Chapter 070, Building Numbering

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Chapter 70, Building Numbering


Code enforcement -- See Ch. 7.

Fire prevention and building construction -- See Ch. 113.

Housing standards -- See Ch. 143.

Streets and sidewalks -- See Ch. 197.

§ 70-1. Purpose

The purpose of this chapter shall be to require the clear display of house numbers from public streets for all properties that contain principal buildings within the Village of Ilion in order to assist the general public or the authorities in identifying any property in case of an emergency, as well as for the welfare of the general public in conducting its normal affairs. The purpose of this 1997 amendment is to make provision for the exceptions for new or moved structures to provide compliance with the County 9-1-1.

§ 70-2. Applicability

Except as otherwise provided in § 70-6 et seq., this chapter shall apply to all properties within the Village of Ilion that contain a principal building thereon, whether or not said building is occupied. Such premises shall bear and display at least one set of house numbers, which shall be assigned by the Village Clerk. Buildings facing two or more public roadways shall be required to display auxiliary numbers, if necessary to pass the visibility test (as hereinafter set forth) when viewed from those points in the center line of the public roadway opposite those points where regularly used pedestrian or vehicular passageways enter the public roadway.

§ 70-3. Specification for size and location of numbers

In order to comply with this chapter, house numbers shall be Arabic in design, shall have a minimum height of three inches and shall be mounted in a secure fashion to the building's front wall or to a porch or other fixed appurtenance in front of the building in the general vicinity of the main entryway or main path of travel which leads to the main entrance from a public street, or otherwise separately mounted in an approved manner upon the face of a wall or upon a post in the front yard of the premises. Auxiliary numbers shall be mounted at a height between four feet and 10 feet above the adjacent grade or exterior landing directly beneath but never higher that 15 feet above the adjoining grade. They shall be sufficiently legible as to contrasting background, arrangement, spacing, size and uniformity of integers so that numbers may be read with ease during the daylight hours by a person possessing at least 20/40 vision as he views the numbers from the center line of the facing street and at an elevation of five feet above the finished surface thereof. The numbers shall be so placed that trees, shrubs or other obstructions do not block the line of the numbers from the center of the street to any appreciable degree.

§ 70-4. Existing numbers and installations

Existing numbers used or premises which essentially comply with numbers officially assigned by the Village Clerk at least to the extent that such number or numbers are in logical sequence with number or numbers assigned to properties on either side which are located on the same side of the street shall be considered as bearing the correct number or numbers for the purposes of this chapter. Existing installations which essentially meet the requirements and/or spirit of these regulations, including numbers presently on or attached to a mailbox, may be granted approval by the Code Enforcement Officer, Fire Chief or his designee without further alteration.

§ 70-5. Assignment of numbers

The final authority for determining and assigning the number or numbers to be used upon any particular property shall be the Village Clerk of the Village of Ilion.

§ 70-6. New structures and mobile homes

A All persons, firms, corporations and other legal entities constructing new structures or locating or relocating mobile homes in the Village of Ilion shall obtain an address notification form or serial number, duly issued by the Herkimer County 9-1-1 Office.

B No utility company operating in the Village of Ilion shall furnish its services to any new structure or mobile home, including a mobile home that is moved from one location to another, until it has been issued a valid address and either issued an address notification form or provided with the serial number from the address notification form as issued by the Herkimer County 9-1-1 Office. A "new structure" is defined as a commercial building, house or apartment newly constructed, being occupied for the first time and that will require an installation visit to obtain service. The subscriber will be required to provide proof that an address notification form has been obtained or that a proper address has been issued. Proof shall consist of providing the assigned street and structure number and the serial number of the address notification form as issued by the Herkimer County 9-1-1 Office.

C Applicants shall apply for the address notification form from the Herkimer County 9-1-1 Office. Application may be made via telephone or in writing to the Herkimer County 9-1-1 Office. The Herkimer County 9-1-1 Office shall furnish the applicant with sufficient copies of the address notification form necessary to present to the utility companies and the United States Postal Service, if requested by said utilities and Postal Service. When a request is made for an address, the approximate location will be obtained from the resident along with any identifying structures or landmarks which may help locate the structure or property requiring the address.

D As soon as is practically possible after a request is made for an address to the Herkimer County 9-1-1 Office, an address shall be issued and the necessary form filled out and a serial number assigned to said form. The Herkimer County 9-1-1 Office shall maintain a record of all addresses issued.

§ 70-7. Posting of designated address numbers

A The owner or occupant or person in charge of any house, building, mobile home or other structure to which a number has been assigned shall:

1. Within 30 days after the receipt or notification of such number, affix the number in a conspicuous place.

2. Remove any different number which might be mistaken for or confused with the number assigned to said structure by the issuing authority.

B Each principal building or structure shall display the number assigned to the frontage on which the front entrance is located. In case the principal building or structure is occupied by more than one business or family dwelling unit, each separate front entrance shall display a separate number. Where suite or lot numbers are assigned, the suite or lot number shall also be displayed in the same manner as the house number.

C Numerals indicating the official numbers assigned to each principal building, or each front entrance to such building shall be posted in a manner as to be legible and distinguishable from the street or road on which the property is located, with numbers painted or applied of not less than three inches in height.

D Mail boxes shall be marked with the house number.

E If the structure is not visible from the street or road on which it is located, and no mail box is beside the driveway leading to the structure, a sign or number post shall be erected which will allow the numbers to be displayed either vertically from the top down or horizontally.

§ 70-8. Penalties for offenses

The absence of house numbers or the insecure fastening or absence of any integer thereof, or the use of any number out of logical sequence of the street toward which it faces, or the failure of a number to meet the elevation requirement or the visibility requirements shall be considered as a violation of this chapter. Failure on the part of the property owner to comply with the provisions of this chapter within a period of 15 days from the date of issuance of a notice of violation shall be sufficient cause for the Code Enforcement Officer, Fire Chief or designee to proceed with carrying out the provisions of this chapter and assess any costs incurred to the property owner concerned, with a minimum charge of $25 for each property in violation.

§ 70-9. When effective

This chapter shall take effect immediately upon its filing with the Secretary of State.