walking model


No energy should be needed when you are carrying backpack and standing

still. Your body and backpack should be integrated into one object. In

other word, all the weight of backpack should be hang on the bones,

not on the muscles. To this purpose, ultralight and light weight

backpack is not adequate. Most of the light weight backpack were

designed for 10 or 15 kg load. If the total backpack weight exceed 15

kg, we should carry it by on the shoulder muscles. Then, we need some

energy, even when we are standing still.

I introduced the walking model and make several explanation in my

hiking handbook <---this is a brief translation from my new handbook.

Kuo, A.D. ( 2007 ) The six determinants of gait and the inverted

pendulum analogy:A dynamic walking perspective. Human Movement

Science, 26, 617-656.

by Kuo( 2007 )

The energy consumption is predictable mathematically by the following formula,

WR =(1/8)f^3s^4

WR is work rate (energy consumption per weight and time), f is

standardized frequency of pitch, and s is standardized step length.

This model was proved by the walking experiments. The mathematical

estimation of energy consumption was very similar to the real energy


Several reasoning can be done by simple arithmetics.

WR is proportional to the fourth power of the step width and the third

power of frequency of pitch. In other words, step width has stronger

influence to energy consumption. When you walk in high speed, it is

better to increase frequency of pitch, then the increase of energy

consumption is minimum. It might be a similar mechanism in running,

then the high frequency pitch running is recommended in the

long-distance runnings such as the marathon.

The dynamic walking model is based on weightless legs, then assuming

the step width be minimum and frequency of pitch be maximal, the

energy consumption decreases near zero.

In a real world, there is no weightless leg. The energy consumption

also increases by the twists of the waist. The most efficient walking

speed is found to be 4-5km/h, then the energy consumption is minimum (

There are many experiments in Ergonics, for ex. Abe, D., Yanagawa, K,

& Niihata, S. 2004 Effects of load carriage, load position, and

walking speed on energy cost of walking. Applied Ergonics, 35,


WR is a energy consumption per 1 kg in weight per time. In other

words, as for the energy consumption of the person weighing 60 kg is

60 x WR, and the energy consumption of the person weighing 70 kg is

70 x WR . So the energy consumption is estimated by weight x WR.

The total energy in a day is also simply calculated by weight x WR x

walking time.

As for the energy consumption, assuming step width and the frequency

are constant, if you carry 20% of body weight backpack, then the

energy consumption is ( body + backpack ) weight x WR, that is 1.2 x

WR. It is a very simple relation.

Now, another reasoning. ---20%body weight backpack and without backpack

If the energy consumption of 20% backpack condition is equal to

without-backpack condition, how should we tune our gait. If you walk

without a backpack, your energy consumption is ( body weight ) x 1/ 8

x f^3 x s0^4. If you walk with a 20% body weight backpack, your

energy consumption is ( body weight + backpack weight ) x 1/ 8 x f^3

x s2^4.

s0 is a step width in without backpack, and s2 is a step width in 20%

backpack condition.

If we can walk with the same energy in the both condition.

( body weight ) x 1/ 8 x f^3 x s0^4 = 1.2 x ( body weight ) x 1/ 8

x f^3 x s2^4.

then by simple arithmetic, we can conclude s2=0.956s0.

That is if you walk carrying 20% body weight backpack with 95.6% step

width as compared to without backpack condition, your energy

consumption may be equal to the without backpack condition.

Another reasoning: ultralight hiker (10%body weight backpack) vs heavy

trucker(40% body weight backpack)

Assuming, an ultralight hiker who carries a 10% body weight backpack,

and a heavy trucker who carries a 40% body weight backpack, the body

weights are equal.

If they walk same time with same step width and pitch, then the

energy consumption of ultralight hiker is 1.1, and that of heavy

tracker is 1.4, Then the heavy trucker needs energy of 1.27 times of

the ultra light hiker.

If they walk same time with different step widths(s1, and s4),

assuming frequency of pitch is constant. Assuming an ultra light hiker

and the heavy trucker walk with the same energy consumption at the

same time. Then, 1.4s4^4=1.1s1^4, It becomes s4=0.943s1

That is the energy consumption of heavy trucker becomes equal to that of the ultralight

hiker at the 94% distance of the ultra light hiker. In other words,

the heavy trucker can prevent physical consumption if he make distance

a little short.

I am very sorry for you all. The simple reasoning based of recent

walking model indicated the the influence of backpack weight is not so

large as you expected. It may be within 5% when walking gait is tuned.

You cannot walk double distance if you halve the backpack weight. The

endurance training is needed.


\item $WR$は、歩幅の4乗と歩行のピッチの3乗に比例する。つまり、歩幅の方が影響力が強い。スピードを上げる時にはピッチを上げた方がエネルギー消費の増加が少ない。マラソンなどの長距離走で、ピッチ走法が良いと言われるのも、同様の事情だろう。

\item 動的歩行モデルは重さのない脚に基づいているため、理論的には歩幅を非常に小さくしてピッチを増やせば、エネルギー消費は減少する。実際には脚には重さがあり、腰のひねり等でエネルギー消費が増大する。後で説明するが、歩行速度には最適値があり、4~5km/hがもっともエネルギー消費が少ない。

\item $WR$は体重1kg当たりのエネルギー消費を表している。つまり、60kgの人のエネルギー消費は$WR \times 60$、70kgの人のエネルギー消費は$WR \times 70$と、単純な積になる。歩幅とピッチを一定とすると、体重の20\%の荷物を担いだとすると、エネルギー消費は1.2倍になる。非常に単純な関係である。

\item 体重$w$の人が体重の20\%のバックパックを担ぐとしよう。空身の時のエネルギー消費は、$w\frac{1}{8}f^3s_2^4$、バックパックを担いだ時のエネルギー消費は、$1.2w\frac{1}{8}f^3s_2^4$である。ピッチを一定として、歩幅を調整して、空身の時と同じエネルギー消費で歩くとしよう。前者の歩幅を$s_2$、後者の歩幅を$s_0$としよう。すると、$1.2w\frac{1}{8}f^3s_2^4=w\frac{1}{8}f^3s_0^4$。共通部分を消してしまうと、$1.2s_2^4=s_0^4$。これを解くと、$s_2=0.956s_0$となる。体重の20\%のバックパックを担いでも、歩幅を96\%に縮めれば、空身の時とエネルギー消費は同じである。

\item 体重の10\%のバックパックを担ぐウルトラライト・ハイカーと、体重の40\%のバックパックを担ぐヘビー・トラッカーの場合を考えてみよう。両者の体重は同じと仮定する。同じ歩幅と同じピッチで同じ距離を歩けば、エネルギー消費は1.1 : 1.4の比になり、ヘビー・トラッカーはウルトラライト・ハイカーの1.27倍のエネルギーを消費する。

\item ウルトラライト・ハイカーとヘビー・トラッカーの歩幅を$s_1$、$s_4$として、同じエネルギー消費で、同じ時間歩くと仮定すると、$1.4s_4^4=1.1s_1^4$になる。これを解くと、$s_4=0.943s_1$となる。ヘビー・トラッカーのエネルギー消費は、ウルトラライト・ハイカーの94\%の距離で、エネルギー消費が同じになる。つまり、ヘビー・トラッカーは少し距離を短めにすれば、身体の消耗を防げる。



Dynamic Walking Model 動的歩行モデル


Hum Mov Sci. 2007 Aug;26(4):617-56. Epub 2007 Jul 6.

The six determinants of gait and the inverted pendulum analogy: A dynamic walking perspective.

Kuo AD.


Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2350 Hayward Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125, USA. artkuo@umich.edu


We examine two prevailing, yet surprisingly contradictory, theories of human walking. The six determinants of gait are kinematic features of gait proposed to minimize the energetic cost of locomotion by reducing the vertical displacement of the body center of mass (COM). The inverted pendulum analogy proposes that it is beneficial for the stance leg to behave like a pendulum, prescribing a more circular arc, rather than a horizontal path, for the COM. Recent literature presents evidence against the six determinants theory, and a simple mathematical analysis shows that a flattened COM trajectory in fact increases muscle work and force requirements. A similar analysis shows that the inverted pendulum fares better, but paradoxically predicts no work or force requirements. The paradox may be resolved through the dynamic walking approach, which refers to periodic gaits produced almost entirely by the dynamics of the limbs alone. Demonstrations include passive dynamic walking machines that descend a gentle slope, and active dynamic walking robots that walk on level ground. Dynamic walking takes advantage of the inverted pendulum mechanism, but requires mechanical work to transition from one pendular stance leg to the next. We show how the step-to-step transition is an unavoidable energetic consequence of the inverted pendulum gait, and gives rise to predictions that are experimentally testable on humans and machines. The dynamic walking approach provides a new perspective, focusing on mechanical work rather than the kinematics or forces of gait. It is helpful for explaining human gait features in a constructive rather than interpretive manner.



a.6つの歩行の決定因モデルと b.逆振り子モデル。




受動歩行ロボットはこちらが面白い。The passive walking robot http://bit.ly/iUncDz


