LOVE: Older Page with Relevant Points (1)

Update: This is an older version of changing the capitalist system. The LOVE System pages on the sidebar above this one are a much more advanced economic system than this. However, there are still many good points in this document.

Past Note: The new system has not been fully described below, it is a work in progress that requires a lot of writing. Below is just an 'overview' of how we can transition to a money-free system. Also read the page 'The New Constitution of the Collective Consciousness' for part of the route to get to a better system, but certain methods from that older version have evolved into a better way to transition, which has been updated in this article.

A New System

We live in a world that has been paid for, claimed and controlled by billionaire elites who are addicted to money and power. The elite 1%, the CEOs and shareholders of central banks and corporations siphon more money from our financial system than all of us lower and middle class put together. These billionaires don’t contribute to society at all, they simply make lots of money by having lots of money, they don’t actually ‘produce’ anything. They are the ones who crash the economy causing regular people to lose jobs, homes, savings and retirements.

They hinder people’s ability to have proper healthcare by marking up prices of drugs and treatments which only cost them pennies. They make us pay insurance premiums that makes them billions of dollars a year. They hold liens on our home mortgages in which the workers who actually built the homes have already been paid, yet they mark up the prices to make 100s of thousands in profits from nothing, and most of us never really ‘own’ our homes, the banks own them.

They destabilize our economy by gambling with billions of dollars, and when they go bankrupt we bail them out, yet they don’t use any of their own money (billions in offshore accounts) to bail themselves out, so they still get to keep their own money while we have to use ours to pay for their greed and recklessness, and to top it all off they give themselves millions in bonuses immediately when we bail them out.

These rich elite are never satisfied with having billions of dollars, they always want more and more, why would anyone need that much money? They are addicted to accumulating wealth at the expense of the rest of us. This can’t go on like this, do we really want our kids and grandkids to struggle through life, barely getting by, like we do now, or worse? Do we really want our future generations to be locked into this corrupt debt and wage slave paradigm for eternity? There is a solution, and if we all work together we can and will achieve great prosperity, freedom and liberty, for ourselves and future generations.


We live in an age when we can finally achieve abundance and prosperity for Everyone on Earth through the use of computers and automation technologies. With our advanced technologies we have the ability to manage, produce and distribute resources to everyone with great efficiency and sustainability. We also have the ability to eliminate the use of fossil fuels as our energy source through the use of various Free-Energy technologies, such as solar, wind, tide and geothermal.

But all of those free-energy technologies are rendered obsolete by another technology that oil companies don’t want you to know about, ‘Water Energy Technology’, a Free-Energy technology that splits water (H20) into its Hydrogen and Oxygen counterparts using radio waves. This breakthrough technology is the Perpetual, Clean, Renewable, Free-Energy of the Future, and will reverse the effects of global warming. This technology will be described later on in greater detail.

The New Economic System

The following proposition is the framework of a new economical system that will free us from the current capitalist wage & debt slavery system. If you haven’t stepped outside of the ‘Matrix’ of lies yet to see the Truth of our current corrupt capitalist system, please spin the handle on the Jack-in-the-Box in an attempt to your free mind.

In this new system, the “credits” are virtual, they only exist electronically. Each of our phones have an app which keeps track of our credits. No banks or ‘pot-of-money’ exists, once the credits are spent they no longer exist. The app automatically replenishes our accounts each week. Everyone gets a base amount each week. People who pitch in on various tasks in society get labor credits, and depending on the magnitude of their contribution to society, they (or you) can have access to perks, just as an example, perhaps one of the better homes, like one of the mansions that already existed before the transition to the new system. Mansions can be historical tourist sites like museums for teaching our kids the extreme excesses people had in capitalism, or we can use them as vacation getaways. But we really shouldn’t build any new mansions because they are just too big and excessive and use too many resources.

In this system, all the basics of life are provided to everyone at no cost. Free essentials include, home, utilities, food, water, clothing, hygiene, transportation, healthcare, education, and even most services that don’t use up us much finite natural resources such as hair cuts, restaurants, auto repair, etc. World-wide travel is free as well.

The only things that cost credits are ‘nonessential’ items that use up precious finite natural resources mined from the Earth, this is to prevent all of us from having unnecessary shopping sprees, which we would all likely have the urge to do if suddenly ‘everything’ is free. This helps all of us with the psychological transition of moving away from a corrupt capitalist wage/debt financial system. In this system there is never any loans or debt.

When purchasing something, the credits we spend are not paid to a person, bank, pot, or central banking system, instead, the credits that are spent on any product vanishes and no longer exists. This makes it where no one person can ever accumulate massive amounts of credits, unless of course that person saves up their regular weekly salary, and still that can’t ever possibly reach the corrupt amounts that the current monetary system allows.

Higher priced items that people would save up for, like cars, use more physical natural resources than most other items we buy, which is why the price is higher than other products, but the price would still be much less than buying one in a capitalist system because technically we could set the price at any amount, but since we will all be in rehab (so-to-speak) because of our addiction to capitalism, we can all agree on a price that’s based on the amount of Earth’s natural resources availability in existence. There is no labor cost on any product, the only purpose of even having a price on products is to manage resources resourcefully, efficiently and sustainable.

When we pay at a store or online for a product, we are not paying anyone, we are not paying a business, no one gets the money that we pay, there is no such thing as profits in this system, the credits just simply don’t exist anymore once used. Once again, there is NO Central Bank that the credits go to. All credits only exist in our mobile devices, but our devices will link to the main servers that keep track of the production, inventory and distribution of products, and raw resources, as well as backup the data for protection from device malfunctions or crashes.

This resource tracking system monitors worldwide resources from raw materials to finished products.

Before enacting this new system we would first have everyone install the app on their mobile devices, people who don’t already have a mobile device will receive one free of charge. This phone app is our source for managing our needs, such as finding a new residence, purchasing abilities for new business startups as well as finding where help is needed in the workforce, plus many other functions. Those who want to pitch-in can choose whatever field or vocation they are passionate about and pursue it with no roadblocks.

We also have unlimited free college education in any and every field of study. When attending college we also get the ‘Education Bonus Credit’ just for working towards improving ourselves, which in-turn improves the whole of society. The smarter our society, the more we prosper.

It would be very easy to see if anyone is somehow abusing the system to accumulate more wealth. This system is a co-op of peers (We the People), so when one of our peers seems to have accumulated excessive material goods outside the norm, we as peers/friends/family ask them about it without harsh judgement or ridicule, remember, we are all indoctrinated so deeply into the current capitalist monetary system that we will all be working on ourselves and helping others to break these mental and emotional chains of capitalism that have held us down for so long.

The most important step of transitioning to this new system, is informing and educating the whole population about the system and plans beforehand. The main points that all people need to be reassured of, is that everyone will have immediate available credits on the very first day of the transition, this can be done by having everyone install the app months, weeks or days before the transition, the credits will be added during the initial installation of the app, let’s say for example 1000 credits which is more than enough because all necessities are free.

All farms, factories, distribution centers and all other businesses will be managed and operated by ‘We the People’, a co-op labor force of volunteer workers. None of these businesses make or collect any money (credits) or profits, the only time credits are ever spent are when we purchase the end products.

On the first day of the transition, all banks and financial institutions will be shut down. Anyone working in critical production and service industries will immediately be receiving workers salaries above the base income. If anyone prefers to resign from their working position is welcome to, and they will still receive the ‘Basic Income’, and all the same free essentials that everyone gets. Anyone who lost their jobs in the old redundant industries such as banks, stock markets, mortgage & loan companies, etc. have the opportunity to help at any of the essential industries that can use the help.

Automating All Industries

The essential goal once we begin the transition is to begin automating every industry up to the highest technical standards. We start by putting together teams of our best and brightest engineers. These teams begin going to all the farms, factories and distribution warehouses to design fully automated systems within each location. As more and more jobs are taken over by robots, the labor co-op can shorten the hours of every worker by splitting up the leftover labor requirements amongst all workers. Eventually we will be fully automated to the point that only monitors and technicians will be needed to maintain operations.

More Free Time for Social Growth

Once we have everything fully automated, we will have all the free time in the world to improve ourselves and our society by furthering our education, exploring the world, raising our consciousness as well as pursue greater happiness through stronger non-competitive relationships. In our current paradigm of capitalism, we are all competing with one another for jobs, money and resources, this is not how life should be, we are social creatures who flourish when we can work together in harmony.

Resistance from the Rich Elite and Governments

The ones who will fight the most to try to keep us from creating this new system is the rich elite and some governments. America is thought of by most of the world as the ‘leaders-of-the-free-world’, whatever we do most countries will gladly follow. The ones who don’t want to change their system will likely not have much of a choice because the ‘dollar’ will no longer exist, so their financial economy will collapse, but the moment they realize that they need to jump on board, they can right away by simply installing the app and ending their currency.

Right now we are witnessing a corporate takeover of our government so the elite can usher in a much worse authoritarian system of control. They have been working on this coup-d'etat for decades so that they can consolidate power and rule with an iron fist.

We have been warned about this malevolent conspiracy for many decades by trustworthy leaders, one for example, is President John F Kennedy, he sacrificed his life to warn us in a speech he gave on April 27, 1961 that there is a powerful group of people that are planning a takeover of our government and planet. He pleaded for help from the media to get this information out to the public before the elite stops them, but the speech was put on the back-burner of history and mostly forgot about, it’s not even taught in school. Many people believe this speech is why he was assassinated.

This is just a part of his speech, to read the whole speech click here. Kennedy said, “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Today we are at the precipice of an authoritarian takeover of our government. We must stand up and act in solidarity before it’s too late. Our children’s futures are at stake. We must bring about a new form of government that’s truly ‘Of the People, By the People and For the People’. Once we take back our government then we can begin the transition to a new economic system that works for ALL the Earth’s people equally, and not just for the greedy elite billionaires. This new system will immediately render the elites stockpiled monetary wealth worthless, they will then be on an even plain with the rest of us.

Feed the Hungry

Within the very first days of the transition we need to immediately begin taking full inventory of our food supplies and then ship all excess food to all countries that are starving and malnourished. We also need to install water processing plants in all regions without clean water supplies. Once food and water are provided, then we also send clothing and any other necessities of life.

Weekly Credits

As for what we get paid for our labor contributions, that can be worked out democratically. We can just pay everyone that contributes the same salary, or have a pay scale based on labor intensity, education and skill. Below are just examples of the pay scale, these amounts may seem low for today's standards but remember that all of our living expenses are free, so we really won’t need credits for anything but extras, just how many tvs, XBoxes, or couches do you need to buy anyway? In this new system it will be so easy to save credits that we may not even need the higher amounts listed below.

Example of the income section of the app (just check the box for which applies to you):

Credits Per Week

    • Base Income (unemployed) 100 credits
    • Labor Income 500 credits
      • Hard Labor Bonus 300 credits
      • Doctors Bonus 300 credits
      • Scientists Bonus 300 credits
      • Teachers Bonus 300 credits
      • Celebrity Bonus 300 credits
      • Other
    • Education Income (attending college) 200 credits
    • Disabled Income 500 credits

Ending Advertising and Rampant Consumerism

We live in a world where we are bombarded every minute with endless advertising, to make us purchase things that we don’t really need. In our new society we won’t be endlessly trolled and brainwashed by mass advertising since money and profit are no longer the motive of producing food and products. If we ever want to know what kinds of new products are out there we can have everything online through specific websites, no advertising needed. This will also reduce our indoctrinated urge to buy everything, the way we shop now is unsustainable, at the rate capitalism has us buying we will exhaust the Earth’s natural resources and destroy our environment within only a few decades.

Capitalism is designed in a way that manufacturers purposely design and produce inferior products that don’t last as long as they could if they were built with more superior materials. Corporations have secret rules to keep prices high and product lifespans low. To keep prices high they make people believe in the illusion of scarcity, which makes people falsely believe that most resources are always in low supply when in reality there is plenty for everyone. They also design products to be obsolete or outdated in a short period of time without the ability to upgrade it, so we have to buy a whole new phone for example instead of designing the phone with standardized universal component slots for upgraded microchips and such, this secret rule of corporations is called ‘planned obsolescence’.

In our new system everything will be designed with upgradable components and with the best materials for maximum lifespan, this will enable us drastically reduce waste. We would also participate in the recycling of all broken and obsolete products as well as regular trash.

Foreign Relationships & Trade

America is supposed to be the light of the world, we are supposed to stand for liberty, freedom and multi-diversity. The main thing holding us back is Capitalism and the inherent corruption that comes with it.

Anything that we produce above what we need, should be given to the less fortunate of the world. No one should have to starve on this world, this planet produces enough food to feed everyone on this Earth and half of another Earth, so there is no reason that anyone should ever go hungry.

How to Manifest the New System

First we must take back our government by electing a president and other members of congress that fully understand the new system and the steps required to implement it. This will likely be the most difficult part, because we must educate the public about this new system so that we don’t have regular working-class people going against it, they need to know that this system will better their and their families lives significantly and positively.

Once we elect the right leaders, they will begin the first stages before the transition, such as designing the phone app, building or using existing computer servers and writing the software that tracks everything from raw resources, to the end products. Really these systems already exist, inventory systems, product barcode databases and distribution systems, we just need to take them over from the corporations. Walmart and Amazon already have the most sophisticated and efficient tracking and distribution systems on earth which would be a good start.

On the first day that we enact the new system, we must immediately have the current employees occupy of ALL the essential life sustaining businesses and continue to work as usual at those businesses, but without any CEO’s or other managers that produce nothing. If these CEOs and managers would like to stay at these co-op businesses they must actually do something productive, and if they don’t, well, then they can just sit at home and do nothing and collect their weekly Basic Income like everyone else who chooses not to work, or if they want, they can choose to further their education in our free colleges and get paid the ‘Education Bonus Income’ at the same time.

Also on the first day, we render the ‘American Dollar’ obsolete and worthless. This is a critical step because the elite billionaires will try to pay millions and billions to hire contract operatives to attempt to stop the transition through any and all means necessary, including possibly trying to assassinate our new leaders. All of the these wealthy elite will immediately be receiving equal income just like everyone else from day one. We may even have to use other methods to keep them from trying to stop the transition, such as sending the CIA, FBI, or military if needed to temporarily detain the elite and protect the interests of the American people and the people of all other countries that plan to transition with us.

This is Just a Transitional Economic System

The ‘Credit’ system described above is just a temporary transitional system designed to wean us all off of the deeply indoctrinated capitalist consumerist addiction. The proposed non-profit ‘credits’ system is just the transition before we convert to the future system where everything will be free, and no kind of money or credit system will exist.

Everything written in this proposal is just an overview of how this new kind of system will work, the logistical details have mostly already been worked out, and any other details can be worked out along the way.

The main goal of humanity is to get rid of inequality and work together as one species for the betterment of life. Our Earth has only a finite amount of minable resources, so we must manage those resources responsibly. We are killing our planet, so we must educate ourselves and do everything we can to change our course for future generations to prosper. If we don’t do something soon, we may not be able to repair the damage already done, and humanity may likely become extinct.

We are a malleable species, we have the ability to change and adapt when we are faced with critical times and events. We are at that precipice and the time to change is NOW! Step outside that indoctrinated box we’ve been put into and educate yourself from a new perspective, outside of capitalism’s chains.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” JFK

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.” MLK Jr.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."-Arthur Schopenhauer

With Much Love,
