Elite Controllers

This is a 'Conspiracy Theory'

However... most of the science and technology mentioned are not theories.

A small group of individuals have mastered eternal-life sciences and have gained control of this world. Money and scientific information is their tools to maintain that control. Control of 'information' and 'money' give them unencumbered and unchecked 'ultimate power'.

They monitor world education institutions to weed out the geniuses and higher awareness individuals. They attempt to recruit those people and use the smartest ones in secret labs to advance their technologies, such as, DNA manipulation, cloning, consciousness transference; mind-control, possession & telepathy technologies used for population control; free-energy technologies, anti-gravitic propulsion, weather modification/control, geological control (such as earthquakes), and much more.

They keep the rest of the world sidetracked, busy and unaware of these technologies and secret systems of control, capitalism being one of the biggest methods to control the population, keep people chasing money and they have no time to seek truth.

Some of us have had to reincarnate to start over as a baby, while those in control have mastered secret technologies, to both, longevity of the body, as well as full consciousness & memory transference into new clone bodies when necessary. With full retention of memory and personality they maintain full control of the world and society for generations while the few of us reincarnate as babies without immediate consciousness and memory in a brain that's not fully developed yet.

Some of us have gained control of the bio-electric brain circuit that enables us to tap into or connect to other people’s minds and the collective consciousness, a wireless network of neural connections to all human beings and the world around us. Once we tap into that collective consciousness we can begin to see synchronicities and clues to tell us the truth to what's really going on in the world.

We are all puppets within the elites monetary controls. Money is a very powerful tool for controlling the entire population. Everyone is trained and conditioned to submit to the elites money system of capitalism, and of course for the most part it works because in our current system, without money we can't survive. If anyone refuses to participate in this monetary system, they have no access or rights to earth's basic resources of life.

Those that do manage to wake up and establish that connection are then bombarded with various ‘Distractor Factors’ directly by the elite, such as controlling the people around us (loved ones, bosses, co-workers, even that random person that cut you off on the highway, or the store clerk, etc.) in an attempt to effect the awakened person’s attention and emotions.

More to come...until then stay aware and keep seeking Truth with Love in your Heart!