hair on legs.

Andrena dorsata
Andrena dorsata (m)

Andrena dorsata - Warm red hair on thorax, pale hairs on legs.

Andrena barbilabris (f)
Andrena barbilabris (m)

Andrena barbilabris - Mid brown hair on thorax and pale on legs, often nests on compacted sand on heaths.