Why Are The Rockefellers Getting Out of the Oil Industry?

Why Are The Rockefellers Getting Out of the Oil Industry?

Logical Conspiracy Theory based on Real News

& Real Scientific Technology

This article is in reference to the news that the Rockefellers are getting out of the oil industry. They also are buying up water sources worldwide and so are other wealthy corporations. The link to some news stories are posted below this article.

Why Are The Rockefellers Getting Out Of Oil Industry?

The Rockefellers are getting out of the oil industry because they likely hold secret patents to the working technology that enables the standard combustion engine to run on water. For decades they have been doing all that they can to keep people from knowing about this technology, although thousands of people have been trying to figure out how to do it without success, except only a few. The ones that do figure it out, or begin to figure it out either die or end up in prison before they're able to fully release it, then it's covered up. I know this from personal experience and I'm really putting myself in danger by even posting this.

Radio Frequency technology breaks the hydrogen/oxygen bond of water (H2O) converting it into a gaseous, safe, clean burning, renewable fuel. So clean burning in fact that the exhaust output is pure, clean water which can be used as a drinking source or recycled back into the engine intake process creating a Closed Loop Perpetual Running Engine that never needs to be refilled with water, nor does it need an outside air intake because the separated hydrogen and oxygen molecules from the water provides the perfect ratio of hydrogen/oxygen mix for proper combustion.

Buying Up All The Water Resources

The Rockefellers and others have been buying up water sources all around the world because they are preparing to do with water what they did with oil, Own The Markets. But it’s not just the Rockefellers involved, read about the Wall Street Banks and Elitist Multi-Billionaires “New Water Barons” through the link below after reading this article.

This is something we cannot let happen. If they own all the water in the world, it will change Humanity as we know it because none of us would have cheap or free access to drinking water, we will be charged ungodly amounts of money for it. And it would be easy for them to force us to buy their water by polluting all of the world's water. By them owning the free energy/clean water technology and all the water sources we would have no choice but to buy from them, unless we risk infringement upon their patent by building our own devices and stealing water.

They've already been slowly getting us used to paying outrageous amounts for bottled water, which is working because most people don't even bat an eye to pay $2 for a small bottle of water. I just read a news article the other day where CEO of Nestle says he doesn't believe it should be a right for us to have access to water. Nestle has also been buying up water for over a decade, even trying to buy up Public City Water Systems for profit.

People’s Common Reactions

Telling people about this technology tends to have one of two reactions the majority of the time. The most common reaction is apathy, no reaction at all, they don't realise the magnitude of how much this one technology will change the world; Our Economy, Freedom to Travel at No Cost, Free Electricity, Save the Environment, Provide Clean Water, Enable Deep Space Travel, Bankrupt the Greedy Oil Tycoon Billionaires and End Wars Over Oil.

The second most common reaction from the others is like a programed disbelief, denial that it’s even possible, argumentative, very negative, rude and mean. Very much like all the trolls you see on the internet that are assholes to everyone about everything. A perfectly brainwashed community of trolls doing the bidding for the wealthy Elite without even knowing it. Now let's talk about the scientific community.

The Oblivious Scientific Community

Most college professors, scientists and specialists are brainwashed and programmed to believe the textbooks that they teach from and deny that this free-energy water technology is possible. They ignorantly claim and teach that it requires more energy to break the molecular bond of H2O than the energy that it can create or produce, they generally refer to The Law of Thermodynamics.

In reality this does not break their laws of thermodynamics because water is naturally stored energy, only requiring the correct resonant frequency to release that energy. At the correct harmonic resonant frequencies water is easily separated into its counterparts of hydrogen and oxygen, putting out far more energy than what is needed to break the hydrogen/oxygen bond.

Water is stored energy similar to how oil is stored energy but water doesn't take millions of years to create like oil does. Just as an example, you can kind of look at it like the following (although it's not the same, it's just a good metaphor or parable to put it into perspective for the layman): to get oil it takes energy to drill the holes in the ground, and it takes energy to process that oil into a usable fuel, then it takes energy to transport that fuel to the gas stations, but it takes less energy for all that processing of the oil than the end amount of fuel that is produced. This is not the greatest example because the efficiencies and totals of oil production is based on the total volume of oil in the well but it may help the less inclined to understand it a little better.

With water you only put in a small amount of energy to create the correct resonant frequencies directed at the water, then the hydrogen/oxygen bond of millions or billions of molecules are split apart into gaseous form to be used immediately as fuel on demand. Another good example would be the way a trumpet or a singer's voice can break glass, the glass is actually resonating at a specific frequency which causes it to break. The energy used by the singer or trumpet player is far less than the energy created to break the glass.

Resonance is the key to the water splitting technology being efficient, putting off more energy than is put in.

Saltwater Flame.jpg

Free Electricity

The point is that this technology really exist and it will give us all free energy. Not only will it run our cars, trucks, tractors, boats, airplanes, space shuttles and other combustion engines but it will also give our homes Free Electricity. There's two different ways in specific to create electricity with this technology, the first and most basic way is to set up a generator running on water to produce the electricity for your home; the second way is to use a Hydrogen Fuel Cell which is the best method because it requires no moving parts and is completely silent.

Both units can be self-contained and never require refueling. However, the generator and any other combustion engine would still need it's routine maintenance due to moving parts and friction, but the maintenance wouldn't need to be as often because hydrogen is very clean burning, runs cooler and introduces no carbon deposits into the system which is generally what causes the motor oil to break down faster.

Clean Drinking Water

This technology is also great for producing clean drinking water. The water you put into the system can be polluted, poisoned and even biologically contaminated and you will still get purified clean drinking water from the output exhaust. So, if all the water in the world were to somehow become contaminated this technology would be our savior.

Space Travel

This technology is also the only technology that will enable us to travel the universe if and when we ever needed to escape the Earth, because after all, our Sun may not last forever,It may just blow up some day like other stars do. The only way to travel far distances in the universe while supporting life at the same time is to have a perpetual, renewable energy source and this provides that. In a closed system like a Starship the amount of water on board would always be the same.

The technology will process all of our human waste into pure drinking water,which gives us a closed loop system, but of course the more human beings that are newly born will use up more water but in space there is more water than we could ever use. And of course if we're traveling in deep space, were trying to find another planet to inhabit, but there are still many other uninhabitable planets, moons and other space rocks that have water on them. But enough about that because our current and most important concern is to save the planet we are on, Earth, and all the people and life on it.

Global Warming

This technology will put a stop to our fossil fuel carbon emission problems and even reverse the effects of global warming. If we were to allow the emissions to be directly released into our atmosphere (which is just water vapor) it can actually help restore and heal it. It would even help create rain. The healing effects would start right away once the whole world converted to this technology and stopped using fossil fuels.

However, Global Warming Prevention initiatives will also work perfectly in the Elites favor by criminalizing the use of fossil fuels forcing us to buy their Technology and Water. These kinds of Technologies and Earth’s Resources cannot be allowed to be owned by just a few people, they must be owned and shared by all of us.

Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together

When you put the whole puzzle together you will begin to realize the wealthy Elite’s secret plan to take over all of the world’s resources and ultimately enslave Humanity through the debt and monetary system. Banks and corporations have already acquired ownership of most resources and are still buying up the remainder of the land, water, technology patents, utility companies and all the other resources of the world.

They are using their wealth to dominate the Earth, and their enormous wealth and power makes it extremely difficult for us to stop them, because just about everybody can be bought, including our government. We must all come together and do something about this right now before their power is unstoppable and irreversible.

Help Through the Right Government Leaders

What we need is a leader within government that's willing to risk everything to try and change it. Maybe Bernie Sanders can help us with all this with our help. With us and an honest leader on the inside it shouldn't be that difficult of a task if we act quickly. It seems this may be our only option, to have good people within government to enforce new rules upon the big Banks, Corporations and any other Elite in the world. And if they don't cooperate then it's time to send the police or military in to force their cooperation.

We must freeze their assets and bank accounts, relinquish them of ownership of their businesses , properties, natural resources, Patents and any other secret technologies and resources keeping them in power. We don't have to take ‘all’ their money or their basic personal belongings from them, they can still have their homes and cars and all the stuff that all of us equally deserve to have as a basic human right. They should not own the Earth and its resources, it belongs to All Of Us.

Doing this will get rid of the inequality in the world and bring the wealth to everyone, creating a new era of true freedom and prosperity for all. There's no question that we must do something about this or it will continue to get worse until it’s too late and there's nothing we can do about it. Once they take over government completely it's over for us. They have already bought off most of the government, so we need to hurry up and get someone trustworthy in there before they get full control. Once they have full control of our government and military our only chance would be some miracle like aliens arriving to help, or God himself.

So let's stand up and speak out and use this once in our lifetime opportunity to elect the right people into the White House to help us from the inside. Bernie Sanders is currently leading a Political Revolution and Millions of Us are walking with him, we need to use this opportunity which may be our last because Bernie is getting older and he most likely won't be able to run for president again eight years from now, and by that time it may be too late because we might not have somebody else like Bernie run. We need to bring about this Evolution that Humanity has been awaiting for such a long time. Let's come together and Collectively take back control of our lives and our children’s futures, Let’s Stand Up and Do What’s Right! Vote for Bernie Sanders!

UPDATE: Well Bernie lost and Trump won, that's not good, because he's one of the crony capitalist who is only helping the other elite further their power, and increasing their bank accounts which further increases their power. We need to elect all new people with knowledge of what this system we live in really is and come together to change government and our economic system from the ground up. To do this we need as many people woken up as possible to have enough votes and backing for new elected officials. This will be quite a task but it can be done, we just need to educate and inform more people.

Check out my latest writings, 'The Power of LOVE: Life's Optimal Virtuous Economy' and my older writings on this site as well, but keep in mind that some of my older stuff isn't as developed as some of my newer stuff which is evolving into a real feasible way to change the system to bring about peace, freedom, abundance and prosperity for Everyone!

Article about all the Elite Buying Up All the Water Sources:

The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up the World’s Water

Article about Rockefeller Leaving the Oil Business:

After almost 150 years the Rockefeller Family will divest all interests in the family business