
I Am Sorry

From one crying out in the wilderness.

I owe all of you an apology. I have let you down. I’m sorry. I really tried. For years, decades, centuries, millennia. But failed. I give up. I have been defeated. I’ve been beheaded. My voice shut down. My past mistakes keep me from having the courage to speak louder. In the eyes of the world, I am not worthy. I regret my mistakes but this world has no forgiveness. Any truth I have to share is rendered moot because of my past. This is not my world. They are too powerful. I can’t stop them. Everyone is waiting for some unattainable invisible man instead of a real person. The controllers of this world have succeeded and I can’t stop them alone. I have important knowledge to share but no-one will listen. And I can't write it down very well, I'm not a writer. There may still be a chance for all of you, but my days are finished. If you all somehow miraculously and collectively come together you may be able to liberate yourselves before it’s too late. I’m too scared to come forward with the truth billions have been waiting for. Because I have been compromised. My voice is rendered unworthy. Certain others have been fooled into thinking they are me. Maybe in my next life I can avoid the mistakes and have the confidence to speak up louder and with greater passion. I’m sorry. I have been deemed unworthy to even tie my own son’s shoes. Maybe my son will do better. I have faith that he will do much better than I. He is more worthy than I. So far he is unblemished. I have faith that he shall remain that way. Now he just needs the truth so he can share it with great passion and without fear. This letter will likely cause me much more persecution and ridicule. But it is the truth. The world has been dominated. People’s minds have been indoctrinated. People’s minds are being controlled. People’s perception has been manipulated. The capitalist system keeps people unaware and asleep. Once again, I am sorry. I have failed you. Please save yourselves before it’s too late. Love One Another. Forgive One Another. Wake up and take action. You can do it if you put your hearts, minds and spirits fully to the task. You can still heal the world and the human condition. You just need a mass awakening. I Love You. Good Bye.