The Subconscious Psychology of Capitalism

What most people are lacking to understand, is the psychology and emotional stresses capitalism breeds. Instead of always harshly judging people that commit crimes, it's best to try to understand “why” they committed those crimes, what brought them to such a point that they would do such a heinous or disrespectful act? What is the psychology involved behind what they did?

Even though you might say “Well I wouldn't commit that crime, even if I was broke, or homeless, so fuck that guy, I have no sympathy for him, he deserves to go to prison, and to be punished to the fullest extent of the law for what he did!”. Really? How can you know that you wouldn't do those exact same crimes if you were literally that person and has been put through whatever events and experiences that person's been put through since birth? You are not the same person as that person, you did not live out the same exact sequence of events that drove that person to be what they are, to do what they do.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't be held accountable for what they do, but I don't think punishment is the answer, punishment will only exacerbate the issue, punishment will only create deeper psychological and emotional issues within that person, because that person won't feel any Love from anyone, that person feels no forgiveness from anyone, so why would that person have any reason to try to become a better person? Because all the people around him who act like they’re Saints can't even bring themselves to be the Loving, non-harshly-judgemental decent person that they want that other person to be, an understanding and forgiving person, a person capable of showing Love to others, because when you show Love to someone it can awaken a strength in that person to self-reflect and have the desire to be a better person.

When a person feels accepted and Loved by others they will have more courage and incentive to Love themselves, and to become a better person, and by being a better person they can help others along the same path, a pay-it-forward type of growth that will eventually engulf the whole world with Love, creating a positive social environment that thrives.

Our system of capitalism has been going on for so long that the indoctrination of society within that system has entrained people to harshly judge others who commit crimes, yet they don't look for the root cause a why that person committed the crimes, they don't care, all they care about is Justice and Punishment, instead of having compassion, empathy, understanding, Love and Forgiveness, which will create a positive environment that will be very conducive for that person’s growth, treatment and rehabilitation.

Crimes are just a symptom of a bigger problem, the disease of Capitalism. Until people wake up to this fact, we will not be able to change this world to a better place. If we were to focus on creating a better socioeconomic system, one that embodies the core values of equality, compassion, empathy, and Love, from that foundation a better social environment will be created.

Every single negative social issue I see in the world all around me, from crime, violence, relationship problems, ignorance, and much much more, are directly related to, derived from and created by the capitalist system we live in. The problem is, that the majority of people can’t see or understand that capitalism is the root cause, because how deep the indoctrination and lack of critical thinking skills runs within the collective of mainstream society.

There are many good people who have done bad things, people sometimes make mistakes and bad choices but are still good people and have regret and remorse for what they’ve done. There are others who do bad things and continue to do bad things and have no remorse, these are bad people, yes, but as I said earlier, people can be reformed with proper treatment and Love. And if they are too far gone, then we can still provide a Loving and safe environment for them to live out the rest of their lives, not prisons, not psych wards, but instead, a place full of Loving Counselors, with housing that provides comfortable living standards within a positive environment, and provides the life-sustaining resources that can help that bad person be more stable, calm and hopefully a happy person. And it would be nice if someday, those positive conditions could hopefully at some point create the transformation needed within that person to be a good person, to then possibly be psychologically and emotionally healthy enough to be integrated back into society.

That “bad person” scenario is meant for the “worst of the worst”, but most “bad” people wouldn’t need the kind of treatment that the “worst” people get, because once the socioeconomic system is changed to one such as The LOVE System, a system that lifts “everyone” up out of poverty and financial debt, those “bad” people will quickly change on their own to become better people, because they will have everything they need, everyone’s basic needs for survival and basic comforts will automatically be met. If you’ve got blood flowing through your veins then you deserve to be alive, not only surviving but truly “Living”, with dignity, comfort, freedom and liberty, without some fantasy system of fantasy money keeping you in perpetual debt and stress.

Now back to my previous point, the root cause of most “bad people”, is capitalism, and being raised within capitalism, by parents, teachers and other peers raised and indoctrinated within the same capitalism. That money creation system is a sham, a system to control humanity. There is an abundance of natural resources on this planet, enough for everyone, and the ironic thing is, the most scarce resource on the planet is something that is the easiest to create, money! Money is just an arbitrary number that has zero relation to the amount of natural resources on Earth, and zero relation to our ability to extract, grow, process, design, build, create, produce and distribute all those resources. The money system of capitalism is just a fantasy game, created to control all of humanity by imaginary debt.

We can do better, we must do better, but first, we must wake up to realize that we can do better.

Until next time,

I Love You!

May Peace, Love & The Force Be With You!

Sincerely Yours,


Life's Optimal Virtuous Economy (LOVE System)

LOVE System: A New System to End Capitalism

LOVE System: The Current Rich People Won't Lose Their Money

LOVE System: Pricing, Production, Labor, Recycling & Unlimited Free-Energy

LOVE System: Starting a Business; Self Discovery; and Social Environment