
Salvation, we won't truly have it until we all come together to create it, with mutual respect, peace, forgiveness and Love. Religion, which is controlled by the elite who control the monetary system, is under the false impression that salvation comes from only one man’s “blood”, with no other help, besides of course God, but the reality is, Jesus asks people to pick up their cross and walk the same path he has, a path of Love and to True Enlightenment and understanding of not only the hidden mysteries of Biblical scripture but of the actual real problems (evils) we face in the world. Heaven is meant to be a place on Earth, and in order to create Heaven on Earth people need to walk the same path Jesus walks so that they can understand what's really going on in the world, people are kept ignorant and as slaves within a corrupt control system. The God that most people follow in church is actually the evil one portraying himself as The God, and it has mostly worked just as he planned it, he (the devil) controls this world.

So salvation won't come until people wake up and walk with Jesus to help him create a better world, but the church has told people to give it all up to Jesus and don't seek “worldly” knowledge, to just have faith that Jesus will (or has already with his blood and death) fix everything by himself. But in reality when Jesus tries to fix things by himself, most people will/do deny or ignore him, including Christians, actually especially Christians, it's the story of the gospels after all, his own people will deny him and ultimately ridicule, persecute and possibly even kill him, all for just trying to tell them the truth in which they refuse to believe. The church and religion has really put Jesus between a rock and a hard place, because they have all these hard set beliefs and rituals that have nothing to do with the true message of Jesus.

Jesus was not divine in the sense that most people think, Jesus has abilities yes (as does everyone, especially those who become enlightened), but not quite like the gospels has been interpreted and taught by the church. Jesus is just a human being who has thought long and hard about The Human Condition and has great knowledge and wisdom to teach others, so that hopefully everyone, or at least enough people will come together to bring about a heaven on Earth by uprooting the current monetary control system that keeps us enslaved to debt and so-called “jobs”, as well as keeps our resources under the control of the wealthy elite who are part of the Beast System created by the devil.

There's so much more I need to say to people but I am having a real hard time putting it all in writing. What I really need is to have people in front of me to listen to me without arguing with me so that I can get out all the information, then maybe they can write about it because it's just too much information for me to write about alone, there's not enough time in my life to write it all. I've been trying to do my best to write down as much as I can but it seems to be doing no good, when I go back and read a lot of it I realize I've left lots of information out because I just don't have time to write it all, even though I spend most of my time trying to write it instead of chasing money. at this point I don't really know what to do.

How do I proceed? Am I just to wait for my son to become an old enough age and then reveal all this to him so that he can carry on the message, hopefully without all the blemishes I have. I've made mistakes in my life and people will call out those mistakes in order to tarnish my credibility, they won't just be trying to tarnish the information, all they really need to do is tarnish my credibility by pointing out the mistakes that I've made in my past (as well as false accusations I've been accused of). The mistakes I've made I deeply regret and I'm very sorry and wish that people could forgive me. The people that try to point out my mistakes to discredit me, the people who hear the accusations and mistakes are then 'distracted' from the real important information because they focus solely on the accusations and mistakes. But that's how the ones controlling this world work, they cause us to make certain stupid mistakes or wrong choices so that when we do come into enlightenment and try to share that wisdom, then suddenly the past is brought up, and all that wisdom gets overlooked because of the past mistakes made in that person's life.

Without forgiveness in this world we're never going to make it. Christians claim to follow Jesus's message of forgiveness, but in reality most of them don't forgive others, they just leave forgiveness up to “God”, which is a huge mistake because they are God, the Collective Consciousness is God, all of us together are God, a bunch of little g gods that make up the one true God. If people don't take it upon themselves to forgive others who are truly sorry for what they've done then we will never reach the place we are waiting for, which is heaven on Earth, because religion has misled everyone to think that it's going to be some kind of miraculous event instead of a man named Jesus and/or John coming to try to spread the truth and try to get people to walk with him to change the world systems, to end poverty, to end needless deaths from starvation and sickness and disease and pollution, end needless homelessness and struggle... to end most crime by ending poverty that causes people to commit crimes in the first place.

Most abhorrent behavior in society exists because of poverty, and poverty exists because of capitalism. A more nefarious abhorrent behavior exists at the very top of the monetary system, those who have more money than they need, not only want more money, but they want to own all the Earth's lands and resources, and they want total dominant power over the Earth and Humanity, and they currently have it. They have been given (or have taken) this power and control by the so-called devil (the elite at the top of the monetary control system).

And anytime someone steps forward to proclaim the real problems of the world they get squashed like a bug because the ones in control have the financial resources and ultimate power to do so, from assassinations, to false flag events, to economic collapse and much much more, their resources are infinite and their methodologies are beyond the scope of what most people can conceive or understand. They have the financial resources and the advanced Technologies needed to completely control this world and its entire population, while most remain completely ignorant to the reality of the elite’s far-reaching unchallenged capabilities.

Most people are living out their lives in ignorance, never having the time to seek out real truth or knowledge because capitalism has installed all kinds of rules and beliefs that people never question. They've installed a 40 Hour Work Week, and most of those jobs are menial tasks that don't even need to be done, jobs that solely exist because of capitalism, such as cashiers collecting money, bank tellers and other money and paper pushers that have nothing to do with creating actual tangible physical life-sustaining resources, resources that by the way already exist in abundance enough for everyone in the world, it's money that keeps people from them resources, money is just a fictional fantasy virtual Monopoly game, a system of control that most people never question or figure out how it really works. If most people suddenly saw the reality of how it really works there would be a mass Revolution by morning.

There's nothing wrong with working for a living, It's great to be a productive member of society, the problem is is that we live in a system that is not organized in a humanitarian way. Society judges one another based on monetary income instead of actual contribution to society. Some people do lots of work (or good deeds, acts of Love) that doesn't pay them money, which in some cases can be the most important work there is on the planet, at least in the sense of saving the planet and Humanity. Money (or debt) puts even a low-income person in power over another person, for example a person can be living with someone who supposedly owns their own home (but really the bank owns it), and that homeowner is making mortgage payments to the bank, immediately that person becomes indebted to the homeowner, so the homeowner now has power over that other person's life based solely on monetary value instead of human value.

The system is like a ladder or a chain, the bank has power over the homeowner, and the homeowner has power over the tenant or roommate, so that homeowner feels fully justified and empowered to being forceful, mean or stern in trying to collect money out of the tenant or roommate. So there's where we have the problem, the banks don't really rightfully own anything, nor should they, they enter numbers into a computer that says that they loaned you money to buy a home, but in reality it's just numbers entered in a computer that gives the bank power and control of all land and homes. It makes the roommate or tenant feel inferior or like a subordinate or a peasant in contrast to the land “lord”. This is why we have so many people in confrontation over money being owed to one another, and no one is looking up to the top to see where the real problem is, the ones at the top brilliantly designed it to where we all fight each other instead of them.

So instead of looking up the ladder to the Wealthy Elite Bank Owners to see the real problem, that homeowner mistakenly looks down the ladder to the one he thinks owes him money, since the homeowner owes the bank money he ignorantly and naively thinks that that gives him the power to make someone else (the tenant or roommate) owe him money, when in reality they both should realize that the bank should never be allowed to own the land and home in the first place, no money should be owed to that bank.

It's all a fictional fantasy construct of a system that no one can see through the veil of. The reason why most people can't see through the veil is because they've been indoctrinated since they've been children, they've been indoctrinated to never question the system and they've been indoctrinated to judge others based on monetary income.

On first view the system seems legit and fair, we get a job we go to work to earn a fair income for our labor and that enables us to eat, but there is a deeper nefarious thing going on here that people can't see for some reason, people can't see that the system is rigged and created to keep people indoctrinated and enslaved by the ones at the top that installed the system, even our government is enslaved by it, throughout history many presidents and other prominent figures have tried to stop it, such as JFK, MLK Jr., Jesus and many others.

In the new LOVE System I propose, I'm not doing away with working or jobs, because there are still many things that we need to do as humans for our resources. My LOVE System is just a reorganization of how the socioeconomic system is organized and operates. It takes our bulk resources and infrastructure out of the hands of the few and puts it into the hands of the many, the Collective, the People. In the transitional LOVE System people will still work but not nearly as much as they do now. People will have lots of time to spend with their families and friends, time to seek higher knowledge, and time to seek and ‘experience’ what the true God and Holy Spirit is.

There is a powerful force working in this universe that most don't see, it's been called many things throughout history, such as Holy Spirit, God, The Force, etc., but even many of the people calling it this do not truly see it or experience it themselves, such as religion, they tend to just pass on things that they were taught to believe instead of teaching people how to learn and seek knowledge so that they can experience the true Holy Spirit for themselves, so most people are just left with having ‘faith’ in false or misguided teachings instead of ever gaining any true knowledge or wisdom that Jesus tries to impart. The whole purpose of my LOVE System is to give people the time to reflect and eventually experience for themselves the Holy Spirit that operates through and within all of us collectively, that is what God is.

To be continued...