Response to Some Mean People

Note: This is in response to some argumentative and aggressive people.

Besides several of the enlightened people in this world, I feel like I'm trying to teach a bunch of preschool kids astrophysics or something, but I'm not, these are adults, this that I talk about is basic and simple logic, all it takes is for people to learn to control their own minds and step back and really see the big picture of how this world operates, and realize the sad state of the human condition that the control systems have created. Actually, a child could grasp the truth much easier, because they aren’t already indoctrinated by the capitalist system, like the rest of the world is.

The structure of most thought in this world is corrupted by, and rooted in capitalism, ‘how much is that’, ‘where are we going to get the money for this’, on and on with hardly any original thoughts of their own, thought processes so ingrained in capitalism that people don’t even realize the need to question their own thinking, much less what molded their thinking, generations of parents passing down their same indoctrinations generation after generation, with hardly any generation being able to break that chain of programming by waking up and recognizing the fallacies of societies thinking, recognizing that the majority of crime or abhorrent behavior is caused by the foundational inherent inequalities of the capitalist system.

People follow and protect capitalism so blindly that it has become the world’s most followed and unquestioned religion, so ingrained into the consciousness and subconsciousness that people don’t even recognize it as a dogmatic religion. Jesus even flipped a few tables to try to get this point across, but to no avail, people don’t get it. He even tried to tell everyone to give back to the elite the false currency the elite invented to control all the people of the world, and to think for themselves and create an equitable system of cooperation, sharing and love. But no, people still don’t get it, because theistic religion was created by the elite to corrupt and misinterpret most of Jesus’ teachings so that they can stay in power over the whole world.

Any country that begins to wake up to the reality of the corrupt controlling nature of capitalism and tries to extricate themselves from it get bombed by the cathedral of capitalism, America, which is actually secretly ruled by the elites of Europe, and manipulated and false-flagged into waging all the big wars against any country that is sick of the elite stealing their lands and resources and installing world banks. They have long controlled this world so brilliantly and covertly that most people can’t recognize it, people don’t have the ‘time’ to, because of the ‘time’ consuming rituals installed to keep people chasing money just to survive, never being able to escape the restraints holding them down from ever finding their own consciousness, just living out the original programming of this viral software installation of their upbringing into this virus of a system, never realizing that there are other options besides this firmware that has been installed into society’s minds.

Writing obviously doesn't do my message any justice because most people are too cut off from deeper empathic human connections, unable to translate true emotion, expression and information, living in fear disguised as anger; apathy disguised as serenity; aggression disguised as courage; pain disguised as toughness; ignorance disguised as bliss; hate disguised as nationalism; murder in war disguised as patriotism; financial partnerships and sex disguised as love. People tend to interpret poverty as laziness; kindness as weakness or somebody that’s just trying to get something from somebody, or 'hit-a-lick'; passion as obsession; righteous anger as insanity; compassion and/or attempting to wake others up to see the system for what it really is and proposing a better way to provide for everyone, as some self-serving intent or selfish ulterior motive or agenda, when the reality is that he/she is thinking of him or her-self last, trying to help the disenfranchised people of the world stuck in this system that casts them aside to increase the corporate elite’s own profit margin, allowing millions around the world to starve to death before they (the elite) would give those starving people a scrap of help/food without the people first paying them an evil contrived fictional construct called currency or money, they would rather throw away or let the food spoil before they will give it away for free, even though they themselves don’t lift a finger to produce that food yet they have claimed ownership of it and all the other resources of the entire world, recruiting people as slaves to do the elites bidding while they sit back laughing maniacally about how stupid the world is and how brilliant they themselves are for creating and perpetuating a system that keeps them on top and in control while most people never have a clue.

But they have been figured out by a growing percentage of enlightened people all around the world who are selflessly putting their own lives on the line to try to help others see the truth of what’s going on, being ridiculed, laughed at, persecuted, ostracized by the very people they are trying to help. Military is just doing the bidding of the government who is doing the bidding of the world elite, but these enlightened people are fighting a real battle, not murdering people with guns and bombs but instead trying to awaken the people with information, knowledge, passion, compassion and Love, and yes, occasional righteous anger in debate and argument when people just don’t want to listen and don’t give a damn that a child just now needlessly died while you read this sentence, and now another child, but no, we don’t have to see them dying so it doesn’t affect most people, they prefer to just live in a state of apathy, or argue and fight with the good people of this world who are trying to do something about it, not by starting a nonprofit foundation within this corrupt capitalist system or putting a band-aide on the symptoms, but instead trying to change the core root structure of the system that the symptoms are created and manifested from, Free-Market Capitalism.

13 years I’ve been trying to spread these and many other truths, while trying to be humble, polite, kind, respectful and loving to people, but it just doesn't seem to work, people are too busy chasing money, or defending that very system that keeps them enslaved chasing money and in debt. I suppose it's time to up the ante and start screaming these truths in the streets, in crowds and in front of news cameras, with passion, conviction and confidence, before it’s too late, for all of the world's children's sake and future generations, so at least maybe they can possibly have some kind of future without being in servitude and subjugation to the land and resource lords of this Earth.

There are many people who have a common argument that verges on the a form of Darwinism, survival of the fittest, or strongest, or fastest, or more privileged, or more fortunate, but those people just don’t see it that way because they haven’t yet grasped the much bigger picture of the world, I say yet because I still have hope and faith that perhaps the rest of the world, or at least the majority will soon enter into the higher consciousness of inner self reflection and discovery as well as outside discovery and begin to see, and feel, the blatant truths that have been staring them in the face their whole lives, all the truths hidden in plain sight just screaming to be seen and understood.

There is much more to this world than most people think or realize, a spiritual collective consciousness wavelength connection that most don’t realize exist, because they have been cut off from discovering this extraordinary realm of enlightenment. It shall only be found by the ones who have and express true Love for others besides just their family and friends, and open their hearts and minds to the true wonders and realities of this world, the universe and consciousness beyond our current understandings.

But we must first momentarily set aside most of the ‘fun and cute entertainment and distraction’ and start using the majority of our time to wake up to seek, find and spread truth so we can get rid of the evil constraining controls in this world and change it for the betterment of all life, then we will have all the time in the world to have all the much needed and deserved fun, entertainment, rest, relaxation, leisure and excitement once achieving the ultimate goal of freedom, prosperity, abundance and equality for all. It all starts with Love & Enlightenment, but people must make their own choice as to which route they will choose, the path of darkness, or the path of Light, this critical choice will determine their own destiny. The question is, what will each person choose? What will you choose?