


サプリは強いトレーニング状況でどんな影響を与えるか。二重盲件法によるトレーニング実験。参加者は24名の消防士で、無作為にサプリ群とプラシーボ群に分けて盲検化して強いトレーニング実験を行った。トレーニングは35日間で、免疫の生理的指標を調べた。サプリは、ベータ・カロテン(15 mg)、ビタミンC(200 mg)、セレン(200μg)、亜鉛(15 mg)、マグネシウム(100 mg)を含んだサプリ。サプリの効果はまったく見られなかった。---Santos, et al. 2017 Micronutrient Supplementation does not Change Complement System Response to Heavy Training. Sports Med Int Open. 2017 Jun 14;1(3):E113-E118.

トレーニングしても、ビタミンCとEの摂取がミトコンドリアの生産を妨げ、トレーニング成果を妨げるという研究。これも二重盲件法による実験。参加者は男女54名。サプリ群はビタミンC(1000 mg)とビタミンE(235mg)を11週の間与えた。プラシーボ群は偽物のサプリを与えた。参加者は週に3-4回の高強度のインターバルトレーニング(4-6 x 4?6分、HRmaxの90%以上)と安定した耐久トレーニング(30-60分、HRmaxの70?90%)を行った。VO2maxの改善度は両グループとも同程度で差がなかった。サプリ群では持久力トレーニング後のミトコンドリア生合成のマーカーの増加(COX4)を減衰させた。すなわち、ミトコンドリアのタンパク質の生成を妨害しているようである。---Paulsen, et al. 2014 Vitamin C and E supplementation hampers cellular adaptation to endurance training in humans: a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial. J Physiol. 2014 Apr 15;592(8):1887-901.



サプリについての研究。C3、C4、CH100は免疫系の成分を測定器で測ったものらしい。参加者は24名のfirefighterで、盲検化してランダムにサプリ群とプラシーボ群に割り当て、35日間に渡る強いトレーニングを受けた。サプリは Ever-Fit Plus, Prisfar R with 15 mg of beta-carotene(これ発がん性ある), 200 mg of vitamin C, 136 mg of vitamin E, 200 μg of selenium(セレン), 15 mg of zinc(亜鉛) and 100 mg of magnesium)。2要因分散分析の結果、C3、C4の主効果と交互作用なし。CH100にも影響なし。著者によると、理由として、1.きちんと食事をしている人にはサプリメントでは生来の免疫系を改善できない、2.選択したサプリメントは適切な栄養状態の人の生来の免疫系を改善できない。3.選ばれたサプリメントが免疫系の変化を引き起こすに十分な量ではない、のいずれかであろう。なお、セレンと亜鉛は過剰摂取すると中毒する。

Sports Med Int Open. 2017 Jun 14;1(3):E113-E118. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-111403. eCollection 2017 May.

Micronutrient Supplementation does not Change Complement System Response to Heavy Training.

We aimed to examine the micronutrient supplementation effect on complement system activity after heavy training. 24 male firefighters were randomly divided into supplemented and placebo groups, and tested for immunology-related parameters using venous blood samples in the fasting state pre- and post-5 weeks of nutritional supplementation. C3 and C4 complement components were determined in a nephelometer from immune complexes formed through specific human antisera and total haemolytic complement activity (CH100) was determined by enzyme immunoassay. Differences between pre- and post-supplementation were observed only for CH100 on placebo group (p=0.004; mean diff −26.92; 95%CI −43.58 to −10.25) and no interaction, treatment or time effects were observed for C3 and C4. Although interaction accounted for 8.8% of the total variance in CH100 (with time effect pre- vs post-accounting for 19.5% of the total variance), the treatment effect (supplemented vs placebo) was not significant. The absence of effects on the complement system response to supplementation during heavy training could be justified by the fact that: (i) nutritional supplements do not improve humoral innate immunity in well-fed subjects; (ii) selected supplements unlikely improve the innate immune system in situations of adequate nutritional status; and/or (iii) selected doses of supplementation were not sufficient to elicit immune changes.

Vitamin C and E supplementation hampers cellular adaptation to endurance training in humans: a double-blind randomized controlled trial



In this double-blind, randomized, controlled trial we investigated the effects of vitamin C and E supplementation on endurance training adaptations in humans. Fifty-four young men and women were randomly allocated to receive either 1000 mg vitamin C and 235 mg vitamin E daily or a placebo for 11 weeks. During supplementation, the participants completed an endurance training programme consisting of 3-4 sessions per week (primarily running), divided into high intensity interval sessions (4-6x4-6 minutes; >90% of maximal heart rate (HRmax)) and steady state continuous sessions (30-60 minutes; 70-90% of HRmax). Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), submaximal running, and a 20 m shuttle run test were assessed and blood samples and muscle biopsies were collected, before and after the intervention. The vitamin C and E group increased their VO2max (8±5%) and performance in the 20 m shuttle test (10±11%) to the same degree as the placebo group (8±5% and 14±17%, respectively). However, the mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV (COX4; +59±97%) and cytosolic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1 alpha (PGC-1alpha; +19±51%) increased in m. vastus lateralis in the placebo group, but not in the vitamin C and E group (COX4: -13±54%, PGC-1alpha: -13±29%; p≤0.03, between groups). Furthermore, mRNA levels of CDC42 and mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1) in the trained muscle were lower in the vitamin C and E group (p≤0.05, compared to the placebo group). Daily vitamin C and E supplementation attenuated increases in markers of mitochondrial biogenesis following endurance training. However, no clear interactions were detected for improvements in VO2max and running performance. Consequently, vitamin C and E supplementation hampered cellular adaptions in the exercised muscles, and although this was not translated to the performance tests applied in this study, we advocate caution when considering antioxidant supplementation combined with endurance exercise.

High-Dose Supplements of Vitamins C and E, Low-Dose Multivitamins, and the Risk of Age-related Cataract: A Population-based Prospective Cohort Study of Men

サプリメントの害については、既に多くの研究があるが、2013年のスウェーデンでの大規模な前向きコーフォート研究の結果が発表された。参加者はスウェーデンの49~79歳の男性31,120名。サプリメントの摂取量は質問紙による調査で、ビタミンCの単独摂取の推定値は1000mg, ビタミンEは100mg、総合ビタミン剤での摂取量はビタミンCで60mg、ビタミンEで9mgで、これらは一日の摂取量の推奨値に近かった。年齢等の変数を統制すると、白内障のリスクをサプリメントを摂らないグループと比較すると、ビタミンCの単独摂取はをリスクを21%増加させ、ビタミンEの単独摂取は59%を増加させた。一方、総合ビタミン剤ではリスクの増加はなかった。ビタミンCの単独摂取を10年以上続けたグループではサプリメントを摂らないグループと比較すると、リスクが36%増加していた。この研究の参加者は男性であるが、女性でも同等の結果が得られている。つまり、論文には大量摂取とあるが、ビタミンCで1000mg、ビタミンEで100mg程度の単独摂取は白内障のリスクを押し上げる。

There are many researches concerning the risk of supplements, but the large-scale prospective cohort study in Sweden was published in 2013. Participants were 31,120 Swedish men, 49-79 years in population based prospective cohort. The amounts of the dietary supplements were assessed by a questionnaire. The amount of single vitamin C supplement was estimated as for 1,000 mg, and vitamin E as 100 mg. The vitamin C and vitamin E in the multivitamin were 60 mg and 9 mg each. These amount were close to the daily recommendation. In the age- and multivariable-adjusted hazard ratio for dietary supplement use, vitamin C use only was associated 21% increase risk of cataract, vitamin E use only was associated with 59% increase risk of cataract, and multivitamin use only was not associated with cataract risk. Long-term (10 years or more ) vitamin C use only was associated with 36% increased risk of cataract. The participants of this study is men, but these results were in agreement with the previous prospective study of 24,593 women. The high-dose of this paper means 1000mg for vitamin C only, 100mg for vitamin E only. Those supplements were associated with increase risk of cataract.