Sunday Family Humour 2012 Special

Sunday Family Humour 2012 Special

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

This movie presents so much information that it is difficult to take in.

I guarantee you will learn something - I know I did.

However, I do hope it is wrong, but fear it may not be.

My first thought was related to electric motors, which I suspect would all spin the opposite way. For many applications this would not be a problem, but there would be no chance of a computer disk working backwards.

Some of our ancient prophecies may be true, but I also point out that not one single prophecy talks of The End of the World.

I conclude that there is a Sirius possibility that the content of this movie makes more sense that much of the stuff already in the public arena, and if so, it is important that everyone I know has a chance to see it, and make up their own minds, no matter how mind-blowing it might be.

Please watch this video as soon as possible - it might help you in a few days time (or it might not).