
This work, "Utica", is a derivative of "062407 834" by Doug Kerr, used under CC BY.

"Utica" is licensed under CC BY by Aileen Sweeney.

The City of Utica is using eCode360 subscription service

City of Utica laws on eCode360


The city of Utica has a great handout/brochure that contains snippets of laws and phone numbers. We recommend that the Village of Ilion create a similar document and mail it to all ratepayers of water and electric bills.

The city has a requirement that all rental properties be registered.

Chapter 2-12: Housing Standards

ARTICLE II: Rental Dwelling Registry


City of Utica Codes Compliance - Telephone number - 315-792-0163


City of Utica - Sign Permit Application - pdf file

City of Utica Sidewalk Program

The City of Utica reimburses the owner $4.00 a square foot of mainline walk. Commercial and non-profits are allowed a maximum rebate of $1,000.00 ( If a corner property maximum rebate of $1,000.00 per street).


Responses from Utica via email 10/5/2015

The Utica Codes Deptartment uses BAS IPS (Building Automated Systems) (Integrated Property System) to record and track codes violations.

BAS web site link


The IPS has a mobile component (APP) that runs on the Android OS. The tablet they are using is the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 (10.1”)

Inspectors do not print and issue citations out in the field.

The City of Utica hosts its own web site. The design was fine-tuned and coded by a collaboration of Percussion and a design company in California who works well with the Percussion CM-1 software.

Here is a contact for Percussion.

Courtney Wentworth • Customer Success Manager

courtney_wentworth@percussion.com | D:781-909-5925

300 Unicorn Park Drive, Suite 3 | Woburn, MA 01801 | www.percussion.com

The city uses JotForm for its web based complaint form. They use the Bronze (paid subscription version). It allows for the creation of a distribution group. Therefore, it is possible to decide who receives the web form submissions. The data submitted can be viewed, saved, printed and downloaded so that it can be imported into Excel.