

Swallowtail - Unmistakeable fenland species

Painted Lady
Painted Lady

Painted Lady - Distinctive migrant to the UK, numbers vary widely between years

Red Admiral
with a butterfly

Red Admiral - One of our commonest and best known species, can be seen any month of the year


Peacock - Common and distinctive, seen nearly all year round


Comma - Distinctive ragged edge to the wings, name comes from white mark on underside of the wings

Speckled Wood
Speckled Wood

Speckled Wood - Common woodland species


Ringlet - Common but somewhat drab species

Meadow Brown
Meadow Brown (m)

Meadow Brown - Extremely common summer species, found in grassy areas


Gatekeeper - Common and widespread, double eyespot helps distinguish from meadow brown

Wall Brown

Wall Brown - Formerly common species, now quite scarce.


Grayling - Fast flying heathland species

Small Tortoiseshell

Small Tortoiseshell - Familiar garden species, one of the first butterflies to be seen each year

Large Skipper
Large Skipper

Large Skipper - Common and widespread, size and 'pawprint' pattern help distinguish from other skippers

Small Skipper
Small Skipper

Small Skipper - Small! Very similar to essex skipper but has underside of antennal tips orange brown

Essex Skipper
Essex Skipper

Essex Skipper - Similar to small skipper, but with black undersides to the antennal tips

Dingy Skipper
Dingy Skipper

Dingy Skipper - Local species, appears moth like at first glance

Grizzled Skipper
Grizzled Skipper

Grizzled Skipper - Local but widespread species, patterning is distinctive in the UK

Small Heath
Small Heath

Small Heath - Common but declining grassland species, rarely seen with wings open when perched

Small Copper on heather
Small Copper

Small Copper - Extremely common and widespread species, pattern is instantly distinctive

Brown Argus
Brown Argus

Brown Argus - Common species, told from female common blue by broad white border to wings and different underwing pattern

Silver-studded Blue
Silver-studded Blue

Silver-studded Blue - Heathland species with irridescent studs on underwing border

Holly Blue

Holly Blue - Only blue likely to seen in spring, distinctive underwing pattern

Chalkhill Blue
Chalkhill Blue

Chalkhill Blue - Downland species with beautiful sky blue colouration in the males, females are chocolate brown

Common Blue (m)
Common Blue

Common Blue - Commonest species, widespread across the UK

Small Blue
Small Blue

Small Blue - Smallest UK butterfly, males blackish with blue flecks, females brown. Widespread but patchily distributed

Short-tailed Blue
Short-tailed Blue

Short-tailed Blue - Rare migrant to the UK

Long-tailed Blue

Long-tailed Blue - Rare migrant to the UK

Large White
Large White

Large White -Extremely common and widespread, significantly larger than other whites

Small White
Small White

Small White - Common and widespread, underwings plain

Green-veined White
Green-veined White

Green-veined White - Common and widespread, distinctive green veins on underwing

Orange Tip

Orange-tip - Common and distinctive spring butterfly, females lack the orange tips but underwing pattern is unique

Marbled White
Marbled White

Marbled White - Widespread grassland species, unmistakeable


Brimstone - The quintessential butterfly, pale lemon colouration is unique in UK

Clouded Yellow

Clouded Yellow - Migrant species, numbers vary from year to year

Green Hairstreak
Green Hairstreak

Green Hairstreak - Local species, the only green butterfly in the UK

Glanville Fritillary
Glanville Fritillary

Glanville Fritillary - Small fritillary, restricted to Isle of Wight in the UK

Silver-washed Fritillary (m)

Silver-washed Fritillary - Commonest fritillary, widespread in woodland