
レーン「ミトコンドリアが進化を決めた」みすず書房、2007年 より

鳥類と哺乳類を比べると、鳥類の方が3~4倍も長生きする。 ...たとえばハトとラットの安静代謝率は近いが、ハトの寿命が35年なのに対し、ラットの寿命はわずか3~4年で、一桁違う。 ...ハトがラットに比べて非常に長生きなのは、生活のペースを落としたためではない。むしろハトは、全く同じ生活のペースをもちながら、ラットより10倍も長く生きる。それなりの交換条件があってのことではないようなのだ。 p.382-383



「ミトコンドリアよ、分裂せよ」と叫ぶことである。身体活動や精神活動を保ち、エネルギー通貨であるATPを消費し、ミトコンドリアにATPを供給させる。エネルギー需要がミトコンドリアの分裂を喚起し、ミトコンドリアに予備力をもたらす。 ...鳥類のミトコンドリアゲノムの遺伝子配列は哺乳類の配置とまったく異なるので、ミトコンドリアゲノム複製の制御機構も哺乳類と大きく異なると予想される。





Exercise Training Increases Mitochondrial Biogenesis in the Brain

Author Affiliations

  • 1University of South Carolina

  • * University of South Carolina markd@mailbox.sc.edu

  • Submitted 21 March 2011. Revision received 27 July 2011. Accepted28 July 2011.


Increased muscle mitochondria are largely responsible for the increased resistance to fatigue and health benefits ascribed to exercise training. However, very little attention has been given to the likely benefits of increased brain mitochondria in this regard. We examined the effects of exercise training on markers of both brain and muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in relation to endurance capacity assessed by a treadmill run to fatigue (RTF) in mice. Male ICR mice were assigned to exercise (EX) or sedentary (SED) conditions (n=16-19/gr). EX mice performed 8 weeks of treadmill running for 1 hr/d, 6 d/wk at 25m/min and a 5% incline. Twenty-four hours after the last training bout a subgroup of mice (n=9-11/gr) were sacrificed and brain (brainstem, cerebellum, cortex, frontal lobe, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and midbrain), and muscle (soleus) tissues were isolated for analysis of mRNA expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1-alpha (PGC-1α), Silent Information Regulator T1 (SIRT1), citrate synthase (CS), and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) using RT-PCR. A different sub-group of EX and SED mice (n=7-8/gr), performed a treadmill RTF test. Exercise training increased PGC-1α, SIRT1 and CS mRNA and mtDNA, in most brain regions in addition to the soleus (P<0.05). Mean treadmill RTF increased from 74.0±9.6 min to 126.5±16.1 min following training (P<0.05). These findings suggest that exercise training increases brain mitochondrial biogenesis which may have important implications, not only with regard to fatigue, but also with respect to various central nervous system diseases and age-related dementia that are often characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction.