LOVE: Older Page with Relevant Points (2)

Capitalism gives people control over others, from bosses to landlords, the rich have the ability and resources to manipulate people's lives, even poor people have control over other poor people. Capitalism causes a deep seeded disconnect amongst people, such a deep programmed view that most people don’t know they have it, are infected by it, everyone's foundation of thought is money, how much it costs, how much he makes, class division, even down to the lower classes have control over others based solely on financial means and backed by the laws set by capitalism.

People are judged by their financial status, not by their potential or even their physical contribution.

Money is at the foundation of our society when human values, morals and ethics should be our foundation.

Peoples programmed psychology and narrow world views are at the heart of society's problems.

Capitalism sinks its teeth in people by taking over ownership of the land. Inject fantasy money into society through land and home loans. Once the owners of the money system (world banks) take over the lands with debt based loans the residents, their families and future generations are then bound to a life of servitude to the money system or lose the land to the bank. After eviction the bank then repeats the process by sticking its claws into someone else to pay them for the property. American’s don’t even own their own America, it’s definitely not the land of the free, it’s the land of always chasing money to simply exist in some slight sense of peace and comfort. Once you see the reality of how land and housing are controlled by the elite and kept out of the ownership of the citizens, it’s hard to unsee the reality that we are slaves, working to pay others for a piece of land and home that’s not rightfully the elites property, after all, don’t they have their own home to live in? Why should we pay them for our home, they don’t pay us for theirs, nor should any of us pay someone to build a life on this Earth.

The point is that, we already have enough homes for everyone in America, there are enough empty homes to supply 6 homes to every homeless person in America, and that's without counting hotel rooms or vacant skyrise buildings, or buildings that are being used solely for financial businesses instead of producing something tangible for society. So, people's argument that it cost money to build a home is no longer valid. The homes are already built, the physical human labor has already been done and paid for to the workers, the only amounts of money left is the unfair extra debt added by the rich capitalist (banks or landlords) to fill their pockets with, They call this extra money they charge, “property value”, which is a fictional value created only to keep us enslaved to them for eternity. Many people may not understand what is being explained here, but once you do see the reality of what is happening, It's difficult to see it any other way at that point, and you realize how simple it is to see the truth if you would only look and think about it for a little while. People should not be charged money to live on the land of our God given Earth, we don’t choose to be born into this world and we shouldn’t have to pay others just to live on it.

Most “jobs” don’t even contribute to society at all, they simply support the money system. For example, a cashier has no true meaningful contribution to society, they don’t produce anything tangible, they simply collect money from people for the capitalists. A cashier is essentially a guard for the capitalists hoarded or stockpiled resources.

The irony is, that it seems it's going to take money to end money. Since we currently live in a capitalist society, everything cost money, so in order to get information out to the masses it requires money to pay advertiser firms and mainstream networks for ad campaigns.

Trying to write what I see so clearly in my head is very difficult.

In the new system, people who invent and design things, get greater access to natural resources and materials and tools to further develop their abilities and create new or better products for the world.

During the transition of uprooting capitalism, we will have a system that uses a smartphone app and/or a plastic card such as a credit or debit card or food stamp card.

Everyone automatically has a monthly food credit. The cost of each product is determined by resources available, using an intelligently programed system to manage and keep track of the whole world's resources and consumption. All critical processes that require the most labor are to be automated to the best ability and technologies available.

In this new transitional system there are no profits to be gained by any entity of the world, including governments, businesses and individuals. Every individual gets a base monthly or weekly income. Everyone has this app installed on their phone which gives them access to everyday resources. If someone ops out of the app service because they're scared of it then they can just use something similar to a credit card and use a self-serve checkout at the grocery store to enter the products in the inventory system,But with the app no checkout is required because you scan the items with your camera phone as you take them off the shelves which automatically updates the world's inventory system. So really the only people that would need to ever do anything at the grocery store as far as work, is to just oversee and maintain the stocking of shelves, as we update each store with automation there will be less and less human labor required, the stores will then be stocked by robots much like the ones they have at, autonomous robots that are all connected to one another to maintain the flow of inventory. at that point the only workers needed at places such as grocery stores are technicians to do an occasional walkthrough to make sure everything's operating correctly and make repairs to the robots or computers if they're not, something that would only require a couple hours a month to maintain.

Say you have a hospital which has 1000 people who run and maintain the facility, doctors, nurses, janitors, maintenance, food service, ect., Each of those workers gets paid a weekly salary for contributing. That salary is simply entered as numbers in your phone app, the money doesn't actually get paid from any other account, the money doesn't exist until the numbers are entered automatically into the app for that weekly paycheck, in other words we don't have to figure out where the money is going to come from like in our current capital system, the money is literally created on the spot as it's entered into the app. The same goes for when that money gets spent, say you're at the store to buy a TV, when you buy that TV and spend that money the money is simply deleted out of your account, it is not transferred to some other account for someone to collect or make a profit, the money simply no longer exists once it's spent.

In this system there are no rents or mortgages, housing is free, as well as all utilities, electric, phone, water, internet, gas, trash service, all living expenses are at no cost to anyone. So back to the hospital example, the land and the building itself are owned by the people, everyone, there is no cost for the land, or to build the hospital itself, or to run its utilities. There's also no cost to anyone for the services that the workers who run and maintain the hospital provide. The workers are paid for their contributions, but that pay does not come from any person or account, in other words, like mentioned already, the money is just created into their account from thin air because they are a registered worker of the hospital. All health care services are free to everyone, there is no cost to anyone. The same goes to every other industry, business, production facility, etc. The only things that we spend money on is for products that use up our finite natural resources.

The reason for having money in the first place during this transitional period is to intelligently manage resources in a society that is addicted to mindlessly consuming with no regard to the availability of raw natural resources. If we were all suddenly given unlimited access to all resources we would just mindlessly consume and fill our cars with everything we can get our hands on simply because it's free. In our current capitalist system, anytime somebody says “free” we jump on it and take shit even if it's something that we don't give a shit about, something we don't need, something we won't use, simply because it's “free” we take it, in our current state of psychological programming we think we're supposed to just jump on it and take it because it's free, so this is why a transitional period is required before making everything completely free. It would work much like it already does now in the sense that most of us still work and contribute to society and get paid for it and use that money to go to the store and buy products, the big difference is there is no profit being made by anyone, all products are priced simply based on its availability, abundance or lack of abundance, and to keep people from overstocking their homes with more of something than they need.

Every business will be run in the same way that the hospital example above is ran. All businesses that actually contribute to society by creating a product or service will still remain open. the difference will be that everyone gets paid through the app system, not by the business itself. Pricing of products and services are priced solely on the availability of any physical natural resource and time required to produce that product or service. Labor is not a factor in cost of products or service because everyone is already paid for their labor by the system itself, so in other words the income of the business does not cover any labor costs because in reality there is no income for the business anyway, all money that is used to buy a product or service at that business is immediately deleted out of the buyer’s app account, again it is not transferred from your account to some other account, it is erased as it is used. So say you go into Popeye's Chicken to buy a meal, the prices are solely based on availability of resources, in this case, the chickens, or beans, or corn, or anything else that's on the menu. Let's say we have an overabundance of those resources, in that case we set the prices super low or even free depending on how much of an overabundance there is, an overabundance basically just means that we have more chickens than all the people of the entire world can or do eat. Actually, it could even work well to make all restaurants free in the first place, there is a difference between a restaurant and the grocery store, when someone eats at a restaurant they don't buy 10 meals all at once to feed them over the next 10 days like they would at a grocery store, so making the meals free at restaurants shouldn't be any problem, it shouldn’t cause people to order more than they need, in other words there won’t be needless over-ordering at free restaurants like they could do at a grocery store if we didn’t have a monthly food spending account, loading up 30 baskets worth of food all at once to take home and store away to last months and months and months, which is why we need to maintain an equilibrium by having food spending accounts, we really only need a weeks or so worth of groceries at our house.

Food is free, regardless of where you get it from, a restaurant or grocery store, there are just limits on how much you can get, much like having a lone star card or food stamps, you have a monthly amount that you are allowed to spend which should be enough to meet your calorie needs, and more if wanted, but not too much. Basically the spending limit is put there so that people don't just go and empty out grocery stores all at once because the word “free” activates their old Capitalism Psychological Programming Disorder. Giving everyone a liberal amount of spending money on food every month or week should be adequate to still maintain stock at the grocery stores. And remember, all the workers who helped produce these foods and help stock shelves etc. get paid just like everybody else does through their app.

The way to start this system is to begin the transition by paying every employee of every job there is out there, this app makes automatic payments to all citizens of the world. At that point all money that previously existed (the Dollar, Pound, Euro, Etc.) is no longer legal tender, it becomes worthless, kindling for fire, or better yet sent to the recycling center to recycle the paper. Once everyone has this app or a credit card Everyone is paid equally, Everyone receives a Universal Basic Income every week whether they work or not. The people who actually contribute, or work, receive an additional bonus income each week. The same goes for people who are bettering themselves through our free education system, they will be paid and education bonus income while they attend school, and remember that amount does not have to be very much because there is no cost of living, only the cost of buying extras.

Now the amounts in these examples are not what they have to be or need to be, these figures can be worked out once more scientists and bright minds evaluate the detailed numbers, such as actual available natural resources, time needed to produce certain materials and products whether they are produced through automation or human labor. We can make it to where regardless of what kind of labor or service someone provides they get paid the same amount as everyone else that provides labor or a service. this makes it easier for people to choose what they really like to do or prefer to do to contribute to society. In our current capitalist system, many people tend to choose careers based on potential income, for example a doctor might become a doctor because it pays more than being a burger flipper at Burger King, although the doctor might not like being a doctor he only chose it because of the potential earnings, but if you made both of these jobs at the same income, that offers great incentive, a doctor should only become a doctor because they want to help people or because they're just simply interested in medicine and it passes their time in a positive way in which they like, so they contribute to society by being a Doctor by helping people, and they get paid for it and are taken care of just like everyone else. On the other hand if you're more of a physical labor person versus a brainiac, maybe you just want to have smaller responsibilities such as flipping burgers (although in this system there shouldn't be any such thing as a burger flipper, unless someone really wants to do that, because automation will take over the majority of repetitive tasks such as that and much more), you would still get paid an equal amount to the doctor. The doctor made extra money by going to school for a medical degree and getting paid for it, it's a win-win for everybody, the doctor gets his education not only for free but gets paid to do what he likes while the sick people get treatment from an educated doctor that actually likes his job.

In this new system people will not have to work as much as they do now because there will be more workers to cover one another, there will be no more wasted labor such as there is now in capitalism where many jobs are solely to collect money from the customers, or banks that handle nothing but money, those kinds of jobs will no longer exist. Society will have a much more efficient system, cutting down on labor requirements. Probably more than half of society currently have a job that has something to do with collection and/or accounting of money itself, such as a cashier or a bank or loan company, etc., so once that half of the workforce is released from their meaningless jobs, the workforce for the real jobs will be doubled, so everyone will work less hours unless of course they want to work full-time hours or whatever hours they want, and as we begin to automate all the jobs that provide essential life sustaining products or services, the workforce for other human labor jobs increases, further lowering the work hours per week per worker. As more and more automation goes into effect in all areas of industry, production and services, we will gradually become closer and closer to a laborless society, but of course most of us will likely still be doing labor because we want to do something, we don't want to just sit on our asses and do nothing. In a society where everything is free and everyone is able to learn whatever they want and to do whatever they want, this would bring about what some would call Heaven on Earth or Utopia, call it what you want, it would be an economically efficient and moral system.

The only thing that costs people money is everyday non-essential items or products that you buy at the store today. There are no bills, rents, mortgages, loan payments, electricity cost, water cost, internet cost, phone cost, colleges are free, healthcare is free, public transportation is free, roads are free, there's no such thing as taxes or license fees and the such, and all the things that we already have free right now are still free, such as Fire Departments, police, libraries, etc. But these people providing their services to society are paid in the same way everyone else is paid just like in the hospital example above, their pay is created the instant it is entered into their phone app electronically, the money is not paid by anybody or from anybody, not even the government, because the money is created out of thin air into the app.

So basically to begin this, everyone simply installs the app on their smartphone or registers online through a computer to get a lifeline card (credit card), but it would work best or be easiest by simply giving everyone in the world a phone so that they can have the Lifeline app. Once everyone in the world has a Lifeline account, Everyone will have an immediate balance of spending money within the app, actually it would be two accounts per person within the same app, because one account will be a food account, and the other account will be your resource spending account for buying other products besides food.

Once everyone has their accounts, that's when our governments and the citizens work together to maintain continued operation of life-sustaining production facilities as well as all other production and service industries. Basically the workers that are currently working at those facilities continue working at those facilities but get paid through their Lifeline account. It is likely the ones who will have the biggest issues with this new system we'll be the ones that are already rich and addicted to what their riches bought them, control. If the CEO of that company wants to continue working at that company, they will be working there in a slightly different capacity than they were before. In the capitalist system, the CEO's job is to maximize profits and minimize costs, and to bring exorbitant profits to themselves and the wealthy board members and stock holders who do nothing for that money, board members do not contribute to that business in any way, they simply made their money by investing current money they have into that business but they did no labor at that business to produce a product or service, in short they make money by having money, this needs to stop. None of this greed will be taking place any longer. The CEO of the business will get paid the same as all other workers at that business and all other businesses.

In this system there will be no patents for inventions, products and/or designs, it’s all shared freely and openly to the citizens of the world. Of course people that work in that field, people that have bright minds, the scientists and engineers, the people who invent things will be paid for their contributions and services just like everybody else, they will be paid weekly within the Lifeline app. Contributions to society can come in an infinite amount of ways, some people are physical labor workers while others are intellectual workers, workers who use a lot of their time thinking about new ideas, methods or processes to be integrated into our system. And there are others who contribute by offering essential Human Services such as mental health services, counseling, elderly services, child care services etc. All types of contributions are important to our society, so no person or their contributions are unimportant, every contribution counts towards a better society.

As for government and laws, the whole system will pretty much be evaluated and gutted of antiquated and no longer needed laws. Most of our laws made in Congress are rooted in capitalism, meaning that the laws are based on money and costs, for example, as we can see in Congress right now, they are trying to pass Health Care bills which are based on a capitalist approach, based on money, but insurance companies, healthcare providers, drug and health device companies are based in a monetary profit system, this is why it is so difficult to come up with a healthcare bill that provides Healthcare to everyone for the same low cost. The insurance company is simply a person or small group of people who came up with an idea to get as many people as possible to send them money, just to hold money in an account to pay medical care for its customers, while at the same time taking billions of dollars out of that account for themselves that could or should have been used to cover health costs of sick or injured people, is that person (the CEO or Board Members) really worth giving billions of dollars to just for coming up with a scheme to collect lots of people's money to put into one account? No, that person is a drain on the system, which is a detriment to human life, causing poverty and death. No one should have that much money and power. In our current system of capitalism, power is directly gained by having lots of money. The way our system works, a person that is rich has the ability to manipulate and control people, resources and world events, big and small, simply because their money gives them buying power, power to buy anything, even assassinations of people trying to change the system, No one should have this much power especially just because they have money, money generally doesn't set moral or ethical standards, it's typically just the opposite, morality and ethics are set aside solely to extort money and labor out of others.

This is a dangerous state for the world, because capitalism breeds greed and some of these people have so much money and are used to getting what they want, that they will do anything or spend as much money needed to keep any other system from ever forming. This is why it is essential to go through government in order to change the system, but in order to do that correctly we need to have the right people in government to enact these changes, people with the right knowledge and morals. If it’s not done through government, then people that try to change the system get stopped by government, this is why it has to be done from the inside, from within government to change the government, because they have the power over the military, the police and the financial system. Simply trying to create anarchy will not work because there is no form of organization to maintain control of Earth Resources and Life sustaining systems. By doing it through a transparent government, it enables everyone to be educated on a mass level at a much faster rate than just trying to pay for advertising, or rally's, etc. In our current capitalist system, it is really hard to get new information out to the public on a mass scale because everything costs money, in short, mass media is controlled by money, but in this new form of government everyone will be mass educated and mass informed of every step in this whole process as we go along.

Some small-minded people or under-educated people or people that just can't see the big picture will think it looks like some kind of Nazi takeover, but it's not, it's “us” world citizens collectively taking back what is all of ours equally. The key to a system like this is to keep the greedy sociopaths out of the government and decision-making processes, although those greedy sociopaths will still get a paycheck just like everyone else, they will also receive free housing, food, utilities, the same as everyone else, so if they try to call it a Nazi takeover or say that it's unfair, that shows they're greediness and/or small-mindedness, not that they are stupid, but just uninformed and ignorant to the bigger picture of how this helps them and everyone else in the world equally.

People fear trying new things and ideas, all of the biggest changes that's ever taken place in this world are met with fear by the masses. But true meaningful change for the better is worth going through the slight fear some may have. Really, the main fears are confronted by asking questions, such as “Can I trust this person?”, “Is he really going to do what he says he's going to do?”, “Is this just some way for him to get into government to have power over people and make things worse?”. This whole process requires a change in one's thinking and perception, people must become more consciously aware of the world around them to realize how it really operates, to be able to see beyond the capitalist view that is currently our paradigm of psychological programming. People must wake up and see the world for what it really is, how capitalism had its place in history until now, when we have advanced technologies and the ability to evolve beyond capitalism into a much better system.

In this new system there will be no underground trading markets or black markets because there will be no way for people to do that financially, there would also be no reason. In the new system, most things that are traded in the black market will be brought to the regular legal market, such as drugs. Drugs will be legal just like alcohol is legal right now. There will be regulations on drugs, such as keeping kids away from them. The system will have free built-in safeguards to help anyone struggling with addiction and/or related health issues. Healthcare is free, which includes drug addiction treatment. Also, by controlling the drug markets, the purity of drugs will be closely monitored and regulated so people aren't using street drugs that are cut with other impurities or poisons. People should be free to make their own decisions if they want to try drugs or not, and if their decision to try an addictive drug leads to addiction, they will always have a parachute to catch them if they get in too deep, help will always be available for anyone struggling with addiction, as well as help for family and friends of the addict.

In this new system, crime will practically cease to exist. Most crimes in our current capitalist system are committed because of poverty and because the capitalist system itself is inherently corrupt and unequal, causing people with less money or resources to break laws and compete with one another just to try to make a living or get by. Sure there will still be some crimes, but even those will gradually decline and eventually no longer exist. The most common crimes that would still exist would be along the lines of sex crimes and maybe some other violent crimes such as fighting or assault, but for the most part even crime such as assault will decline because most people will have no reason to assault another person to steal their stuff, because the person committing the assault could just go down to the store and get most of the same things for free or at very little cost compared to the way it is now in our capitalist system. The only laws we would need in this system are the basic laws of the heart: don't hurt or kill people, don't steal from people, and don't trample people's rights to be free.

In this new system everybody would be given a second chance, a fresh start, regardless of what they've done in the past, everyone will receive their weekly paycheck through the lifeline app, even terrorists & prisoners get a fresh start, equal to everyone else. By enacting this system, theoretically there should be no more terrorists or prisoners. Since we have given everyone equal access to life-sustaining resources for free, most people would be very grateful for what this new system provides for them, their families, friends and neighbors so there would be no need for, or gain from committing crime. Sure, there may be a few religious extremists who try to go against the system, but it shouldn't be too hard to intervene in those extreme scenarios, hopefully with non violence. Communication and Education is the key to solving most of these issues, communication from the right people to the right people is very important, an extremist might not want to communicate with a certain person but they may communicate better with someone else that they relate to more, it's all problem solving and communication skills. And in the extreme cases where some of these people are non negotiable, then other methods will be put into effect starting with the least violent, for example, such as, if they can be captured without lives lost, in that case they will be held, counseled or treated as if they were mentally ill, not tortured or punished in a prison but instead hospitalized in a secure facility and treated with patience, kindness, respect, care and love that any and all mentally ill people deserve and have the right to.

Be sure to read the other pages on this site for a more in-depth understanding of how Capitalism is not a good system and how we can fix it with the LOVE System. Thanks!

Life's Optimal Virtuous Economy (LOVE System)
