
Peer Reviewed Scientific Papers  (International Journals)            


39) Nanami A (2025) Broad-scale spatial distribution, microhabitat association and habitat partitioning of damselfishes (family Pomacentridae) on an Okinawan coral reef. PeerJ 13:e18977

この論文の内容紹介 [サンゴ礁のスズメダイが好むサンゴと環境:多種共存についての考察]

38) Nanami A (2024) Spawning aggregation of blacktail snapper (Lutjanus fulvus) in an Okinawan coral reef: lunar-phase periodicity of aggregation formation, seasonal consistency in fish spatial distribution, and fish size and age frequency in the aggregation site. Environmental Biology of Fishes 107:1277-1289

この論文の内容紹介 [オキフエダイの産卵集群:パラオに続く世界2例目の発見]

37) Nanami A (2024) Nocturnal substrate association of four coral reef fish groups (parrotfishes, surgeonfishes, groupers and butterflyfishes) in relation to substrate architectural characteristics. PeerJ 12:e17772 

この論文の内容紹介 [サンゴ礁の魚が “ねぐら“として好むサンゴを探る]

36) Nanami A (2023) Spawning aggregations of checkered snapper (Lutjanus decussatus) and blackspot snapper (L. fulviflamma): seasonality, lunar-phase periodicity and spatial distribution withins spawning ground. PeerJ 11:e15991

この論文の内容紹介 [世界初発見!アミメフエダイとニセクロホシフエダイの産卵集群]

35) Nanami A (2023) Broad-scale spatial distribution and microhabitat-scale substrate association of seven angelfish species (family Pomacanthidae) in an Okinawan coral reef. Environmental Biology of Fishes 106: 1851-1863

この論文の内容紹介  [7種のキンチャクダイが好むサンゴと住み場所]

34) Nanami A (2022) Co-occurrence of seagrass vegetation and coral colonies supports a unique fish assemblage: a microhabitat-scale perspective. PeerJ 10: e14466

この論文の内容紹介 [サンゴとアマモのコラボの効果:魚の 子供には"こだわり” がある]

33) Nanami A (2021) Spatial distribution of parrotfishes and groupers in an Okinawan coral reef: Size-related associations in relation to habitat characteristics. PeerJ 9: e12134 

この論文の内容紹介 [サンゴ礁のブダイ類とハタ類について分布と生息環境の関係を探る]

動画による解説は、こちらから! [サンゴ礁の 魚を守る サンゴを守る (youtube.com) ]

32) Nanami A (2021) Age, growth and length-weight relationship of the checkered snapper Lutjanus decussatus in an Okinawan coral reef. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies 23:1-6

31) Nanami A (2020) Spatial distribution and feeding substrate of butterflyfishes (family Chaetodontidae) on an Okinawan coral reef. PeerJ 8:e9666

この論文の内容紹介 [チョウチョウウオ類が摂餌場所として好むサンゴを特定]

30) Nanami A (2018) Spatial distributions, feeding ecologies, and behavioral interactions of four rabbitfish species (Siganus unimaculatus, S. virgatus, S. corallinus, and S. puellus). PeerJ 6: e6145

この論文の内容紹介 [サンゴ礁にくらすアイゴ類4種の共存のしくみ]

29) Nanami A, Mitamura H, Sato T, Yamaguchi T, Yamamoto K, Kawabe R, Soyano K, Arai N, Kawabata Y (2018) Diel variation in home range size and precise returning ability after spawning migration of a coral reef grouper Epinephelus ongus: implications for effective marine protected area design. Marine Ecology Progress Series 606:119-132

この論文の内容紹介  [サンゴ礁にくらすナミハタのなわばりの大きさと帰巣性]

28) Nanami A, Sato T, Kawabata Y, Okuyama J (2017) Spawning aggregation of white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus: spatial distribution and annual variation in the fish density within a spawning ground. PeerJ 5: e3000

27) Nanami A, Saitoh K, Sekino M (2017) Development of 18 microsatellite markers for the white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33:121-123

26) Nanami A (2016) Parrotfish grazing ability: interspecific difference in relation to jaw-lever mechanics and relative weight of adductor mandibulae on an Okinawan  coral reef. Peer J 4: e2425

この論文の内容紹介   [サンゴ礁に暮らすブダイ5種のかじりとり能力と形態の多様性]

25) Nanami A (2015) Pair formation, home range, and spatial variation in density, size and social status in blotched foxface Siganus unimaculatus on an Okinawan coral reef. Peer J 3: e1208

この論文の内容紹介 [ヒフキアイゴの暮らしぶり:ペア生活に着目した場合]

24) Nanami A, Ohta I, Sato T (2015)  Estimation of spawning migration distance of the white-streaked grouper  (Epinephelus ongus) in an Okinawan coralreef system using conventional tag-and-release. Environmental Biology of Fishes 98: 1387-1397

この論文の内容紹介 [ナミハタの産卵移動の距離はどれぐらい?]

23) Nanami A, Kawabata Y, Sato T, Yamaguchi T, Kawabe R, Soyano K (2014) Spawning migration and returning behavior of white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus determined by acoustic telemetry. Marine Biology 161: 669-680    

この論文の内容紹介 [ナミハタの産卵移動を調べる!]

22) Nanami A, Sato T, Ohta I, Akita Y & Suzuki N (2013) Preliminary observartions of spawning behavior of white-streaked grouper (Epinephelus ongus) in an Okinawan  coral reefs. Ichthyological Research 60: 380-385 

この論文の内容紹介 [ナミハタの産卵行動を世界で初めて記録!]

21) Nanami A, Sato T, Takebe T, Teruya K & Soyano K (2013) Microhabitat association in white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus: importance of Acropora spp. Marine Biology 160: 1511-1517 

この論文の内容紹介 [ナミハタが好きなサンゴの種類は?]

20) Nanami A & Shimose T (2013) Interspecific differences in prey items in relation to morphological characteristics among four lutjanid species  (Lutjanus decussatus, L. fulviflamma, L. fulvus and L. gibbus.) Environmental Biology of Fishes 96: 591-602

この論文の内容紹介 [サンゴ礁の魚の形と餌の興味深い関係]

19) Nanami A (2011) Size composition and reproductive biology of the ornate  jobfish Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus (Lutjanidae) off Ishigaki Island, Okinawa. Ichthyological Research 58: 310-314

18) Nanami A et al. (2010b) Age, growth and reproduction of the humpback red snapper Lutjanus gibbus off Ishigaki Island, Okinawa

Ichthyological Research 57 (3), 240-244

17)  Nanami A et al (2010a) Reproductive activity in the checkered snapper, Lutjanus decussatus, off Ishigaki Island, Okinawa. Ichthyological Research 57 (3), 314-318

16)  Nanami A. & Yamada H. (2009b) Site fidelity, size, and spatial arrangement of daytime home range of thumbprint emperor Lethrinus harak  (Lethrinidae). Fisheries Science 75: 1109-1116

 この論文の内容紹介 [マトフエフキがテリトリーをもつことを発見]

15)  Nanami A. & Yamada H. (2009a) Seasonality, lunar periodicity of settlement and microhabitat association of juvenile humpback red snapper Lutjanus gibbus (Lutjanidae) in an Okinawan coral reef. Marine Biology 156:407-414 

この論文の内容紹介 [ヒメフエダイの子供たちは,新月にやってくる]

14)  Nanami A. (2009) Aggregation of the siganid Siganus unimaculatus at Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies 10: 89 

この論文の内容紹介 [ヒフキアイゴの大集団を発見!]

13)  Nanami A. & Yamada H. (2008b) Foraging rates and substrate selection in foraging activity of checkered snapper Lutjanus decussatus  (Lutjanidae)in an Okinawan coral reef. Journal of Fish Biology 73: 1484-1488

この論文の内容紹介 [肉食性のアミメフエダイでも、サンゴがないと生きていけない]

12)  Nanami A. & Yamada H. (2008a) Size and spatial arrangement of home range of checkered snapper Lutjanus decussatus (Lutjanidae) in an Okinawan coral reef determined using a portable GPS receiver. Marine Biology 153: 1103-1111 

この論文の内容紹介 [アミメフエダイがテリトリーをもつことを発見]

11)  Nanami A. (2007) Juvenile swimming performance of three fish species on an exposed sandy beach in Japan. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 348: 1-10

この論文の内容紹介 [砂浜海岸の稚魚は、どれぐらいの速さで泳ぐ?]

10)  Nanami A. & Endo T. (2007) Seasonal dynamics of fish assemblage structures in a surfzone on an exposed sandy beach in Japan. Ichthyological Reseach 54: 277-286

 この論文の内容紹介 [砂浜海岸に現れる魚の子供たち]

9)  Nanami A. & Takegaki T. (2005) Age and growth of the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris in Ariake Bay, Kyushu,Japan. Fisheries Research 74: 24-34

8) Nanami A Saito H, Akita T, Motomatsu K & Kuwahara H (2005) Spatial distribution and assemblage structure of macrobenthic invertebrates in a brackish lake in relation to environmental variables. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 63:167-176

7) Nanami A, Nishihira M, Suzuki T & Yokochi H (2005) Species-specific spatial variation of coral reef fishes in relation to habitat characteristics in an Okinawan coral reef. Environmental Biology of Fishes 72: 55-65

6) Nanami A & Nishihira M (2004) Habitat association and temporal stability in coral reef fish assemblages on a massive Porites microatoll. Ichthyological Research 51: 165-171 

5) Nanami A. & Nishihira M. (2003b) Effects of habitat connectivity on the abundance and species richness of coral reef fishes: comparison of the experimental habitat site established at a rocky reef flat and at a sandy sea bottom Environmental Biology of Fishes 68: 183-196

4) Nanami A & Nishihira M (2003a) Population dynamics and spatial distribution of coral reef fishes: the comparison between continuous and isolated habitats. Environmental Biology of Fishes 68: 101-112.

3) Nanami A & Nishihira M (2002) The structure and dynamics of fish communities in an Okinawan coral reef: effects of coral-based habitat structures at sites with rocky and sandy sea bottoms. Environmental Biology of Fishes 63 (4) 353-372

2)  Nanami A & Nishihira M (2001) Survival rates of juvenile coral reef fishes differ between patchy and continuous habitats. Bulletin of Marine Science 69 (3): 1209-1222

1)  Nanami A & Nishihira M(1999) Nest construction by the labrid fish Choerodon jordani (Snyder 1908). Coral Reefs 18: 292 

この論文の内容紹介 [世界初報告! クラカケベラは寝床をつくる]




 国  内  誌 (日本語)               

2) 鈴木 豪•新垣 誠司•下田 徹•名波 敦•山下洋•甲斐清香•林原毅•與世田憲三(2011) 石西礁湖における枝状ミドリイシ群集の回復阻害要因の検討 日本サンゴ礁学会誌 13: 29-41

1) 名波 敦 & 西平守孝 (2007)   沖縄海岸海中公園におけるサンゴ礁の魚類相   沖縄生物学会誌 45: 15-26