Capitalism's Transformation of a Child's Carefree World

As adults we are supposed to be like we were as children, carefree, imaginative, happy, loving and free-spirited. A child is more capable of this because the effects of capitalism hasn't entered their protected world yet. Their world around them is safe, supportive and seemingly without restrictive boundaries. But then something happens, they start to witness the negative effects of capitalism on their parents all though they don't quite understand it yet, what money is and where it came from. Children begin witnessing their parents perpetual stress, depression, exhaustion, fear, anger and struggle. It's hard to hide those human emotions from a child, because a child is more in touch with emotions and detecting emotions than most adults are, it's how they navigate the wondrous new world around them.

The child slowly begins to realize that in order to live in this world we must pay 'someone' a toll, someone that does nothing in our life, someone we don't know or see, someone who is living in their own home somewhere else on this planet taking their parents money without providing any physical labor or service for their family, someone collecting a toll from someone else who shouldn't owe them anything. They use their money to make more money without really doing or producing anything themselves, without contributing any true tangible services themselves, in a since, a bum, or a leech, a parasite, a disease of this planet.

As the child gets older the reality of what is happening all around them begins to become clearer, but they still don't quite understand the magnitude of it, looking around them seeing everyone slaving and struggling to pay that invisible 'man'. Seeing friends and relatives lose their homes because they couldn't pay that invisible 'man' a made-up fictional paper called money. This depressing reality begins to strongly affect them as a teenager more and more, realizing freedom doesn't really exist, so the teenager begins to get angry and rebel against the inhibiting chains that are imposed on them. They just want to be like they were before, free and happy, without the soul-crushing tolls placed onto them by the unseen forces.

But then something else happens, continuous reprimanding and punishments, all designed to break the teenager like a horse or a slave, to squash those emotions that are yearning for a sense of freedom and acceptance; continually trained until eventually all those once carefree and loving emotions are forced down and locked away and repressed. Told to 'grow up', 'join the real world', 'get a job', 'contribute', 'buck it up', 'get in line', 'be a man', 'stop being a child'.

We are forced to let go of the best parts of being a human being, all because we are expected to accommodate those who have more, ones who haven't given us anything, those who sit up in their mansions collecting money from us for nothing. Many will say "what do you mean they give us nothing? They let us live in this house, we pay them for that, that's not nothing." Ones who say that, are the ones who are successfully brainwashed and indoctrinated by that 'man' forcing them to pay them to live in that home. Does not that man have and live in his own home? That man doesn't pay me to live in that home, nor should he have to pay me or anyone else either.

We live in a deeply corrupt system that indoctrinates us into believing that this is the way the world is supposed to operate, a world controlled by people that printed up some paper, called it money and began distributing it to us, but told us that we have to pay it back to them, that it's only a loan, and in order to pay that paper back we must go be a slave to pay it back to them, and that place we go to be a slave is their place, a place where they collect more paper from other people for a service we do, not them, then they just turn around and keep most of that paper for themselves, getting more and more of the paper they printed back for themselves and only giving a small amount of it to the ones (us) who are doing the work. All the while using that excess of paper money to accumulate more, more land and homes, and resources of the earth that are supposed to be all of ours, equally.

So after many generations of this fictional game called monopoly the population is psychologically entrained and ingrained into believing in this system of lies and manipulation, believing that this is how it's supposed to be, not even giving a second thought that there's gotta be a better way to live, a better way to remain a child at heart, to share and love one another, to be free and let our imaginations carry us to new levels of prosperity and abundance, to create and shape this world into something we can truly be proud of, a place where no one unjustly suffers or struggles, a place uncontaminated by greed and inequity, a place where one doesn't have power over another, a place where we can express ourselves, a place that hasn't corrupted our childhood dreams and freedoms, a place where we live in harmony with each other and nature, a place where we encourage good and positive things, a place where we have a sense of equality yet embrace and appreciate and encourage our individualities, a place where we can freely explore our dreams and aspirations, a place we can truly be proud to call our home.

As it is now, we are robbed of our precious childhoods, born into a system of corruption and control, greed and egotism, persecution and ridicule, forced into invisible chains of monetary slavery and perpetual debt, a difficult life of toiling for someone else's benefit and gain. The sad part is, is that we are so indoctrinated, so ingrained into this system that we ourselves train and indoctrinate our own children to fall in line with this corrupt system’s requirements. The 'man' doesn't even have to indoctrinate the children himself because our parents and peers have indoctrinated us for him, while he sits back in comfort enjoying what he has accomplished.

However, this has been going on for so many generations that even the 'man' is indoctrinated and doesn't see that the system he controls is bad and unfair, so he just continues on thinking "I didn't do anything wrong, this is just how it is, I didn't make it that way, it's how it always was and how it always will be, I'm just going to enjoy it and continue on with my life, I can't change things, and why would I, I have everything I want and that's just the way I like it".

People like that deeply fear change and strongly oppose equality because they are afraid they will lose everything they already have, such as their personal possessions, but we don't want to take what they have, we just want the freedom and equal rights to have many of the same things, things that the earth already has in abundance such as a home, a car, food, clothing, and other basic needs that every person should have a basic human right to have, as well as many of the things that we call 'wants', things that makes life easier and more enjoyable and are also available in abundance sitting in warehouses and on store shelves. What we don't want is for him to have control over us anymore, nor for us to have control over him.

Humanity has worked so long to achieve the abundance that we now have, but now it's time to release that abundance to everyone without cost, the cost has already been paid for by us and previous generations who brought us to this point. We now have all the infrastructure in place and the technologies capable of sustaining us all without having to slave for this false god called money. Automated robotics build our products, grow our crops and much more, so now it's time to put the finishing touches on the remaining areas that can be automated and use them all to everyone's advantage.

Many people are so indoctrinated into our current system that they fear the technologies which improves and streamlines the processes of manufacturing without the need for much human intervention. Those people fear it because they look at it as jobs being taken away from them and tend to get angry instead of realizing that this is what humanity's ultimate goal is supposed to be. They are too ingrained in the antiquated doctrine of 'making money' instead of realizing that they should be contemplating how things can work in a very different way, that we can and should evolve away from the outdated monetary system we are currently in. Instead of looking at automation technology from a monetary viewpoint it should been seen as a betterment to society because now we don't have to do that labor intensive work.

For example, we have ovens and toasters and microwaves in our kitchens these days which drastically reduce the time and labor we used to have to exert just to a cook a meal. We used to have to gather and chop wood, start a fire in a pit we had to dig, and labor over the fire cooking our food. Then someone came along and made it a little easier for us by inventing a wood-burning stove, raising it off the ground so we don't have to hurt our backs leaning over a fire pit, giving us the ability to cook in a much more convenient way. But then someone else came up with an even better way, a gas stove, then an electric stove and even a microwave.

These technologies improved our lives greatly through efficiency, enabling us to spend more time with family and friends and perform other tasks that need be done. Same goes for washing machines to wash our clothes, we used to wash clothes by hand in a washtub with a washboard but now we have machines that do it for us. Somebody use to have to spend all day standing in a boring elevator waiting for people to come on board so he could take them up or down, but then advancements in technology enabled us to completely automate the elevator with buttons, eliminating the need for a man to waste his time standing in the elevator all day.

Many people tend to think too negatively about these technologies taking over their jobs, and in a since they are right and justified in thinking that way, at least for a while, until we can enact these types of technologies in every aspect of our lives, finally freeing us of all those time and labor intensive tasks. We are now on the cusp of such advancements that once these automated systems are in place then there is no need for our outdated monetary system of incentive. The main tasks that would be left would be the ones that many people enjoy doing for free, such as imagining, designing, creating and inventing. Sure, there are many other tasks that people would still need to do such as maintenance of those systems but more than enough people would gladly want to perform those tasks, especially since they don't have to worry about how they are going to provide for their families and themselves because all of their needs will be provided for free.

Many people underestimate the human race when it comes to doing what we call work, naturally most people want to do something, something where they feel productive and useful and meaningful, to feel like they are contributing, or just so they don't feel so damn bored doing nothing. Our current indoctrinated way of thinking instills in us the illusion that if we converted to a system where everything is free nobody would want to do anything, that they wouldn't have any incentive to do anything and would just be lazy bums wasting away and sponging off the system. This may be true with many people but in the whole of things, that wouldn't affect others in any noticeable way because in an automated world there would be so much abundance that others would still never be without or even notice a difference.

A good example of abundance, even within the current system we live in is 'food', we have so much food in this world that we can feed everyone as much as they can eat and still have enough leftover to feed another planet with half our our population (if one such planet existed), that's right, we produce that much food, but the problem isn't with our production abilities, it's with the monetary system we live in, it's full of greed and uncaring rich people, so greedy that our planet has hundreds of millions of people dying of starvation and malnutrition at this very moment all because the rich people would rather let the food spoil than to give it away without getting paid.

“Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, Not Scarcity”

This has got to stop and only we can stop it, but how, how do we change a system that's been in place for so long that the one's at the top have full control? That's a very good question and a very hard one to answer, but history has proven on many occasions that things can be changed by a bold act usually inspired by one person speaking out, followed by more people, then masses of people, building a momentum that finally brings about meaningful changes and world revolutions. It's a fact that controlling powers can only be changed by the masses standing up and speaking out and even fighting if need be. There has been many revolutions throughout history and now it's time for the best revolution of all, one that brings true equality, abundance and prosperity for all.

We have been indoctrinated to believe that we can't make a difference, we have been separated and isolated from one another to make us think we are all alone in this battle for freedom and equality, We are Not Alone, We are All One, and the only way we can enact true, worthwhile, meaningful change is Together, Collectively as One.

The ones in power will do everything they can to try to dissuade us from standing up, but tables can only turn when the power of many over-power the power of a few. Many Voices Become Louder Than the Few.

Our desire for change can be achieved, don't let the indoctrination of a corrupt system discourage us into remaining apathetic and helpless, because we are not helpless, at some point enough is enough, and when we are ready we can release that fear and let it drive us to achieve the True Freedom We Inherently Have A God Given Right To.