


Ryan Jordan (Ed.) Lightweight Backpacking and Camping (Backpacking Light)を読んで、一応は理解したが、いくつかの点では反対の意見がある。

ウルトラライトの動きには、原始的状態への回帰とか、根本主義のような宗教臭い面を感じる。主張の中には不合理で非科学的なものもある。 本の表紙の Ryanの写真を見た第一印象は、服を着すぎているということである。服はベーシックウェイトにカウントせず、シュラフを軽量化するために厚着にならざるを得ないのだろう。自分だったら、こんなに厚着では汗をかいてしまうので行動できない。Ryan は荷物の中で重い物、テント、シュラフ、バックパックを軽量化すべきだと主張しているが、冷静に考えるとおかしい部分がある。

1.テントをタープにする。---> 当たり前だが、技術が必要になる。ペグ位置の関係で建てられる場所に制約ができる。耐候性が劣る。寒くなるので、防寒対策が必要になる。...など。 個人的には超軽量テントを使った方がよいと考える。空気の動きが止まるので体感気温が数度高くなる。




There's a lot of discussion on various hiking boards on how to reduce weight of the "big three" (backpack, shelter, sleep system).. People make all sorts of sacrifices to shave 5-15 lbs on these three.

Since it is New Years resolution time, I'd like to suggest that, before making major gear changes, you think first about the "big one" (your personal bodyweight). I hardly ever see this discussed in hiking groups online, maybe because it can sound way too preachy. Since changes here take time, I suggest you start thinking about it now..

Here's why:



衣服 + シュラフ = 2 Kg


衣服 1.5 Kg + シュラフ 0.5 Kg

衣服 0.5 Kg + シュラフ 1.5 Kg








I am an old traditional backpacker, might be an heavy trucker. I am OK

when max load is within 25 Kg.

I had not special interest with a tarp system. But I am convinced that

an ultra-light equipment is useful for every one, So I have selected

an ultra light tent (Vaude Power Lizard UL 1.0 Kg). My impression of

these discussions is playing an ultra light weight game. (or Ultra

light obsession ).

I have found some article, which will give us some insights for thru hiker.

Am J Med. 2003 Mar;114(4):288-93.

Medical risks of wilderness hiking.

---They investigated the 280 AT backpacker, and found that the reasons

of ending a hike were injury, time limitation, and psychosocial


----The most common medical complaints were feet blisters (64%; n =

180), diarrhea (56%, n = 156), skin irritation (51%, n = 143), and

acute joint pain (36%, n = 102).

----The diarrhea was caused by inconsistent water purification (

Filtration was used more consistently than iodine or chlorine ). I

prefer filtration.

---- The cause of musculoskeletal injuries was not analyzed. Pack

weight ?, But, when hiking poles were used, they significantly reduced

the impacts to the joints, regardless of the pack weight. ( Med Sci

Sports Exerc. 2007 Jan;39(1):177-83.Effects of hiking downhill using

trekking poles while carrying external loads.Bohne M, bendroth-Smith

J.) The weight of hiking poles were unrelated to total energy

consumption( Mechanical and physiological effects of varying pole

weights during Nordic walking compared to walking. Schiffer T, Knicker

A, Montanarella M, Strüder HK. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 Nov 28.), so

the ultra light poles are unnecessary.

The pack weight was correlated to the paresthesias (Wilderness Environ

Med. 2009 Fall;20(3):250-6. The impact of footwear and packweight on

injury and illness among long-distance hikers.Anderson LS Jr, Rebholz

CM, White LF, Mitchell P, Curcio EP 3rd, Feldman JA, Kahn JH.), and

footwear was not correlated to the injury. So the lighter pack is


But the paresthesias will occur in the upper extremites ( heavy pack

only, Wilderness Environ Med. 2010 Jun;21(2):178-9; In response to

"The impact of footwear and packweight on injury and illness among

long-distance hikers".Bogdasarian M. ).

Cold Sleeperは翻訳すると寒がりのこと、寝る時に断熱材を多く必要とする。Complete Walker IV (P.136)に用例あり。Warm Sleeperは逆で暑がりのこと。寝る時の発熱量には個人差があるので、最適なSleeping Bagは個人によって異なる。